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THE shed thread


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@@JTR ... well I've already lost Mission Control ( @@Hashmaker6 ) ... and @@Irishgirl 's still a virgin apparently, so the Squadron's already thin on the ground!

I'm holding the British Shed End up all by myself here!

Bud Depleted :oldtoker:

Excuse me Mr. Bud Wiser, I have not abandoned shed, I have yet to crack my bubble & when I do its going to be mighty & I won't be a Virgin to this build or grow then. I'm saving myself until I know it's the right time to go ahead lol lol lol. Watch this space my friend lol lol.

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@@budwiser, are you doing the eletrics yourself. How are you planning to bring the eletric into the shed & sockets etc... would like to hear your intentions, plans on this one, in plan simple English as electrical technology is double dutch to me. Maybe you could even draw me pictures as you seem clever at drawing diagrams. Only messing mate lol lol lol.

Ooh ya, did you not see we have a new comer on the shed thread, key4? So it's not only you, JRT & myself (who's dragging her heels) & Hashmaker6 who is static.

It's the shed'ers club now lol lol lol.

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@@Irishgirl ... info-hungry girl ... the electric's already installed. Doh!

Did that when I did the greenhouse .. jeez, you're really not paying attention are you?

And try using Google, you lazy bitch ... do I have to do everything for you? lol

Excuse me Mr. Bud Wiser, I have not abandoned shed, I have yet to crack my bubble & when I do its going to be mighty & I won't be a Virgin to this build or grow then. I'm saving myself until I know it's the right time to go ahead lol lol lol. Watch this space my friend lol lol.

And get back to me when you've 'cracked your bubble' .. the anticipation's killing me!

Saving yourself? ... you've drawn enough attention to yourself in the meantime that when the big day comes .. well, no pressure then.

Bud Realistic :oldtoker:

Edited by Bud Wiser
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well, i was trying to be helpfull seeing as your talking about going underground & dont have to worry about leccy cables & the like ;)

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@@Joint hogger

You don't think I'm fucking pedalling a generator to keep all this shit running do you? ... I spent 4 days and £100 getting Mr Volts and Mrs Amps down the bottom of the garden and into the shed.

I want payback!

But thanks for the thought ... useless but kind! lol


Pick a side ... and choose carefully!

Bud at the OK Corral :cowboy:

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Hey @@Joint hogger .. which part of Glasgow?

I love your City ... gutted when Rennie's library burnt down. Not kidding, Mac's art was as important to British Culture as Oscar Wilde's plays.

Spent 3 months in Paisley ... got arrested on Sauchiehall Street once for appearing naked in a shop window and I have an affinity with Scottish Culture ... like getting arrested! lol

Bud McTavish :oldtoker:

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Nor me I'm afraid @@Irishgirl ... I was a bit pissed. Actually I was very pissed.

Sorry, didn't mean to offend, but reading it back now it definitely reads that way ... dunno what the fuck I was on about ...!!

I guess in my own little world I thought I was being funny.

Please accept my sincere apologies ... sometimes I forget I'm on a forum with strangers and not in the pub with old friends.

Bud Hungover :alien2:

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Hey bud Wiser, don't worry, you can call me bitch etc any day. Quite sexy actually lol.

No need for apologies, we/I can go in2 my own world at times to especially after a few beers believing I have the answers & can seen how things should be lol & can't remember my visions or thoughts the next day.

I did send you a message calling you bullocks but it must have got deleted by administration lol.

No hard feelings my friend, have a beer for the cure but keep it to 3 & no more, I know, easier said then done.

Don't beat yourself up, keep that energy for the shed, chill & relax. Now I can pull my chair up again in your garden now that I know it's safe lol. Cheers to a beer.

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well, i was trying to be helpfull seeing as your talking about going underground & dont have to worry about leccy cables & the like ;)

i'm a tit lol somehow i was getting your grow mixed up with the underground container thread :doh:

gotta just love the Blues, just when you think its not that strong, POW ! it knocks you right on your arse :smokin:

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