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THE shed thread


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He did that mate ;)

Not seen him around for a while now.


It was nice to see many folk trying to help him & him being so determined... Good story , I actually finished off reading the thread ... Feel good story

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Hey bud Wiser. So that's where my chair went from the garden. You brought it into ur shed lol lol lol.

I must say your door is spot on, I'm well impressed. You really have thought this through mate, nice one. As usually, I am looking forward to your progress on this now that I got the chair back lol lol now where is the cushion mmmhhh lol lol lol. I need to get comfortable again.

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@@Bud Wiser she's been sold the idea. I've put maximum effort into it mate. It's been like a week thought out political campaign. Planned, prepared, lobbied and then executed to perfection. I want a luxury grow room. Within 24 months we'll have construction. I'm happy to wait. £5k was a compete out of the air figure, haven't got a clue what a double skin brick shed would cost.....

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I'm now curious what prompted you to start 'THE Shed Thread'? and what it was you intended to talk about for 2 years while you waited for your bricks to arrive? ..!!!!!!!! lol

Double-skin brick construction? Luxury? No DIY skills? ... I'd start saving dude.

Budget Bud :oldtoker:

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Intention was to lure all the shed experts into one place for knowledge farming. I may yet decide to go wood in which case will be up and running by the summer......

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Wood be fine mate so long as you insulate and treat the exterior periodically as you like ;) Save you some money as well....5 grand is a lot to try and find when life throws it's crap at you and it usually does lol

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Intention was to lure all the shed experts into one place for knowledge farming. I may yet decide to go wood in which case will be up and running by the summer......

Knowledege farming. Genius! :smartass:

I'd go wood mate, loads more fun and much much cheaper.

I'll give you a hand ...

Bud Carpenter :oldtoker:

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Ok, back to the wood ... shed under construction!

In my efforts to completely seal up the growroom, one issue I needed to resolve was the gap along the hinge-side of the door frame. The boarding, when attached, would overlap the frame on 3 sides, but had to fit flush and not overlap on the hinge side otherwise the door wouldn't open! This would leave a gap through which odours and CO2 could escape .. so here's the solution:

A thin strip of heavy-duty plastic sheet cut to size and applied down the length of the hinge side of the door and the frame using decorator's flexible filler (Poundland) and staples, like so:


The filler helps provide a seal and keeps the plastic in place while you staple.

Cut out holes for the hinge pins with a Stanley knife.

The photo on the right is with the boarding in place over the door.

Once the rest of the boarding's in place, leaving a gap for the door to open, the plastic sheeting looks like this:


The photo on the left is taken from the inside with the door open ... you can see the result of the sheeting in blocking the gap effectively. The pic on the right is from the outside with the remaining boarding attached.

The remainder of the boarding added, and the partition now looks like this:


Still got the top sections to do, but they'll be cut to size and left out for the moment, I've still got a load of greenhouse skunk I'll need to dry and the extra airflow will come in handy. Also, I've got to cut out holes for the CO2 pipe and the air-intake, so I'll need to buy an active air-intake with baffle first before I start cutting holes. Which brings me nicely onto airflow ... I was thinking, instead of drawing air in from outside, why not draw it in from the 'other' half of the shed? The air will be much warmer and less of a pain to heat. The idea is to place a couple of vents high up on the opposite wall to the growroom and place a tube heater on low heat just below them. The air would then circulate a space identical in size to the growroom before being sucked in, the exhaust obviously being directed outside in the opposite top corner of the growroom. I'll try and get a diagram together to show what I mean ...

Last but not least, I've got a huge fucking lump on my head from banging it on the door frame ... this shed's being built with blood and sweat, and injuries!

Bruised Bud :oldtoker:

Edited by Bud Wiser
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Knowledege farming. Genius! :smartass:

I'd go wood mate, loads more fun and much much cheaper.

I'll give you a hand ...

Bud Carpenter :oldtoker:

Hey Bud wiser b4 u go anywhere you better come here & give me a hand. I'm crap at hanging doors lol. How are you getting on mate?

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Lumpy Bud :oldtoker:

Aah poor lumpy, concussed Bud, maybe you should add a bit of foam to top rail of door lol.

Ya I think bringing the air in from the other part of the shed is a great idea as the air will not be as cold as if you bringing in directly from outside, especially during the winter months.

It's looking great & very clearly thought out, very impressive. Well done.

Edited by Irishgirl
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Aah poor lumpy, concussed Bud, maybe you should add a bit of foam to top rail of door lol.

It's looking great & very clearly thought out, very impressive. Well done.

Very fucking funny! ... don't be cruel, it hurts.

Glad your Ladyship approves! lol

Bud Throbbing :oldtoker:

How about clicking the 'like' button then, bitch? :kwasny:

Aaaahh .. you just did. Ooops.

Edited by Bud Wiser
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Very fucking funny! ... don't be cruel, it hurts.

Glad your Ladyship approves! lol

Bud Throbbing :oldtoker:

How about clicking the 'like' button then, bitch? :kwasny:

Aaaahh .. you just did. Ooops.

Of course i approve. Ooh I like it all, I'm loving it but not your injuries, poor Bud. I will kiss ur brow better for you, now now xx

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