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Options ... what would you do if you were me?

Bud Wiser

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Hi there,

I would move the little one to the end as well. It ain´t gonna say little for long and you can LST the bigger one now.

Transplant shock shouldn´t be much of a problem as it won´t start flowering for another month or so..

I´ve just rooted some cuttings, if they get to 30cm high i´ll be surprised and i expect only a "taster" off them. TBH I think there´s not really enough time left for taking cuttings now.

I would expect a start/mid Oct finish from Super Skunk. You´ll be happy you´ve got a heater then!

ATB Mokka

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The little one's been transplanted four times already ... and that end of the pit is where she originally came from! lol

I've got plans for that slot, too ..

Thanks to all the input and suggestions from the kind people who took the time to read this ... I'm taking the middle road and adopting something from everyone.

The LST the big bitch is getting will be in the perpendicular direction to where the small one is located, taking best advantage of the sun's trajectory, I have plenty of lateral space in the greenhouse, I want the longitudinal space for 3 photo plants if poss.

I'm going to to take a clone cutting from the lowest branch that projects in the direction the LST training will go, if you get my drift ... the branch most likely to receive the least light in the future.

Nothing to lose, plenty of experience to gain, fruitful or not. Win-win I'd say.

I've also got a blueberry cheese photo just starting her growth spurt, so whichever reaches transplant status first out of the two (clone or seedling) gets the pit space.

The other gets a 35 litre bucket if she makes it !

And yes dude, I'm already over the moon with my BioGreen. She chucks out cool air too ... had her permanently trained on the skunks during the heatwave.

The proof's in the pudding, if my buds stay bud-rot free, I couldn't be happier. Job done.

Finish start / mid October? ... excellent. Good timing for me ... I've still got a bunch of autos finishing around mid-September ... and I'll need the shed space for drying.

Bud Wiser :oldtoker:

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Well, it's a big shed, and I don't have a vast amount of bud drying at any one time ... I've staggered my grow so I've only got no more than one or two plants drying at the same time.

Trimming for hours on end's a bitch anyway.

Plus my yields are lower than normal this year ... poor early summer took care of that.

Also, the shed doesn't have any airflow through it ... no outlet for the pong. I've got a cheap thermo-controlled fan heater keeping the temp around 24 C (give or take 10 degrees, weather permitting!) and humidity in there is quite high because of the wood (used in saunas ..go figure) and lack of airflow. You can't smell anything outside the shed, and the buds take about 7 - 10 days to dry to a lovely spongy crispness, with 'snappy' stalks. The window's blacked out, and I've used it successfully for several years now, no bud issues to date. If the temps get silly, like on Tuesday (the inside of the shed was at 35 C) .. I move the buds indoors and carry on drying them in my shower cubicle. Then you can really smell 'em! lol .. Over 30 C and the THC gets degraded, apparently, and we don't want that ! Luckily, I had nothing drying in there this week.

Bud Wiser :oldtoker:

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Got up early this morning and took my first clone cutting.

Took the lowest branch at the bottom at the front ... one which would be in shade with the LST going on.

I then stripped the bottom 2 sets of leaves, scraped the epidermis off with a clean blade and split the end of the stalk several times.

I then dipped her in rooting powder and potted her, having leached the potting mix thoroughly to remove as many nutes as poss.

(I don't have any lights to put her under ... I'm hoping all day in the sunshine today will do the trick?)

I've been misting her regularly all day.

She's obviously droopy, but do you think this cutting's too big? does this look ok?..

Clone cutting

Any help / suggestions most welcome.
I'll probably re-post this in the 'Cloning' section ... see if the guys there can help.
Onto stressing the big bitch ...!
Buried the supports today, just the right height to start her off I think:

SuperSkunk LST Pic 1

SuperSkunk LST Pic 2

SuperSkunk LST Pic 3

The taller supports in the back of the top picture I'll use later when she's put on some more growth.
Cage her in !!
Bud Wiser :oldtoker:
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A few tips for cuttings.

Put them in a propagating box to keep humidity high.

Put box on a heated mat. Maybe not necessarily during the day but definitely at night.

Keep it out of the sun. Put it somewhere where it gets shade all day.

Take a clean angled cut just below a node.

Your cuttings shouldn't wilt.

I would leave just the top 4 leaves on.

Rooting gel is better than powder.

If it doesn't pick up overnight I would try again. Sorry.


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@@mokka ... thanks dude, don't be sorry, I'm not .. Edison got it wrong a thousand times, the lightbulb i mean!

I've been reading the @@Budelaire guide to cloning ... much wiser for it now too. Well-explained and easy to follow.

I don't have the ideal tools or environment, I'm winging it at the moment, this wasn't planned, and I'm learning loads.

I'm running out of time to start ordering gels, heating mats and propagators ... ones for the future though. Cloning's not my main focus this season.

I'm using what I've got to hand ... I know it's not ideal, but I like improvisation, it's how you accidentally hit on new stuff. Take FIM for example!

To be honest, I'm not too bothered if it doesn't work out ... my main focus this year is getting a decent harvest as my autos haven't performed as well as hoped, and I'm looking to the photo mothers to remedy that.

I still have a load of nice beans left, some auto, some reg, and I've got all winter to have man-cave shed-conversion LED fun!

Thanks for taking the time, man ... much appreciated.

I'm gonna take another cutting tomorrow, follow your advice as closely as poss and try one or two of Budelaire's tips too. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

And the mother plant's doing so well, it won't affect her one bit I would wager ... in fact, it may benefit by pushing more hormones to the upper levels?

Anyway, my plan is to create a canopy in the greenhouse ... for which I'm going to have to strip away some lower thicket anyway. Need some access when it gets a bit busy later in the season!

I've been told she can grow quite big.


Enjoy the rest of your weekend ... sun's finally out and I think we well be on for a nice late summer.

I've been following the El Niño event since last year and the subsequent aftermath around the globe. We suffer a minor ripple here in the UK, but it's enough to cause a weather-pattern shift.

The signs were always there for an early hot summer, or a late one this year.

Looks like a late one's on the cards as the early one was shit, and I'm now glad I spread my planting accordingly.

This July has been much better than previous years, usually May and June are the 'belters', this year they weren't!

Sorry to twitter on ... (hic) ... (cough) ...

Bud Wiser :oldtoker:

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Hey @@mokka ... she picked up! :yahoo: I'm pleasantly surprised to say.

Either beginner's luck or an act of god ...!

Bud Wiser :oldtoker:

It's because God is Welsh

Edited by Hashmaker6
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I can't wait to see how these pan out and yep I'd agree with your analysis of the weather. Sept and October could be very warm and very dry. Perfect!

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Don't quote me .. just a hunch. You know how unpredictable predicting the weather can be !

I'm both excited and shitting myself how good these are looking.

I don't even know where to put the clone, I'm stunned she's looking so healthy .. she was standing to attention like she'd been given viagra this morning!

Totally unexpected. Morning Glory? ... lol

Nice weekend with the family? Hope so, drama's notwithstanding?

I've just had some friends round for dinner, and all I had to offer to the conversation was nutrient deficiencies in sub-tropical plant species .... and the weather!

Must get out more ...

Bud Need-more-Wiser :oldtoker:

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if you haven't got a propagator mate try clingfilm, a lot of people just use that for there cuts instead of a proppy.

all you do is half fill a pot with compost, prep your cutting and stick it in then wrap it in clingy, it makes the pot into a little propagator.

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Watch out for damping off maybe easier in a bigger container with cling film lid or a pane of glass.Open and check daily and remember not too wet and not too dry.I like to use those little cube chappies cos I can see when the roots come through.I find this a real YESSS moment.Happy days Muddy

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Hahaha @@Bud Wiser sounds like perfect dinner conversation. I had a great weekend, old friend visited from London and spent all day with him up and 5 other reprobates up the pub all day then vaping QWISO all night!

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@@craigfjyp @@mudman123

Thanks guys ... like I said, cloning's not my main focus this year ... which is probably why they're doing brilliantly! (I took 2 in the end).

I'm sure if it was life or death, they'd be doing shit !!

Muddy ... gonna order some jiffy's for next season, sound perfect for the job.


Jammy bugger!

You must share the QWISO process with me soon, dude, I'm gonna have a lot of foilage to play with by the end of the season!

Bud Wiser :oldtoker:

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