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Subbies pic thread


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There's 4 subbie seeds here in the tent, 2 cheese x gelato at the back and 2 blues x headband zkittles up front. All smelling lush and ready to chop at 9 weeks large.IMG_02052022_182032_(1300_x_1300_p

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Amsterdam Nights by @blackpoolbouncer




Beginning of week 7 for three of these , got one that looks like it'll be done in 9 and the other two look like they'll go 11-12 weeks perhaps , we shall see :skin_up:



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London Gentleman again by bpb 




This pics from last week so circa week 6 , bigger yielder of the two I have on the go, I have no Idea how long to expect these to take , I'm in no hurry :skin_up:



Edited by BilgePump
Can't type for shit.
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Be great to see photos of the Donny Burger if anyone has any :) 

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On 19.04.2022 at 1:36 AM, Wag said:

@Smokey McBongface  Donny Burger #3large.89A23325-A29A-4B76-BDFC-2A5BD914E198.jpeglarge.7E62F4A1-5617-4A95-B3B1-3DCC23A4D9E7.jpeglarge.0A1211B8-6EFD-4330-96CF-706212C48B6E.jpeg

The 2 others are normal looking plants, I really hope this one’s a female. I’m thinking it might have interesting flowers.


Nice one! I hope it is a female you got there, if so it will be amazing if you can drop some more info in upcoming months. I got same thing going on with one of mine db. Petioles longer than a leaf, duckfoot looking weirdo. I hope it is a male. My disgusting smelling carvers keeper is ogkb dominant and I got pbb ogkb pheno too. This sounds like a fun cross to me. 


7 hours ago, Smokey McBongface said:

Be great to see photos of the Donny Burger if anyone has any :) 


I was busy as fuck last couple of weeks with life kids and stuff so I didnt really take great care of them and they are still stuck in a 1l pots :wallbash:. I can drop some photos if you want but nothing really to be seen here yet. All the best pal.


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seeing all these pic realy make me want to get started with mine.... such great flower shapes n sizes


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@Kalkwerk yes it’s definitely a strange one. It has numerous characteristics that I haven’t seen before. The other two I have still look pretty normal. The weird one is only 2/3rds the height of the others, it doesnt like food either. It’s twitchy, I burned a tip with 1ml of oldtimer grow lol 

@Smokey McBongface I will put some pics on tonight when I’m back from work mate. There still in 1 1/2l pots and haven’t shown sex yet though so nowt special really, apart from the oddities :smokin:

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@Kalkwerk @Wag thanks both. Interesting you’ve both found the ogkb type pheno. I found the same pheno when I grew the seeds out, was female, had really interesting bud structure with a solid central cola. I think I remember taking a photo of her, I’ll have a look to see if I can find it.


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@Wag @Kalkwerk

Here she is :) As you said Wag it’s quite a fussy one, didn’t want a lot of food. Was happy enough throughout veg using charge only, when I flipped to flower I accidentally overfed and ended up with a fair amount of burnt leaves. 

Think with a bit of tweaking she could be something special but she wasn’t one of the parents I selected. It’s interesting to know it’s still hiding out in there.



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@Wag Yeah mate, quite an uncanny resemblance. Maybe the only green pheno to be found, the others had the red/purple thing going on. 

I neglected her a bit mate can’t so say for sure, but was generally slower growing than the others. I harvested all 12 weeks from flip. 


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@Smokey McBongface  Nothing really to see here tbh. They are poor and I think I might have a thrips problem again in veg tent :wallbash:but here they are. I binned two, they stall at the beggining. And I got one more that is small as fuck but is so weird that I let it grow. Forgot to grab a pic of this one.


#6, 2, 7 growing like twins. No smells yet really from rubbing stems.



#5, 8 looks very lookalike too. They stink.



#1 this one has own stuff going on. Smell Im getting from rubbing stems is kinda like pickled cucumberlol



#3 just a weirdo doing weird shit. Looks weird but I wouldnt really call it ogkb lookalike. Hope this one is a male.



And as for ogkb, this two ladies gonna be smashed by one of donny burgers.

I got love/hate relationship with both of them. They vegging slowly, it is hard to keep em happy with food, they yielding like shit, they smell BAD, to the point that when I got a fungus gnats problem all of those fuckers were sitting on them. Last summer when flies get to the flowering tent they always sit on this pbb. It looks like they hate life and I hate them so fuckin much. But after harvest when I smoke them I know that they are untouchable. They staying forever. Here they are, photos from today day 42








And both of them at the middle. 


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