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THE shed thread


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I may have missed it, but how are you going to control temps during lights on if your not venting ?

@is it tho?

First up, I'll only be growing in the shed from November to April ... 6 months. I'll be growing outside the other 6 months.

I'll be using LED's with a low heat output, so with venting cold air from outside, whether periodically or continually, the main issue will be supplying heat rather than trying to cool the room down, in my opinion.

I haven't got there yet, so we'll see, but I've been taking temperature readings inside the shed over the last year or so, and I think I have a good idea of what to expect, notwithstanding the insulation.

... It gets fucking freezing in there in the winter!

For heating and air-circulation, I'll be using this:


I've been using her all summer in the greenhouse, and she's beyond awesome! I haven't had a single rotten bud and the temps have been kept absolutely spot-on.

German-engineering, not cheap, but as sensitive as a woman and as tough as a group of them!

Bud Wiser :oldtoker:

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Cool, bud Wiser, alot of thought going into this shed. I'm watching closely as I'm sure I will learn alot for when I get around to doing my single block Shed. Not easy & expensive but slowly slowly gathering the material I will get there. Gud luck mate.

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Well, I'm in 'suck-it-and-see' land ... I think the rule is to remain flexible.

I'll make sure I buy a venting system that'll allow me to add a filter in a hurry, should one become necessary.

I'm getting most of my expert advice on this one from Ed Rosenthal's 'The Closet Cultivator'.

And I'm treating this like one big wooden closet ...!!

So I guess I'll just have to make sure the shed's sealed up tighter than a duck's sphincter then, won't I? lol

Experimental Bud :oldtoker:

Dude, honestly there's loads of people here that can help you set up a shit hot indoor grow and without wishing to upset you I really do think that you would be better off doing it differently and can't imagine that there's many seeing your plans who don't think similar. :sorry: Respect to you for willing to be so experimental :yep:

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Dude, honestly there's loads of people here that can help you set up a shit hot indoor grow and without wishing to upset you I really do think that you would be better off doing it differently and can't imagine that there's many seeing your plans who don't think similar. :sorry: Respect to you for willing to be so experimental :yep:

Dude, you couldn't be further from upsetting me!

I'm all ears, which is why I'm putting it all up on here ... the more advice the merrier.

Like I said, new territory for me, and it's all theory ... so hit me with it ... I've had some fucking mad theories in the past, and I've discovered ONE thing ... all the best ideas happen by accident!

Bud the Brave :oldtoker:

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If you're following Ed you won't go far wrong. There is so much varied opinion in any hobby and this one is no different. There are plenty of fellow shedders on here who wouldn't have it any different and, an equal number of indoor growers just as passionate. And then there's the outdoor and greenhouse crew whose weed is obviously the best :yes:

I can see the way you're trying to harness the best bits from each school. As you say it will either be a disaster, or it will be a rip roaring success. I am concerned about your smell challenge though. 4 ladies in that space under lights are going to make your greenhouse smell like year old pot pourri!!

Then again, there are folk (myself included) who can't get enough of the smell. Now only if they did a perfume for the ladies .....


Keep up the good work man, loving THE shed thread!! :yahoo:

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I think the whole co2 thing is fuck loads of hassle and the only time I've seen it work is in a big cellar with two rooms, it's a nightmare and that's why noone on here does it. Combined with Led's which arn't the easiest lights to use I really do fear that you'll be having an expensive experiment when you really want to be growing weed rather than fighting with complex technical difficulties.

I seriously think you'd be better off spending the money on a decent quiet fan a good speed controller and a high quality carbon filter a nice big one, a couple or more tube heaters and a posh thermostat, maybe an intake fan, I wouldn't say not to use led's but look on here to see which ones actually work as some of them are rubbish and seriously consider running sodium/MH as there's so much bang for the buck there. Run the thing once on soil and see how that goes and then if you want more yeild try coco or some other hydro method, once you've got all that cracked and the environment is perfect and your training techniques are right there then I can't see you wanting to bother with co2.

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Keep up the good work man, loving THE shed thread!! :yahoo:

Well, you started this!

Now just look at the mess you've got me into, Stanley!

Bud Wiser :oldtoker:

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I think the whole co2 thing is fuck loads of hassle and the only time I've seen it work is in a big cellar with two rooms, it's a nightmare and that's why noone on here does it. Combined with Led's which arn't the easiest lights to use I really do fear that you'll be having an expensive experiment when you really want to be growing weed rather than fighting with complex technical difficulties.

I seriously think you'd be better off spending the money on a decent quiet fan a good speed controller and a high quality carbon filter a nice big one, a couple or more tube heaters and a posh thermostat, maybe an intake fan, I wouldn't say not to use led's but look on here to see which ones actually work as some of them are rubbish and seriously consider running sodium/MH as there's so much bang for the buck there. Run the thing once on soil and see how that goes and then if you want more yeild try coco or some other hydro method, once you've got all that cracked and the environment is perfect and your training techniques are right there then I can't see you wanting to bother with co2.

Taken on board and duly noted dude.

Do you have first-hand experience of using CO2? If not, do you know someone that has, and can you point him/her in my direction please?

I'm not giving up on the theory just yet. Just because it didn't work for someone else doesn't mean it won't work for me, right?

I don't need tube heaters or a posh thermostat either ... tube heaters take too long to heat up and cool down giving inconsistent temps and take too long to respond to a sensitive instrument, wasting your posh thermostat's capabilities.

I'm not wasting money on expensive LED's either ... ALL LED's are made in China, period. Again, I've done my research, but if anyone knows differently, I'll welcome their input.

Bud the Bold :oldtoker:

Edit: Like Matt Damon says in 'The Martian' ... "I'm gonna have to science-the-shit-outta-this" !!

Edited by Bud Wiser
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I think @@lazi might have done co2

I don't think that the led's are a bad idea if they're good ones but i've seen on here they can just be more tricky to use than the hid's and so might add more complexity to an already complex setup what with the co2.

I'm in no position to really say anything about the cost of your light setup lol when I said expensive experiment I was more speaking of the potential that it'll take a good few runs to get it running right and you'll likely have to chuck some more money in to make it work right, but that's just how it looks to me, it might work fantastic, I'm all for experimenting :yep:

You use the tube heaters under the pots to heat the pots and then you can save energy by having a lower air temp, you need a thermostat with a probe to control the root temps.

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You need to source the co2 somewhere else...i pay £25 deposit and £13 to refill it

My rooms about 3.5x2.4m and at 900ppm it eats a bottle every 2 days in veg..i cant tell ya much more than that as the feckin air con broke and i ended up back to normal ventilation

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Just one small point fella.

Even if yr using co2 in a sealed room environment and only venting to atmosphere twice a day. Most people in that situation run a carbon filter/fan 24/7 to scrub the internal air even though it's not being vented externally.

It's prudent if you think about it fella. It means if yr sealed room isn't quite as well sealed as you think it is, any leaks should be relatively smell free anyway.

It also helps circulate all that co2 yr paying top dollar for around the room/plants a bit better.

Only 2p

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@@The_Moog @@ravsta @is it tho? @@Dodgee

Guys, thanks ... input hugely appreciated.

Like I said, it's all theory, so first-hand experience from peeps is well worth it's weight in saved money, time and frustration.

I had second thoughts today ... pondered over what @@The_Moog said to me about not making things too complex and chucking money away, and I've taken on board all comments about smell and filters etc. .. please bear in mind tho' when advising me that the shed is about 30 metres minimum from any inhabited building and at the bottom of my garden and everyone else's. And I'll only be using it in the winter months when peeps tend to avoid gardens!

I've spent some time researching LED technology today, and I think I now understand the huge differences in price, so I'd like to retract my statement "I'm not wasting money on expensive ...!"

Philips, Osram, LG et al all have their LEDs made in China, but made to their OEM specs, which means using materials with a high thermal conductivity to dissipate the heat build-up around the 'junction', which if you don't do effectively, you'll hugely reduce the life of the diode and simultaneously alter the emitted light wavelength rendering the LED as about as useful as a chicken drumstick. Hence some peeps getting shit results.

Just spent another few hours in the shed today, putting all the studwork in for the partition.

I'm also going to get rid of the glass 'window' (sheet of glass nailed-in) and replace it with one that opens .. I found a perfectly serviceable one in a skip I've managed to renovate .. the reason is I'd rather have one and not need it than need one and not have one! Also, a shed without a window is just a box, and prompts the thought 'what's wrong with this picture?' .. even though the window will be closed up and sealed off inside, I like the idea of being able to open one should the emergency present itself.

Another thing I have to consider is electricity. Not the useage, but the amperage.

Pull too many amps on a standard household socket ring and you either blow the circuit or start a fire. Hmmm.

More food for thought ...

Ok, guys, I admit I may be biting off more than I can chew ... so one step at a time, finishing the shed off is the first step, so if it all goes tits-up, I can always battery-farm chickens!!

Bud Matthews :oldtoker:

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There's no harm in ambition mate.

I was just making an observation is all.

Hopefully a worthwhile one. I could say more but I don't wanna teach my nan to suck eggs.

If you need any help just ask, either here or by pm.

I like yr word play on sign off fwiw.


Dodgee fuxkwittery ftw

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