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THE shed thread


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2x projects in mind going on. Collecting materials. Hope to get started on one in New year & early spring on da other. Expensive hobby but great fun.

I must admit, you have done an excellent job on this project, extremely well thought through & great works. You are an inspiration to many including myself. Excellent ideas here, first class.

Can I come back in now lol.

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@@JTR ... 6' x 6' x 6' ... roughly.

216 Cu Sq Ft = 6 Cu Mtrs. Roughly.

I've upgraded, I'm now on a P60 ...! Best tax-rate ever, with some Warren Buffet-style manipulation. lol

You don't know the problems until you face them. Simple shit like doorways you don't think of until your shed looks like an alien spacecraft has just landed from the outside..!

Rock-on @@JTR .... you'll get there, I'm in no doubt. Persevere my friend, and resist all efforts from the wife to install her washing machine in your space!

Mine is a 5.5' cube , very similar, will be a good guide for each other

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Thanks @@botanics @@Geordiejames420 ... appreciated.

Now comes the hard part ... growing some shit.

That's growing good shit, not shit shit..! :smartass:

@@Irishgirl ... buy some seeds, stick 'em in a pot and grow something. You can spend the rest of your life planning ... but you'll learn a shit-load more if you have a go yourself.

"A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step" ... Chinese proverb worthy of note methinks.

And yes, you can come back in now, not that you were ever 'out'..!

@@JTR ... buddy, what would I do without my wingman / co-chef? :chef:

@@Hashmaker6 ... deserter..!

Bud Ready :oldtoker:

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my project is on hold until further funding is recieved..

i had not noticed the shed thread before! excellent work

Sorry to hear that dude .. funding's a bitch..! A necessary evil.

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@@Irishgirl ... a line from Baz Lurhmann's song 'Sunscreen' ... "Some of the most interesting people I've met don't know what to do with their lives, and some of the most interesting forty-year-olds I've met, still don't know..!!"

Just feel your way ... it's like sex, you fumble for a while, but you soon get the hang of it for the sake of sanity..!! lol

I'm an indoor virgin, for what it's worth.

@@beezee ... thanks for checking-in dude.

I'm surprised @@Hashmaker6 has anything left to put in it ... lol

I'm all done with shed renovating now for this year, unfortunately. I say 'unfortunately' because i've loved every fucking minute of it..!

I'm getting power-tool withdrawal symptoms tho', so I might have another project soon ... hmmm. There's always the tiny attic space, maybe I could just squeeze .... hmm, now there's a challenge!

Grow diary for the first test-run here:


This is Bud Wiser checking out of THE Shed Thread ... over and out.

Shed ready. Job done.

Bud McAlpine :oldtoker:

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One of the threads Ive enjoyed the most on here; make sure and put a link here at the end to the grow thread; I'm interested to see how it works in practice; great thread @@Bud Wiser

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lol Bud Wiser, its been an excellent build. I'm going to miss this thread, I really will as I enjoyed the journey & learnt so much.

You managed to annoy me on this journey but you have made me laff alot to.

Go on, do another project, you know you want to lol. All the best with this virgin grow. I have burst me bubble now with virgin grow outdoors & well as indoors so now I'm not a virgin to it now.

Yes I'm treating & will continue treating like sex & will feel my way around & find my way. The only thing I find frustrating is they are all different with different wants & needs & you have to handle them differently lol lol lol rofl.

Your closure of your shed journey to the end has been outstanding, fantastic & you have ended your diary in no other better way then anyone could. Best of luck & hope to meet around the forums unless you sort out that small attice space lol.

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Great stuff @@Bud Wiser @@beezee is right since that bong arrived I've been higher than I've got in years. Did another QWISO run on the hollands hope and it's utterly bollocking. My nail arrived last week so I've really been making a tremendous effort to replace all my blood with THC....

@@budwiser you are the epitome of the functional stoner. A great build and no fucking about. Mines gonna be yonks off but there'll be another greenhouse auto run this year👏👏

Hope you're all getting a bit of a Christmas break in can't wait to see your grow diary mate, watching your LED experience with interest

Nadolig Llawen One and all xx

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@@Hashmaker6 ... Diolch yn Fawr Cariad.

Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda to you too.

Had a bash at QWISO myself last week, the skunk's starting to run out..!! :fear:

I'm just about to stick some piccies up ... guess its a good way to end the 2016 grow thread.

I'll tag you when I get round to it.

'epitome of the functional stoner' ... thanks dude. That's going on my gravestone..! Along with 'none the fucking wiser' .. lol

Bud :oldtoker:

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  • 3 weeks later...

This has been a very useful read.

My new base gets laid this week, sheds to go up at the end of the month.

The back of my shed backs onto hedgerow and i really like the idea of having it blending in with foliage. Looking more like a hobit hole than a bare shed.

Does ivy and other creepers damage the shed as they grow? If not the extra insulation would probably be beneficial as i'm restricted on size being a council property.

Can't wait to get growing again. Its been a year since i last grew weed.. far too long. I'll add my build pics to this thread if you wanna see them. I'm intending to kingspan the inside and roof then use my 1m sq flower tent and 90cm veg tent inside the shed. Filter the intake as well as the outtake and devise some kind of heating system. Possibly waterproofed electric blankets.

At the moment i'll be growing in soil under a 600 watt. Though 1000w should be easy enough in winter i reckon. I have td silents but i'm gonna get a small water fountain to make some tinkling noises and a pump to blame any buzzing on.

Anyway i'm just bumbling now. Will get updating early feb :)

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@@Pot Luck

First, yes, Ivy and creepers will 'attach' themselves to the wood, but damage v. usefulness I'm not sure of.

Try some 'regular' gardening sites for the info, I guess.

Why are you going to all the trouble of insulating etc and then putting a tent inside?

'Waterproofed' electric blankets? ... they might make them for incontinent pensioners, but really?

Your 600w HPS will generate some heat, just top it up with a small fan heater. If you've got eleccy, you're good to go.

Good insulation's the key. Got that, you've cracked it.

If you need any help, just tag me.

Good luck dude.

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