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Subbies pic thread


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Been a very long time since I posted any photos in here, maybe even my first time, not sure. 


Here's my Discobiscuit F2 subbie kindly cooked up by @NezA


Out of the 3 phenos I currently hold, this one is shaping up to be my favourite.


Nicknamed "Pink Cough Drop" 

She grows out with pink stems and when you smoke her, she's smooth on the inhale, but expands in your lungs and leaves you first coughing, then dropping like lead. 




Thanks for keeping the dream alive bro. 



Edited by Thai Stick
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Those chelato plants look absolutely brilliant. I can almost smell them form here :)


Splendid work @Fatboy77 I hope they smoke as good as thet look and that you've taken some cuts. 


Awaiting the smoke report on these lovely ladies.


Well done to @4kali for making these beans , stonking results !! .... I think another subscription is in order after seeing the fruits :)







Edited by toki
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