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Psycho Animal Stomper x Moonshine Haze x PsychoBadger :fart:








I kept a cut and she is the little one at the back in the middle :yinyang:




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Imo when breeding with poly hybrids the structure/flower/trichomes of the parent are to be taken with a pinch of salt.

The only true way to test a parent plant is to grow out their progeny.

Edited by stu sleeper 20vt
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Talking about males. 

Anybody here made seeds from a trifoliate male? 

Where was I reading on here that trifoliates are going to be the next best thing or have I got something confused? 

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think i said about it in jest @Thai Stick dude 


don’t know where though lol 


it was a triplod remark i think?



Edited by twigs
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Something about Cali breeders selecting triploids for one reason or another.

Cant rememeber, was super stoned when I saw the post. 



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Jellied Dawg...




As you can see here from a different cross, it's quite common, as I said, these are vegging plants  and very young seedings, NOT flowering plants as some may have read an article about something or other  on the internet, it's quite common on high quality hybrids if you take the time to look! 



Edit... Hazy just gone and  got everyone eyeballing their seedlings much more closely  than usual  for the next few months hasn't he!! lol lol






Edited by HazyDaze
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17 hours ago, Thai Stick said:

Talking about males. 

Anybody here made seeds from a trifoliate male? 

Where was I reading on here that trifoliates are going to be the next best thing or have I got something confused? 

Never breed for them but a guy on another forum did. Yes you can breed for them. He had trifoliate & 


17 hours ago, stu sleeper 20vt said:

Imo when breeding with poly hybrids the structure/flower/trichomes of the parent are to be taken with a pinch of salt.

The only true way to test a parent plant is to grow out their progeny.

When you say breeding with triploids what exactly do you mean? Because a lot of these guy's over the years making the claim they used a natural triploid have never had 1 to start with. To get a triploid you need to start with a polyploid not a triploid in their breeding. If you want to know a bit more about ploidy breeding my Advancement of a serial breeder thread in the breeding section going to get some very interesting ploidy breeding done soon. This is my final word on the matter in the subbi pic thread.


A lot of what people have read in the cannabis world about this subject isn't even true but just guess work. 


As for the cali breeder's using them. Again not always triploids but aneuploid as I keep saying. If you ever grown a chem cut only & noticed the late banana drama but no seeds especially in the 91 cut. Again totally different ploidy to a triploid.


Now why I don't breed female linked traits like trichcombes using males? Because over 99% of cannabis is hermaphrodite not male or female. Its genetically male or female expressing because of hormones ect. again this isn't the thread but if you drop the question in the other thread I will get around to answer when I get the time. But please remember I am a hobby breeder not a professional breeder. I don't make money from & have no reason to spread lies ect. I have another full time job that takes a lot of my time so I can't reply instantly to every reply :hippy:

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Polyploids/triploids  aren't the same as poly hybrids, that's not what stu meant in the slightest!


I'm out, crack on! :doh:






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On 20/06/2023 at 7:31 PM, stu sleeper 20vt said:

Imo when breeding with poly hybrids the structure/flower/trichomes of the parent are to be taken with a pinch of salt.

The only true way to test a parent plant is to grow out their progeny.

Whilst this is very true, it's also a nice classic line that's taken  far to literally, like you could use any old male and just have a look at any old shite!  lol

 one still selects plants for certain traits from poly hybrid stock like you would any other hybrid, landrace nld, bld etc etc. You'd be foolish not to select for desirable traits whatever the cross maybe, it's far easier when you know exactly what plants a Cross exhibits through years of observations.

PsychoBadger As an example I know exactly what phenotypes the PsychoBadger throws up male and female, its pretty much been worked to very close family members for a good few gens  so she's more or less  into a few bx generations now. 

she consistently  throws up excepetional  stinky, skunky  male and female genotypes, she will never throw me to far away from things at this point, to put it simply  I either improve the next gen or go backwards a lilttle bit, which is easy enough to go back a step and go again  at this point.

But my point is I wouldn't just select any old male to flower out and use,  poly hybrid or not  I'm still  looking for certain markers in individuals be It male or female to steer toward my preferences and move away from certain  other markers in  this cross.


Anyway, I'm not one to waffle on, we'll see how my selections go in the next round of my skunk adventures! :bong:


Edited by HazyDaze
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10 hours ago, HazyDaze said:

Whilst this is very true, it's also a nice classic line that's taken  far to literally, like you could use any old male and just have a look at any old shite!  lol

 one still selects plants for certain traits from poly hybrid stock like you would any other hybrid, landrace nld, bld etc etc. You'd be foolish not to select for desirable traits whatever the cross maybe, it's far easier when you know exactly what plants a Cross exhibits through years of observations.

PsychoBadger As an example I know exactly what phenotypes the PsychoBadger throws up male and female, its pretty much been worked to very close family members for a good few gens  so she's more or less  into a few bx generations now. 

she consistently  throws up excepetional  stinky, skunky  male and female genotypes, she will never throw me to far away from things at this point, to put it simply  I either improve the next gen or go backwards a lilttle bit, which is easy enough to go back a step and go again  at this point.

But my point is I wouldn't just select any old male to flower out and use,  poly hybrid or not  I'm still  looking for certain markers in individuals be It male or female to steer toward my preferences and move away from certain  other markers in  this cross.


Anyway, I'm not one to waffle on, we'll see how my selections go in the next round of my skunk adventures! :bong:


100% but its even more complex with poly breeding you could if you have the right equipment potentially removed genetics like autoflowering and replace it with a photoperiod gene. I mean you would need to be very lucky to do it as a hobby breeder but a big commercial company could easily do it. Its designed plant genetics & the reason its a GMO once ploidy is created. 

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18 hours ago, Fatboy77 said:

Easier to tell at seedling/veg stage.  Dope is usually diploid, although I've got my first trifoliate currently.

The stem would help.  Is it flat?


These are old wives tale polyploidy identification method. The Internet is full of it like its fact. :wallbash: in reality you would be lucky if 1/100 come back as ploidy. The other 99 would just be a single damage gene that would be repaired in any cross breeding. Although this mysterious nonsense got me interested in ploidy breeding so it does encourage further learning which is a great thing.


19 hours ago, Military Grade said:


Maybe one of you can answer this question?

Impossible without a test or a few generations of breeding to be certain it is either. 

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Hi @brock1 sorry but  you're confusing poly hybrids for something very different brother.

You clearly don't know what I'm on about,. and that's OK.  lol


Just leave me make my own selections man, I was only sharing with the community, I don't need to be pulled up on things at every opportunity, of course, I  may get it all very wrong at any moment, but lets atleast look at the progeny before judging my selections?


I don't come quoting  you telling you how shit I think autos are do I? 


This is my journey,  you do you and I'll do me  :bong:


Anyway, enough from me I  think, Peace and love, maaaaan. :yinyang:




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large.PXL_20230604_084209216_MP.jpglarge.PXL_20230604_084218718.jpgBlack panther 11 (Black Mac X Animal biscuits)


I've sent these in for subbies today along with some of the animal biscuits f3.

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