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Thats some proper cooking, celias in my box but dont want 17 weekers to contend with :)

Edited by The Villan
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Another was ready just after 14wks  @The Villan but seen some done in 10wks on here though. Mine were, 3 seeds popped, all 3 were ladies and all 3 were long flower phenos too, couldnae make it up :) good things come to those who wait I hope lol


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Going to be looking at a couple of PsychoBadger males into flower, whittled 11 PsychoBadger males down to 2....

This one below ticks a lot of boxes for my preferred skunk   selections as far as veg observations go anyway! 


This one below is a bit beefier and  leafier, has bigger leaves, I quite like the look of this boy,  not as open structure wise  as male 1..not as frosty either but that's not to say I won't use him, that's not the deciding factor for me, let's see how they flower before I commit!

He has something about him this one, let's have a look at him in flower!


Just going into flower now... :bong:



Edited by HazyDaze
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Quite a rough round of subbie doobie but they took it like a champlol

Some Smile f3 at 8 weeks








#1 x PsychoSister at 9-10w






Cheese pie at 9-10w










Pas x Mh x Pb at 9w







As always,massive thanks to the chefs and Joolz for making these available :cheers:

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On 19/06/2023 at 11:41 AM, HazyDaze said:

Going to be looking at a couple of PsychoBadger males into flower, whittled 11 PsychoBadger males down to 2....

This one below ticks a lot of boxes for my preferred skunk   selections as far as veg observations go anyway! 


This one below is a bit beefier and  leafier, has bigger leaves, I quite like the look of this boy,  not as open structure wise  as male 1..not as frosty either but that's not to say I won't use him, that's not the deciding factor for me, let's see how they flower before I commit!

He has something about him this one, let's have a look at him in flower!


Just going into flower now... :bong:



Male plants shouldn't be selected for trichcombes production anyway. A certain UK breeder once recommended this & others ended up having a lot of hermaphrodite problems from that advice. I won't slate the guy or even mention his name because otherwise his advice as always been great and Google would bring up the information anyway. Unless you have got a selection of males & using ethylene even if its from a greenhouse full of tomatoes I would breed away from trichcombes in males. Imo it dosent effect how many trichcombes a female gets anyway especially if your breeding with the same strain. 

Edited by brock1
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@brock1 thanks as always for your knowledge and imput here.

I don't know who you are talking about above but can only presume he was working with some cali hype type  males. or less favourable breeding stock potential

surely this wouldn't be such an issue with something as solid as your old skunks that are solid and hardly ever show, if any herm tendencies.

here to learn as alway

atb 4k

Edited by 4kali
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Edit for clarity, thanks  for that but I never selected for "trichombes"  this plant here had trichs from The start...


Just so happens throughout veg he's exhibited many traits I  like about this cross, I've been working  with it for over 6 years now and know the cross very well,  and when this little fella turned out to be a boy and ticked so many boxes above most 

Other males he made it to the shortlist and will likely be used because that's what I want to use, no.more no less.

Btw These aren't flowering trichs!

It's something this cross often exhibits in veg throughout its progeny.


But thanks for the positive vibes :yinyang:

Edited by HazyDaze
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13 minutes ago, 4kali said:

@brock1 thanks as always for your knowledge and imput here.

I don't know who you are talking about above but can only presume he was working with some cali hype type  males. or less favourable breeding stock potential

surely this wouldn't be such an issue with something as solid as your old skunks that are solid and hardly ever show, if any herm tendencies.

here to learn as alway

atb 4k

Not cali stock at all mate. He is a old breeder thats been breeding for year's. He's actually responsible for half the parents of the modern cali stuff. Crazy when you see all the modern hype around the cali strains. Even when it's claimed to be from American strains 90% of the time it was worked in Europe and sent back to America before becoming the modern cali strain stuff. What ever that stuff actually is. As far as I know their no strain called cali weed but you can buy a ton of stuff labelled cali weed on the streets of the UK. Most of the time grow in the UK to :rofl:

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so in answer to the above

a trichomed out male from solid skunk genetics. you wouldn't use? or would you just discount it all together even if you was familiar with working it for the last good few years

Edited by 4kali
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Funny when someone goes I got some cali weed of my dealer, and cost me x3 more the normal price, little do they know it was grown in the uk and cost no more to produce than any other weed lol


It's amazing what a cheap bit of fancy packaging can do to a person perspective:doh:

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You can see psychoBadger  progeny (dad) in varu's pics above....  :wub:


Brock is on about   published data from trichomes  in flowering males, these aren't flowering males!


Same, but different lol




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some of these skunks you know hazy don't reverse to easy neither there bullet proof breeding stock in my eyes especially for lining into the more intricate side of things.

Brocks been at this breeding game for a long time so I'm quite interested to hear why he wouldn't use a solid skunk, albeit with a few more trichs

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