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THE shed thread


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Not so fast buddy! I haven't finished yet ... go brick if you want dude, I'm playing with wood and lovin' it!

That laser-guided circular saw I borrowed was the dog's nuts ... whipped through OSB3 sheeting like butter.

However, I couldn't figure out how to use the fucking laser, so had to use the old-skool trick of nailing batton guides down. Bloody technology.

Worked tho' ... here's my new shed roof, upside down and not yet on the shed, with a few more beams and braces to add:


The boards are still loose, they'll be dropped on once the framework's in place.

I find it much easier to build the roof on the ground, everything measured and pre-cut .. and one pair of hands is sufficient, no need to tie up a mate for the day. And I don't mean bondage ..!

Knackered now, with more to come tomorrow, so it's a goodnight from me ...

Bud the Builder :oldtoker:

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Nice work, picked a good week to get it sorted. How are you going to extract and intake etc? More detail of you have it old bean? I'm interested in your plans to avoid the challenge of endless temperature chasing that outbuildings always seem to present.

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Nice work, picked a good week to get it sorted. How are you going to extract and intake etc? More detail of you have it old bean? I'm interested in your plans to avoid the challenge of endless temperature chasing that outbuildings always seem to present.


Thanks dude, that's why I'm in a hurry to get started ... once the roof's on I can concentrate on the inside, weather-independent. No rush once I'm water-tight.

One step at a time, I'm on the air-extraction case and with quality insulation, we should be ok. I'll use the BioGreen from the greenhouse in the shed over winter ... I'll get to all that later, first, the shed roof ...

Framework installed and it actually fits!:


Once secured, the centre supports are added (these will form the framework for a doorway further down the road) and the OSB sheeting fixed on top:


The finished article:


And from the outside:


Rustic-looking isn't she? I quite like that about her, plus she'll look very different on the inside when I've finished!

Felting and tidying up tomorrow, and I'm already aching in places I didn't know existed.

Bud Knackered :oldtoker:

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Looking good Bud wiser, u got alot done in a short space of time. This one is going to be interesting to follow. Gud luck.

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She looks lovely mate, a bit of TLC here and there and she'll return with THC for you!

Looks like you've got scope for a veg room and a flowering room there. Can't wait to see your grow plans, but first the infrastructure. Am watching with muchos interest

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Thanks for all the kind words of encouragement peeps, feels good.

Yesterday and today saw the gap-filling and felting ...

First, buggering about with cuts of boarding and a bag of nails:


Next up, the felting, which I have to say is the messiest (bitumin adhesive) biggest load of fuckery (fiddly as fuck around the edges) and most frustrating DIY project to undertake. Ever.

However, with some patience, sunshine and a few spliffs:



Bud's yur Uncle!

She's now water-tight and smells like a Swedish Sauna at a nudist camp! Don't ask ...

Bud the Roofer :oldtoker:

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Looks like you've got scope for a veg room and a flowering room there. Can't wait to see your grow plans, but first the infrastructure. Am watching with muchos interest

Ok, you win.


Bud the Architect :oldtoker:

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Looking great bud, I love your rustic shed. You did a great job with the felt. Was that the torch one? They are messy & sticky & fiddly as you mentioned. It's like working with hot tar. Your doing a great job. Nice plan drawings of your lay out, awesome man. Keep the good work up.

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And on the subject of shed roofs ...

I have a bizarre but true story to tell y'all, just an example of how easily things could go tits-up. Chaos theory in action.

First, some background ... one of the tenants in the building next door has spent most of the summer sitting in his back yard smoking very smelly cheese, and I can smell it through the garden fence. I've never introduced myself and he's none the wiser about my greenhouse or what's in it. His cheese spliffs are out-smelling my super skunks at the moment, so I'm glad of the distraction from my little plot, or so I thought ..!

Fast forward to today, I'm up on the roof of the shed finishing off the felting and a neighbour's cat keeps taking an interest in the contents of the greenhouse, so I get down and shut the greenhouse door, shooing the bugger away. Back up on the shed roof for no longer than 5 minutes and I spot another neighbour from a few doors up walking down my garden path towards me, the garden gate I'd stupidly left unlocked. I realised I didn't have time to get down off the shed roof and head him off, so I just froze! He walked right up to the shed, stood next to my greenhouse without even glancing at it and looked up at me, apologised for disturbing me, hit me with ten minutes of beer-infused small-talk and then came 'the bombshell' ...

"I couldn't help notice the smell of marijuana in the air around here ..."

I held my breath, trying not to reveal I was completely shitting myself.

"... and I was wondering where it was coming from? ... I was thinking it might be coming from here? you look the 'type' ..."

(He's a bold fucker. What's he mean 'the type'? Am I that much of a giveaway? Er, yes with a spliff hanging out my mouth, then definitely. Shit. Forgot about that. Old habit.)

A full 3 seconds passed while he built up the courage, and they were a very long 3 seconds ...

I was waiting for The Complaint, followed by local plod, Sweeney, MI6 and then a helicopter missile attack all in rapid succession. I have a wild paranoid imagination.

" ... so I hope I'm not being cheeky for asking, but I was wondering if you knew where I could get some? The wife doesn't know, and it's only now and then, haven't had any for ages .. blah, blah ..."

Well, I nearly fell off the fucking shed roof with relief! And he's standing right next to my monster super skunk with only half an inch of whitewashed glass separating them both ... clueless with the door closed. Peachy. Thank goodness for that fucking cat ... he's getting freshly-caught applewood-smoked wild salmon next time he shows his face! With dill pickle and a tummy tickle.

I subsequently pointed him in the right direction, which was the opposite one to where I was. He's now been satsifactorily serviced I understand. The neighbour, not the cat.

The lesson here is a simple one, keep the garden gate locked you stupid fucking moron!

Here endeth the story. I was smiling for hours after the initial cardiac arrest and the accompanying release of waste matter.

Close-Shaved Bud :oldtoker:

Edited by Bud Wiser
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Looking great bud, I love your rustic shed. You did a great job with the felt. Was that the torch one? They are messy & sticky & fiddly as you mentioned. It's like working with hot tar. Your doing a great job. Nice plan drawings of your lay out, awesome man. Keep the good work up.

Thanks hun. Nice to be appreciated ...

No not torch job, just cheap shed felt with paint-on bitumen cold adhesive .. still messy stuff, gets everywhere no matter how hard you try.

I've got nail gouges on my arm, burst blisters on my fingers, a bitumen bum-crack and no fucking money left!

Could be a while before phase 2.

Bud the Battered :oldtoker:

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