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THE shed thread


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@@Bud Wiser

You clever bugger, been watching that George Clark or something eh, fancy flip down lappy tables come widow blockers, this shed's gonna be like an Imperial starship soon ;)

I like this build man, doing stuff right and not just a bodge job, thinking and applying it :v:

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Good progress Bud , do you plan on putting a tent in there ?


No need for a tent when it's finished dude.

I'll have a 6ft x 6ft x 6ft insulated wooden growing box instead.

The walls and ceiling will be lined with black industrial plastic sheeting (because I have some lying around!), then a layer of 70mm Celotex / Kingspan, and then a layer of Airtec Double Insulation (only £40 for a 1m x 25m roll from Screwfix). The Airtec's better than Mylar sheeting in my opinion ... it works out about the same price with the Screwfix deal (60% off), it's tougher, easier to use, and just as light-reflective, reduces condensation, plus it has the same thermal resistance properties as another 55mm of polystyrene sheeting!

The floor will get the remainder of the shed-felt and bitumen adhesive, this time with the mineral surface facing down. Another layer of plastic sheeting over the top, hopefully white if I can find some, should do the trick. The floor slopes down to the far left corner, so I'll probably put a sink plug-hole complete with plug in that corner, water run-off with airtight functionality!

All this will take time and money, so progress will be fairly slow for the next few months, watch this space!

Bud-in-a-Box :oldtoker:

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@Y Ddraig Gwyrdd

Got me there ... love Amazing Spaces and Shed-of-the-Year !

Thanks for the words of encouragement dude, I'm trying to think of everything, but I'm already kicking myself not building-in a hydraulically-operated 'opening' sun-roof! lol

I am only kidding of course, but the thought did enter my head when only the roof frame was on without the OSB sheeting and all you could see was blue sky above.


Anyway, wait 'til you see the CO2 delivery system I've got planned! Screwfix to the rescue, again.

I'm thinking of using black plastic electrical conduit fixed to the ceiling rafters ... with holes drilled in the tubing just over the grow area ... CO2's heavier than air so needs to be distributed from the top. It can be built to any shape, it's cheap, tough, air-tight, easy to install and should in theory work a treat.

That way, I can keep the CO2 cylinder outside the growroom, leaving me more space inside to grow with.

I'll install it regardless of whether or not I use it, as it'll need to go in before all the partitioning gets finished.

By the way, I'm gonna buy a bar stool and sit at that flappy table by the window and trim my bud on it in the summer months when the growroom's not in use! :smartass:

Shed-obsessed Bud :oldtoker:

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Ooh I like your style bud wiser,similar to my own project. Ya it will take me a few months as I collect the material, equipment etc. I'm sitting in ur garden watching closely with this one. Gud luck mate, sounds great in what ur planning even tho I'm unsure of black plastic industrial sheeting? R u saying this will be attached to internal walls, battens before 75mm kingspan? If so, what is ur reason or justice for this? Just curious mate as plastic can make walls sweat. I had this kindda idea with radian barrier that I have but what voted against it.

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@@Bud Wiser

lol There's some great ideas on those shows, IKEA on steroids like, yeah i'll be honest dude, I'm getting a bit jealous of this shed malarky....I know it comes with complications but there's something sort of manly about a shed :in_love: , like a den when you're a kid you know lol

And this one is the going to be the elite of sheds with CO2 pipes and what not...sounds a plan too the screwfix gear mate :yep:

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Maybe better off using the thermal wrap as yr outer layer (tight to the shed wall) then yr studs to create a cavity, and yr insulation boards over the studs...

I'm not an expert but I think it would be more effective this way. Particularly in summer when yr trying to reflect external heat away.... Rather than the opposite.

That's only an educated guess mind. Others might have a better idea of the mechanics/physics involved so maybe get a few opinions on the matter first..

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Maybe better off using the thermal wrap as yr outer layer (tight to the shed wall) then yr studs to create a cavity, and yr insulation boards over the studs...

I'm not an expert but I think it would be more effective this way. Particularly in summer when yr trying to reflect external heat away.... Rather than the opposite.

That's only an educated guess mind. Others might have a better idea of the mechanics/physics involved so maybe get a few opinions on the matter first..

Thanks Dodgee for your input. I'm sure you know my shed is single block. My idea was 2x2 studs forming a gap between wall & stud, then insulation boards, then the thermal double layer bubble silver wrap,(I may even run two layers of this) then B&W total black out sheeting??

At at later date put heat mats on floor with thermal floor pads over that then B&W total black out sheeting as it's heavy duty & suitable for floors.

Maybe I have it all back to front?? My assumption was with the 2x2's away from the block wall would create a small cavity for air movement. Please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong in my planning, thinking?

I'm in love with bud Wiser's shed thread & a small bit jealous as he is moving on with his & I'm not 'yet' lol. I love this thread but the only thing I'm not found of is the CO2 but at least he has the right idea to have everything installed for it & if he decides to use it all well & good. It will be something different & learn from.

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Just think out loud really @@Irishgirl

Is yr shed built already? Concrete block? Or thermoblock?

I re-read your post again, I read it different this time lol. Ya you could be correct & right.lol.

Yes the shed is there, 9" single concrete block walls. Needs work, lead on roof etc but structure is there. Maybe replace as few joists or give extra support. It's the lead that is holding me back as I went & bought equitment as a guy was finished growning & going abroad etc so now I got to wait on the price of lead, feck ing expensive here lol.

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Solid concrete blocks don't have the same insulating properties as thermalite type blocks.

But they have greater thermal mass.

If the block is thermalite then I would probably just dot n dab thermally insulated plasterboard onto the inside myself. As that should give you adequate insulation for summer and winter.

If they are solid concrete block you would need more in the way of internal insulation. Solid blocks in the summer will soak up and retain the sun's heat. Without insulation this heat will transfer to the inside of yr shed and with the addition of lights etc you would be basically growing in an oven. That's why I shuggested a layer of insulation both sides of the cavity. To reflect back some of that heat. Keeping the inside cooler in summer.

Thermalite on the other hand has a very low u value. And doesn't absorb and retain heat in the way solid concrete does (on account of its lower mass).

This is all in my own limited understanding of the subject mind and I'm prepared to be corrected if others no better.

But Yeh what I'm trying to say is if the blocks are thermalite of some variety you could probably save a fortune on materials and still have the same level of insulation just using decent quality plaster board on the internal wall surface.

Regards dodge

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You got me on this one dodge, let me got & look to see if I can figure it out lol.

The blocks I have are 9" cavity blocks, the ones with the holes in them lol. single row, 3 external & one adjoining to another shed/cabin. Are these blocks know as breeze blocks?

So what's your thoughts on this now? lol or the best way forward as I don't want to do this twice or buy wrong materials etc.

I don't understand u value & mass stuff & all that theory as it goes over my head. So where do I go from here with my layers of gap or no gap with 2x2 studs, insulation boards & silver bubble wrap insulation. I just thought by leaving a gap between wall & stud would be good for air movement, breathing etc.

I do want to do a right job on this & not do it arse ways lol.

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