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11 hours ago, Abbo52 said:

Hey @Crow River I was quite heavy handed and I bent them all over when I lst’d them and they didn’t bother at all. I kept pruning them right up to flowering and a few weeks into flowering with no probs. So I would say you could manipulate them however you’d like them. Fairly light feeders - never over 1.3ec at the moment. These are in 12L pots so I can imagine how big they could be if grown in a 60L pot - facking massive colas :hippy:


Sounds ideal! Impressive you got that lot from 12 litre pots! Yeah heavy pruning and training seems to be the way to keep these girls under control.

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17 hours ago, Abbo52 said:

Hey @Crow River I was quite heavy handed and I bent them all over when I lst’d them and they didn’t bother at all. I kept pruning them right up to flowering and a few weeks into flowering with no probs. So I would say you could manipulate them however you’d like them. Fairly light feeders - never over 1.3ec at the moment. These are in 12L pots so I can imagine how big they could be if grown in a 60L pot - facking massive colas :hippy:

@Abbo52 you really want them to be finishing up though.

It looks to me they've gone over their first harvest window and have 'bolted'.

This is all well and good and on camera gives the effect of massive colas but in reality,those are brand new flowers with a lower resin count of fresh trichomes.its quite possible they will just keep going if you don't make some drastic changes.

If they were mine I'd stop feeding and be getting some gh ripen for a week with the lights on 10on 14 off.

Weeks flush..chop and move on.

I know this isn't what you want to hear mate but all that new growth won't have much potency.

Im sure allot of us have been where you are...I'm trying to give you the benefit of experience.

I was hoping someone else would have chipped in.

With respect


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Hey @stu sleeper 20vt thank you very much for your information and advice. This is only my 3rd different grow attempt and I’ve never seen this before so learning all the time. I’ll take your advice and change the light schedule to 10/14 and reduce the feed on the tall girl. The chunkier girl is just about there after checking her trichs so she’ll be chopped sometime this coming week. Do I definitely need gh ripen for the taller one?  Again, thanks mucka :hippy:

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1 hour ago, Abbo52 said:

Hey @stu sleeper 20vt .


Do I definitely need gh ripen for the taller one?  Again, thanks mucka :hippy:







opions on this one fellas? Its what i would do...what would you fine men of the plant do with a bolted plant like @Abbo52 seems to have?


(I may be well off the mark so I reckon wait to hopefully get a few options from some experienced fellas.)

Ps. A bottle of ripen is always a good bottle to have in your arsenal imo.

It does what it says on the tin.

They would both benefit from it imo

Edited by stu sleeper 20vt
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well......its only 9 weeks so maybe a bit early, but i although its looks like an impressive plant, ive grown 2 in the past that looked similar structure, and both were not very good smokes at all (sorry hope yours proves me wrong)

.one was a dutch pasion auto ultimate that wernt on to about 16 weeks (meant to be a 9/10 weeker) before i got fed up and chopped the fukr down. It was seriously over named, it was ultimately binned or hashed after smoking not very much of it. it was bland and uninteresting buzz imho. 

other was a strain called ogre, it grew huge buds, just like that one,  but was the biggest nightmare of my life to trim it.


i would definitely pull the hours back on this one, like Stu says start flushing and see if it looks like its gonna finish. 

would also try lowering temps and RH if possible, but dont go too far in case of rot. 

I think if you dont , its just gonna run and run.....


ive not used ripen to be honest so wouldnt like to say, but its meant to finish them off and would probably be worth a punt. 


See what the others say like. 

Edited by badbillybob
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3 minutes ago, Abbo52 said:

Hey @badbillybob thanks for your helpful info. 

also, if your light has adjustable wattage, turn it down a bit, you want to fool the plant into thiinking its winter time coming, and it needs to get itself finished.

Every little helps

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12 weeker minimum 4 abbo, reduce hrs gradually over period along with temps. good luck think your plant is going to lift the tent up and make off with it. 

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@stu sleeper 20vt what you say or something to that fashion. ive only ever used gh ripen once in all my time growing but if i did come across a strain that wanted to continuously push more flowers out way past its sell by date then gh ripen could be a handy tool to have in the arsenal, and also what @badbillybob says use environmental factors to trick the plant into thinking its done. many ways to skin a cat


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OK then felt a bit guilty because I like to keep a few up my sleeve you c.........

calcium chloride instead of paying a fortune on flush nutrients. prevents bud rot brings out the natural flavors  

go read its there if ya can find it

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7 hours ago, rumplestilskin'n said:

12 weeker minimum 4 abbo, reduce hrs gradually over period along with temps. good luck think your plant is going to lift the tent up and make off with it. 



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