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Alright there Uk420,


I hope your all well and smoking something nice, I am :skin_up:actually some of smokebelch’s fruitbowl x wonder kush which is a sound smoke.


Anyway a couple of @lildaveham Bline F2’s 




Only two small ones in 3.5 ltrs, I popped four but two were boys, so 50/50 ratio for me so far. 

The plants all looked exactly the same until they got a few nodes up, once flowering started I few slight differences started to appear.


Take it easy. Jj :yinyang:

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Here are 2 Chelato by 4kali, they are on Day 6 of 12/12.  

Tucked into a 60 x 60 x 170 tent.  
I have a new and hopefully better fitting scrog net on the way (thanks to @Military Grade for the info). I will put in a larger wattage tube heater at the same time.

I will update again soon - thanks for looking!


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@Vicfirth12 's Animal Biscuit F2 GITG.


Not bad for a four week veg...


Full of beans. Made from Ugorg Blues x Animal Biscuit F2.


Might send some in if there's any interest.





Edited by Punta Roja
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I'm really enjoying the effects of the Cheese x Blue Digiberry strong but not unpleasant, the other day I did a 50-50 ratio of CBD flower and Cheese x Blue Digiberry in a blunt, I managed to smoke just over half of it without pulling a whitey I had to smoke the rest later in the day, But i was very high tho, so the last two blunts I've found a ratio of 2:1 CBD/THC volume is spot on :thumsup:


Thanks @Vicfirth12 for sending them in.


My Blunt preparations lol


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Eh up lad @mikeydoughnut:) thanks for taking a look.

To be honest I had 3 disasters before these Chelatos. 1st lot the seedlings were tiny and brown (that was down to my poor seed storage I think). 2nd and 3rd lots were plagued by fungus gnats early on and and were more like bonsai plants and I had a right fiasco trying to get some uncontaminated compost.  This time I microwaved every bit of compost! I also put Tanlin in the water twice in the first week to try and guarantee no more gnats.

The last infected bag of compost I opened - I slit it in the middle with a Stanley  knife and a whole cloud of gnats flew out - horrible. It was like a horror film and I yes I did scream out loud lol


So with some help and encouragement from another grower here I went for the Chelato and started yet again - I am so pleased they are successful :)

They are lovely plants to grow. I’m hoping my larger scrog net is delivered this morning because I really need it now.  Putting them on the Intense Nutrients Bloom from today.

So the lack of a Diary has been down to me not wishing to tempt fate.  I’m sure I will put something together though.


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oh absolutely mate


floorboard/jam sandwich hash.


hash made with a mould. 


I'll document the floorboard/jam sandwich hash for you, should turn out as slate/hash in middle then turns into a soft black as it proceeds to the circumference and then on the very edge.. dab! 

keep it thin to make you grin would be the saying for jam sambo hash. 


hope to make you proud brutha

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you already done me proud mate its a real  pleasure to know one of my creations is serving you well in the medicinal department. enjoy your fruits my good man and all the best


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