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Looks great @HazyDaze

Sounds much better than the Killerskunk I'm growing out right now, smells like peanuts...

Got none of that funk I remember.


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Here's another one at 7 weeks flo today,  i think we can tell what this one is without any description.

Very Good representation of uk skunk this one...


Gonna pass it around as cheese lol




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Can smell them all the way from here @HazyDaze 


3 is my magic number, so I know what seeds I will be popping next.


3 x modified skunks

3 x high def skunk

3 x pot lucks


Wish these Eyeball wrecker and motivation x smile would hurry up and show sex so I can pot them up lol


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Nice one  @Thai Stick look forward to seeing them  grown out on the boards brother :stoned:


I never sent these in for subs but @Văru' nabbed a pack for a winning COTC...

PsychoBadger f2.... (7 weeks) 



Safe to say there'll be some decent skunk plants in there for you brother varu. 👍 



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Nice one Hazy bro,I got them head of the list for the winter run next to 4Kali Oishii and some Karma stuff :D


Also I can reconfirm regards the Hd skunks...there's some lovely plants to be found in these,nice skunky flavours soo tasty in the vape and a lovely high,one of my favourite day smoke at the moment,I just wish they stretch a bit morelol

You can't go wrong with these if you're after cheesy vibes :yep:


Keep cooking ma' brothers...keep cooking:cheers:

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Nice one @Văru'  glad you're enjoying the HIgh Defs,  I agree,

I wish they had more legs about them too, but I'm gonna fix that  ;)


but yeh, she's a  stupidly smelly/terpy hybrid with some great cheesy/psycho vibes that will get you in trouble if you're filters aren't tip top!


Nice one brother ✌️ 






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