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THE shed thread


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Just makin' an observation dude? ... that's exactly what I'm after!

Please say more, I'm not your nan and I can't suck an egg to save my life ..!!

I'm not a novice, but I'm no expert either ... I've never grown using lights before, especially in a shed, so I'm advancing forth with a lot more enthusiasm than experience!

Theory's all well and good, but every grow's different and I guess the only way to find out is to do it.

Bud Nike :oldtoker:

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Yr on the right track mate.

Being as you admit this will be yr first indoor grow I don't feel so bad about emphasiseing this.

The 3 rules are. No smell. No tell. No sell.

All pretty self explanatory. But number 1, no smell.

This is the one hardest to grasp. But in layman's terms,

You know when you score and eighth n u think"fuck that stinks, I'll re-wrap that"

So u add a baggy or two, or you wrap a click or 3 of clingfilm around it. Then an hour or two later yr sat in yr mams house and it's in yr coat pocket in the passage n even though yr in the living room with the windows open and there's a closed door between you n it, yr still 120% positive it's bumping the house out?!

Well times that by 10 and that's not nearly how much a couple of plants in full

flower smells.

Honestly. Till you experience it, it's hard to explain.

Start somewhere. Work yr way up. It's yr choice where u start.

But before starting anything. Bear in mind the above.


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lol lol lol

I was going by how much this fucker stinks in the greenhouse:


It's a SuperSkunk in early flower, and had the honour of a neighbour standing right next to it (with the door closed, granted) without him noticing a thing.

He even asked me where he could get a smoke from..!

Either my neighbours have no olfactory functionality or they're involved in far more devious activities!

Bud Nostril :oldtoker:

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Shed grows, more complex and controversial than string theory !

E2a those super skunks are gonna do you proud mate

Edited by Hashmaker6
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I think @@lazi might have done co2

Nah, not me. The clue is in the name. :)

Giving them lots of fresh air does the trick. Assuming you have decent air flow, any co2 that the leaf uses is immediately replaced with co2 from the fresh air moving across the leaf. Fresh air = co2. That's all you need to know about co2. Might not be all you want to know about co2 but it is all you NEED to know about co2.

Closed or open system, it needs a fan with carbon filter. The stink can, and has, gone through brick walls. I winged it first grow with a diy ozone generator. Never again, the odour from just 4 plants was nerve wracking and all the ozone could do was contain it enough not to get outside my flat. Any more ozone would have been a real health hazard.

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Back to shed-land ... I'll get to CO2, filters, and everything else that'll be technically required further down the road.

I am, however, taking everything y'all are saying to me on board, and I'm building with future 'flexibility' in mind.

Whether or not I go down the CO2 route is yet to be seen, but I like the ability to make choices and hate those moments .. "I wish I'd done blah blah blah .."

So first up, getting the shed sorted out both outside and inside ... replacing rotten bits and giving me options, one of which is the ability to open a window should an emergency present itself.


As you can see from the photo on the left, the base of the shed wall is all rotten and the 'window' consists of a piece of glass nailed in.

The one on the right is the finished job, complete with opening window and no more rotting wood.

I could have just completely boarded the whole thing up, which would have been a lot easier, but like I said, I want options, and a shed without a window might look a bit obvious.

The window will, of course, be blacked out, insulated, and then boarded up on the inside using a rubber seal around the internal boarding.

It's mainly there for 'show'. And heatwaves.

Have a nice weekend peeps, I've got long-overdue family fun to indulge in!

Bud the Builder :oldtoker:

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***shed thread***

It's like you knew I was coming!

I'm new to your forum , I'm in my 2nd week of planning.

12'x6' new wooden shed , plan to kingspan an 8'x6' section off (the wife's conditions that she has a dryer in there) 4'x6' @the front for dryer.

I'm going to put a 1.2x2.4x2 tent in there , 2x400w lights

800m3 extract & CF , a mixture of small fan & passive intakes .(this sound ok ? )

I'll be watching this thread mid build ...

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Welcome to the forum JTR, shed sounds interesting. What size kingspan are you planning etc. Keep us posted with you build, planning etc. Pictures are also useful & helpful.

If the wife is happy you will be fine. Sharing is caring lol.

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Thanks irishgirl , I not put much thought into thickness of insulation, 50mm I suppose.

I'm swayed into thinking its adding heat in the lights off period that's goi g to be the main stumbling block .

Kinda suck it & see with the heating & ventilation.

Probably be changing it as the ambient temps drop through winter .... Seriously considering floor heating.

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Yes your on the same line as myself. I'm doing a block shed up for groom. Gathering materials/equipment at the moment & also considering floor heating mats with thermostat. I decided not to rush into it & get what I can for now. I think once I have most of the material things will fall into place as I go I can also add to it if need be. I don't want to do it twice lol.

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Welcome mate...don't know where you're based but go for 100 mm insulation mate ;) keep things well stable in there and reduce your heating/cooling bill :yep:

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Botanics, how about 50mm insulation & a layer of the silver bubble insulation over the boards & then reflective sheeting? 100mm takes up alot of area, well in my situation anyway. Loosing 8inch overall in she'd is alot & also for ceiling as my roof is stopping & not at a great height either, high size approx 2m maybe a small bit more.

It's just I heard of this insulation silver bubble wrap is meant to be really good & also meant to be equivalent to 50mm board. I don't know, no experience of it & was wondering how true, how good this material is? I have seen it used in grow rooms.

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Yeah might work fine mate, thing is see I'll always recommend 100 mm because that's what's going into cavities when putting houses up and when you think of the thermal mass quality of a shed wall made of timber, then you can see why I say go for the thicker stuff ;)...in your situation though I think you may well be going down the right route because it's block as opposed to timber.

When I built my loft room it was the 'space blanket' stuff I used to wrap it in (just wrapped the outside, boarded inside, radial put in, caulked and painted matt white. The insulation worked ok for that as I also ran my exhaust from my veg chamber into the bloom room to reduce the need for heating (just made sure that my veg lights were on throughout the bloom dark cycle and put my oil rad in with the veg box as the lamps (5 foot T8's) kept the box warm and only needed it then throughout those off times ;)

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Yes botanics, I agree, the thicker da better. Ya my plan is 2x2 studs on wall, 50mm insulation boards, den cover with silver bubble double layer insulation warp den reflective sheeting, total black out black & white. Well that's my idea anyway at the min lol.

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