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36 minutes ago, HazyDaze said:

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Why’s the curtain closed? Lovely work :yep:

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@Wag Nice one mate thanks for sharing the photos.

Looks like an interesting plant I’ll keep my fingers crossed it turns out to be a girl. A leaf bud on the last photo wouldn’t look out of place :george:

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On 14/04/2022 at 10:24 PM, NezA said:


I used to think that was what it was called but it's Whorled Phyllotaxy



i see this all the time with dandelions, i was just down the field and saw three!


the first is the best example, and i think what happens is the stems from two or more fuse together when they start growing



here's two more examples


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That's fasciated @ratdog whorled phyllotaxis is when you get more than 2 branches/leaves at the same node you have to click back through the quotes to read my posts in context because it was a tangent to the pictures posted in this thread.

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Just now, NezA said:

whorled phyllotaxis is when you get more than 2 branches/leaves at the same node


i'm not convinced the image a few pages back was whorled phyllotaxis,  i have had this also and never had the fasciation, i had some ugorg#1 that had 6 leaves/stems at the node on several plants from the same pack on, also on some other plants way back but again, no fasciation. on the other hand, i have had fasciation on cannabis a couple of times, but they also displayed the elongated stem exactly as the dandelion above and showed the same flower presentation. strange

Edited by ratdog
the make sense
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On 14/04/2022 at 9:26 PM, inceywinceyspider said:

I had a plant like that the mainstem had triple nodes, I cloned the top and that carried it on but the branches grew normally and cloned normally.


@ratdog it was @i11's response to this post that I was replying to. Not the images.

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Just now, NezA said:


@ratdog it was @i11's response to this post that I was replying to. Not the images.



ah, sorry dude, it got rather confusing lol


then you were correct of course, as you were :)

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I should've just kept my mouth shut to be honest you're the second person who ended up getting confused by it lol



Edited by NezA
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Just now, NezA said:



I should've just kept my mouth shut to be honest you're the second person who ended up getting confused by it lol





don't worry mate, the best bit, and the bit that has had me thinking about this for a few days is if you google wp there's an image of a cannabis plant with fasciation in the first few images, that really spun me out! lol

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