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THE shed thread


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@@JTR .. ha ha, beat you to it..!

Ok chaps and chapesses ... we're finally ready to start kicking some ganja ass. Hopefully.
I've built my lighting 'rig' ... I re-used an old car roof-rack and some of it's components, found it lying by the road one day, couldn't sell it (he he) so kept it in case I needed it for something one day.
That day arrived today.
I've bought 2 x 300w full spectrum and 1 x 400w COB ... all by Galaxy Hydro (Roleadro) ... the lot £270, made in China, but have read some successful grows with these and they only have to last 6 months, a year tops.
You're gonna like this ....
I changed the crappy hanging cables that came with the units and went out and bought some decent chain, which enables me to angle the lights as shown.
I can also move the two 300w outer lights further out along the bar, extending my coverage if needed.
I do love having options.
I opted for using chain for several reasons.
First, I had a shit load of heavy-duty chain just begging to be used. (That's the galvanised stuff hanging the whole rig).
Second, I like 'simple'.
Third, I didn't want to lose about a foot of height by using pulleys and ropes, and I always trip over ropes..! The cost was another consideration, my wallet's nearly empty now.
And finally, the rig's not so heavy that I can't raise or lower it several links at a time, first one side then the other ... the chains will almost reach the floor and also allow me to hoist the rig right up close to the ceiling.
Kerching. More options..!
Finally decided where to put my 6" extraction fan ... it was the only place left..!
Of course, the hose clips I bought are too small..! Advertised as 3" to 6" ... they barely touch ends at 6" ... so thank you, you misleading retail fuckwits.
More appropriate ones are now on their way as I'm typing ...
I have a backdraught flap thing to fit before it all goes out of the wall.
Vegging chamber's all nice and snug, I'm sure the RH will soon be up with the addition of some water in there ...
I tried putting the tubular heater underneath the bench to warm it up, but the wood's too thick and therefore rendered the heater about as useful as installing a chocolate ash tray in a motorbike sidecar..!
I think here's going to be much more effective .. we'll see in the morning when I check the max/min temps.
Well, it's the 1st of December, and it feels like a good day to pop some beanz.
Here's a few I procured from my Super Skunk grow this summer ... fancy some Super Skunk x Blueberry Cheese anyone? ...
Yeah yeah, I know I said I was gonna throw them. (I just couldn't..!)
Yeah yeah, I know they're probably gonna turn 'hermie' on me ...
But fuck it, I've got a lot of them ...
Right, I'm off to pop some beanz ..... ;)
Oops, forgot to mention the air-intake ...
When I bought the fans, I read some reviews that they were noisy and 'rattled'.
I followed the crowd and ignored these minor complaints .. until I fitted the first one using the method I had in mind, by suspending the fan using rubber 'dampeners' or springs to absorb the vibration noise. It rattled like crazy, noisy as fuck. But when I gripped it with my hand the noise went away. I figured out that the reviews complaining about 'rattling' were growers who'd installed one of these in a growtent..! As soon as I fixed it rigidly to the woodwork, the thing's whisper-quiet, the rattle obviously caused by the centrifugal 'wobble'. Some rubber feet have made it even quieter than my computer CPU fan .. and that's fucking quiet..!
Thought it was worth mentioning ...
Happy Bud :oldtoker:
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ingenious mate, like the lighting rig :) But come on man, all that time, effort and dollar spent, go the whole hog and get yourself some beans you know too! Or get on the Sweet seeds comp if still time if you want to save some cash. Anyway Bud, looks very impressive and been a good read :yep:

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Aah @@bobnudd ... that's the thing.

This is a test grow first up, and I do know the beans, kinda.

I want a 12/12 flower to start (easier to monitor), and I don't yet know how all this kit works in harmony ... don't want to waste any pukka beans on a first run ...

Also, my curiosity in a SS x BC cross has me gripped ...

We'll be fine. Loads to learn and loads to gain, with little to lose.

If the beans are successful, I have so many, I'm thinking about a huge guerilla grow with them next year, so now's a good time to test them methinks? See what Nature gave me.

I have some corker beans in the fridge tho' too ... a few new auto strains from Dutch Passion and some more from Greenhouse Seeds. Next up if all goes well first round.

Just learnin' ... baby steps my mum said, baby steps.

Glad you enjoyed the read dude ... I haven't had so much fun since I was about 12 ... think 'den-building'!

Nostalgic Bud :oldtoker:

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Great stuff as usual bud. I'm so jealous. You really have out some thought & works into this brilliant build. Love it. I bet you are super excited, don't blame you as I feel your joy. Happy days bud & best of luck with your first trail grow mate.

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Right then, here we go, my final groovy-shed post..!

Remember back in the summer I said I'd have all this up and running before Xmas?

Well, I'm 3 weeks ahead of schedule ... boooyaaa baby.

The growroom's now completely finished, and the vegging chamber's up and running:


Different potting mixes, I can afford to have some fun right now!

Control-freaks' Corner:


Dryers' Corner:


I'll be building some drying racks in this space no doubt soon..!

The doorway presented a problem, as-in when it was open, cultivation activities were obvious, so some old bedlinen came in handy ... yeah, I know, I actually had that adorning my bedroom back in the seventies, or eighties .. no accounting for taste. Should scare burglars off a treat tho' lol ... and I name this shed 'Ferreira' after the fuck-off port (drink, not shipping stop-over) of the same name!


And in the main growroom, I've now got the most expensive LED Xmas-lights in The Midlands:


Decided to stick some white mylar up, needed some for the partition wall anyway, so I didn't want to wait for heat-spots half way into a grow and then have to fuck about with a staple gun. Job done. The air-intake ducting on the left of the photo blows the air down to floor-level and allows the Biogreen heater to warm-up (if needed) and circulate that air (having a sensitive thermostat with a 0.5 deg C tolerance).


I've used a four-inch intake fan with a performance of around 220 Cu.Mtrs/Hr on high setting .. the six-inch exhaust fan does 450 Cu.Mtrs/Hr on low setting .. the growspace is 6 Cu.Mtrs ... that means it takes less than a minute to empty the space, and less than 2 to fill it. I now have to do some more maths and juggle the optimum ventilation rhythm for the room, heat and humidity further complicated by the presence of my dehumidifier ..


One problem that I had to overcome was water .. as-in drainage. Regular plant watering wasn't too much of an issue, but I got to thinking about 'the flush' .. I don't want to carry full-grown plants outside in the middle of Winter to flush them, that's if I could even get them out of the doorway, so I needed another solution. The other thing I had to consider was the introduction of CO2 sometime in the future, so this is what I came up with:


Works a treat. So does the 'inverted' roofing felt .. I'm feeling rather smug today!

Who'd think all that lot's hidden behind this old garden shed, eh?


I'm gonna start a new thread for the grow ... not quite sure where to stick it tho'? Indoors / Outdoors?

Anyway, it's been quite a carpentry journey, and I'm sort-of sorry it's over ... I'm gonna start making coffee-tables next summer, just for fun!

There we have it, one groovy ganja growroom built from a shitty shed in under four months .. for blood, sweat, frustration and tears and £1,600. And that's everything.

Piece of cake ..!!!!

Smug Bud :oldtoker:

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@@budwiser , great work bud ,what dimensions is your 'flower room'?

I'm close to getting the old P45 at work so I should have a bit spare time on my hands soon , I have been collecting some materials along the way .

You mentioned the door in your post , & that's where I'm at ... biggest stumbling block yet!

I'm now opting for a removable kingspan panel with a 'porch like' grow tent front ...it's the beam of light when you open the groom door & the whole shed glows . also going to install a curtain full width & height of shed to hide from prying eyes whilst the wife is doing the drying..

great post , make sure I see your grow diary

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@@JTR ... 6' x 6' x 6' ... roughly.

216 Cu Sq Ft = 6 Cu Mtrs. Roughly.

I've upgraded, I'm now on a P60 ...! Best tax-rate ever, with some Warren Buffet-style manipulation. lol

You don't know the problems until you face them. Simple shit like doorways you don't think of until your shed looks like an alien spacecraft has just landed from the outside..!

Rock-on @@JTR .... you'll get there, I'm in no doubt. Persevere my friend, and resist all efforts from the wife to install her washing machine in your space!

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my project is on hold until further funding is recieved..

i had not noticed the shed thread before! excellent work

Edited by Subliminal Criminal
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