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1st time posting in  here. Deep breath.


My little pc case grown cheesexblues x auto blackjack by @highgrower in early flower and starting to get a bit of frost





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@4kali SKUNK X GELATO subby.

Just running the last of the vial,I think there was 16 seeds in it.

Up to now they have all been cheese dom but.....this one rears its head!

She was tucked away at the back and im fairly sure I can do her more justice if I get some regrowth or cuts to root

I recall 4kali saying there were some gelato doms in there but this is deffo showing off its cookie heritage.

Now....clones from a 9 week bloomer!!! We can only try!large.Resized_20220306_213222.jpeg

Edited by stu sleeper 20vt
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Somehow I missed out the 1 picture where you can sorta see the colour to her. 


Animal biscuits f2, ft dog hair


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@stu sleeper 20vt

Thanks for posting mate, they are there to be found,  little treasures in my opinion.

I am actually working these particular types now along with some other stuff. All in the pipe line as they say. 


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@Vicfirth12thanks man, they are lovely to grow, good work!


How's those latest cheese x digiberry you were doing coming along? :wassnnme:


You've certainly got an eye for crosses, I'd love to try more, and this AB f2 you sent in is the cross you didnt use going forward if i'm correct? Proper stonkers coming outta it lol


Lovely stuff


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13 hours ago, mikeydoughnut said:

Ey up folks. I always feel slightly unnerved at posting pics of my dried bud. It always seems like a chore to get it bang on and fear critique. But I’ve gotta smoke it soooo ….


Only lickle buds really. But I always despatch the lickle bits first ….


Konacookie was finally dry enough to put into a tub. I can’t leave it alone though. Really really nice tasting weed and has a bit of a heavy bang to it. Not reyt away. You only notice when you wake up in the couch lol 


This is smokebelchs dirty Larry. This is t a criticism or owt. Quite bland tasting and smell. If yer lucky you get a bit of a vanilla smell to it. Like a quality vanilla extract. But like the Konacookie it hits really really hard …



So both are quite heavy hitting weeds. I’ve grown weeds that promise this effect but these two deliver like nowt I’ve personally grown before. Sometimes it’s nice to just get fucking baked n be a lazy arse. Got some of BPB’s sativa leaners on the go so hopefully a more balanced selection for me once they’re done.


Fucking love subbies :) 


e2a I’m a lazy trimmer btw lol 

Do you find buds that are looser looking, like yours there, smoke stronger than dense, smaller  buds that a lot of people seem to want for bag appeal? Trichomes reside on the surface and the more surface you've got, more trichomes you have... that's what makes sense to me. I  don't desire tight buds, which are also more mould-prone.

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6 hours ago, catweazle1 said:

Konacookie was finally dry enough to put into a tub. I can’t leave it alone though. Really really nice tasting weed


really glade you like it dude, sure does get you high! :yep: 


I did a 50/50 duck and kona wake and bake this morning and went food shopping, the whole event was a happy, relaxed, trippy, out of body experience after the initial wave of being intensely high waned. I also get that (sativa?) tinnitus from the duck/kona which kind of elevates the intensity of the high for me.. :) 


@catweazle1 i’m pretty sure the Disco Biscuit crosses i’ve seen all seem to carry the dense bud genetic Disco has?



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Ot1Haze x Afgani #1.   

Chopped at 14 weeks. 

This ain't no instagram weed,

It doesn't even smell that strong. The flavour is just  subtle  mango, hints of pine. 

But the effects are something else.  I'm not sure how long it's been jarred up. But the time made a big difference.

I find  Its a proper high with a nice little amount of body buzz  . It builds up and lasts ages .   Reminds me of my early teens with low tolerance.

  I do feel my heart rate raise a little with the 1st smoke of the day. I think the Affie side of it keeps things chilled though. 

 Anyway I love it,  I dont care shes a bit fussy with the feeds or that it takes so long.       large.20220313_002648_compress84.jpglarge.20220313_002258_compress15.jpg

Disappointed I only put one cut of this back in the flower tent.  



Edited by Dan t
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