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Options ... what would you do if you were me?

Bud Wiser

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Thanks dude, I've looked for Isopropyl Alcohol in Lidl, but keep getting directed to the vodka section! lol

I do remember seeing your post now ... I'm a bit like 'Finding Dory' ... my memory sucks these days!

The Super Skunks are responding very well to some plant bdsm by the way!

Bud Wiser :oldtoker:

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Test post ...

The clone cutting at 5 days .. photo cropped and uploaded from a mobile phone:


Bud Wiser :oldtoker:
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Gotcha. Was only joking, all the employees in my local Lidl are Polish, so I get directed to the vodka even if I ask for cheese! lol

Check these out ... the big girl's been responding very well to the LST she's received so far:

SuperSkunk bdsm party!

Compare that to just 6 days ago! ..

6 days ago ...

And I haven't added any (bottled) nutrients yet !!! .. just homemade 2 year-old organic compost dug-in to the soil over months of prep.
Pay-off time methinks.
Bud Wiser :oldtoker:
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No substitute for your own compost imo. It's called sweat equity. Time spent grafting for future dividends and it looks like so far so goods. I lobbed my blue hash plant in before I went away but I can't see her coming to much especially with what I'm hearing about the weather....

They look like big healthy girls who are loving the bondage mate. Filthy. Lovely stuff!

Buenos Tardes

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Bud Wiser, I've been loving following your greenhouse grow this year. Great job, they must really be getting big by now.

I am also growing in my greenhouse this year and have done previously with photo periods and have a bit of experience I can share. My last grow was in 2014 and I have just uploaded some pictures into a gallery here - http://www.uk420.com/boards/index.php?app=gallery&album=13459

The heater you have is essential and I have one also. (Mine is a smaller version but still works well)

As others have said, get some more fans and have them blowing up from under the canopy. I use the Honeywell HT-900E fans and find them excellent.

I am in the north west of UK and find that flowering only really start in the 1st week of September and I harvest around the 1st week of November. This means that humidity and temperature can become a huge issue. I have suffered in previous years from a fair amount of budrot even with a heater keeping the greenhouse at 20 degrees, so for my last grow I introduced a 20 l/day dehumidifier with a continuous drain. This pretty much resolved my budrot issues.

Also, to keep humidity down, I would recommend removing excess fan leaves, this also allows more light to lower bud sites to let them grow bigger.

Red spider mite - These little monsters have been invading my greenhouse on every grow (no sign of them yet this year). They will seriously affect your plants and need to be taken care of. Check your plants daily, especially on the undersides of leaves. If you see any, get some predator mites in asap. I use Phytoseiulus persimilis and they work great but they must be used straight away, don't delay. Remove any fan leaves that you see red spider mite on and safely dispose of away from your greenhouse. When flowering starts, I will be buying some Phytoseiulus persimilis even if I don't see any mites as a precautionary measure.

I use a combination of methods to achieve results I'm very happy with. LST, HST, Supercropping, Defoliation, Topping, Fimming, Shaking - I do the lot and the girls love it.

It's coming upto stretch and flower time so I look forward to seeing your plants progress. Hopefully we get a late summer with lots of sun and this summer has been so dissapointing so far.

Just ask if you want and more info. Best of luck...

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Quite simply grabbing the stems and shaking them a bit. It supposedly promotes more growth...

I was told to do that with my cock but not Much happened!

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Guest mrtibbs

I was told to do that with my cock but not Much happened!

I was told to do the same with mine. Long and short of it.... I had to buy a new rug.

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Thanks for your kind words dude ... I'm glad someone reads this stuff! And thanks for the advice, always appreciated.

I agree with everything you say, but with one exception. Removing fan leaves to allow light to get to the lower buds is a false economy in my opinion ... those big fan leaves are the plant's main solar panels, removing them surely reduces the amount of energy available to the plant. I'm not bothered about the lower buds, because it's the top buds I'm interested in ...


Just to note, it's bad planning on my part having a bunch of autos flowering, just as the photo's are kicking out shit-loads of moisture ex-foliating because of their sheer size!

I am using a few tricks however ... I only water first thing in the morning, allowing the plant all day with the door and window open to sweat, keeping night-time moisture to the minimum, as well as using dry mulch/bark on the topsoil to eliminate soil evaporation. The heater's doing her job really well, and up to now, I haven't had a single issue with the dreaded rot !! Not one bud lost to the enemy so far ... :boxing:

Regarding flowering, the Super Skunks have just started their final flowering stage, which came as a very welcome surprise as I wasn't expecting it for another 3 or 4 weeks. Pistils at dawn!

So, given a 50 day flowering period, that puts them ready at the end of the first week in October. Excellent news methinks.

And, surprisingly, even though they're stinking to high heaven inside, with the greenhouse closed up they're unnoticeable smell-wise from the outside.

Groovy. I'm feeling confident now ...

Bud Wiser :oldtoker:

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Yeah, defoliation is a very controversial topic, it seems to defy logic. I have tried the same plants with and without defoliation and I love the benefits of using it, it works for me.

Great news they are flowering already, they are going to look awesome in a month or so, they will really fill out that greenhouse.

I've never really known the smell outside of the greenhouse to be much of a problem on the scale that I grow, but the smell on me and my clothes when I go back into the house when they are flowering is always noticeable by my wife.

I'll try and get some pictures of this years grow up later.

Great work Bud...

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Yeah, defoliation is a very controversial topic, it seems to defy logic. I have tried the same plants with and without defoliation and I love the benefits of using it, it works for me.

Great news they are flowering already, they are going to look awesome in a month or so, they will really fill out that greenhouse.

I've never really known the smell outside of the greenhouse to be much of a problem on the scale that I grow, but the smell on me and my clothes when I go back into the house when they are flowering is always noticeable by my wife.

I'll try and get some pictures of this years grow up later.

Great work Bud...


You should have a read of Jorge Cervantes' book, 'The Medical Grower's Bible'.

Ignore the word 'medical', it's a masterpiece.

There's a very detailed and logical explanation in there that emphasises the removal of fan leaves being more harmful than good for the plant, and the most beneficial defoliation is to be found at the base of the plant not the top.

It's all to do with hormone redirection as opposed to providing light access to the lower branches, as I understand it.

All the techniques you are using have been perfectly validated as having yield-increasing benefits.

However, using them together is an art only mastered by the very best of growers, and if you're not careful you can stress the plant too much at the wrong time and in the wrong way, actually reducing your harvest.

I'd be reluctant to subject my beloved girls to too much plant bdsm without breaking them in gently first. If you apply the same principles employed when spanking the wife, you won't go far wrong! Which brings me nicely onto ...

I don't have a wife thank goodness, so smelly clothes aren't an issue :yahoo:

Try growing your plants in the ground dude ... just see what happens! That's just one plant you're looking at above.

Bud the Bookworm :oldtoker:

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