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UK 2016 Outdoor Greenhouse Grow

Bud Wiser

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lol def looking forward to seeing her in flower mate :)

Me too, and not a day too soon.

I now know what it feels like being an olympic athlete ... you've done all the prep, got through the heats and the semis, a medal's within your grasp, but you've still got the final to come and anything can happen ...!

Golden Bud :oldtoker:

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Just a quick photo update ... last one for a few weeks now, methinks.



I just hope she's chilling out a bit with the 'stretching' ... I'm running out of greenhouse.

Bud Wiser :oldtoker:

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Ok, I lied ..!

Things are looking so good in the greenhouse right now, I feel the need to share ...

First up, The Last Auto ... and of course she's my favourite Daiquiri Lime, although this one's misbehaving:


(the colours aren't 'true' .. I had to Photoshop the pic because of the intense sunlight at the time)

She's doing what the Lemon Haze did ... just finishing off the main cola then suddenly decides to grow some arms and legs!

Still, can't complain ... she'll still be an enjoyable finale to the auto season.

Remember the first clone I took off the SS mother? ...


She's doing ok in a bucket with minimal input, quite pleased and the 'extra's' always welcome!

This one's the Blueberry Cheese seed I popped at the last minute ... a trial run.

Stuck in the corner of the greenhouse, she's done well and looks lovely in flower:


Looking forward to trying her .. I've still got a shitload of seeds left of her in the fridge, too!

However, none of the above compare to this big bitch:


The 'stretching' seems to have slowed down now, I'm hoping she's got her priorities sorted out at last!

I dropped my camera shooting these pics, fucked up the lens, so I've got my eye on a new DSLR ... I was pissed off initially but now I see it as an opportunity to spend more money on toys without feeling guilty! Just need some more money now. Oh well.

Blooming Bud :oldtoker:

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Great thread! Just came across it. The stretch only happens because indoors plants are going from 20hrs + light a day to 12 and the plant starts reaching for the light. Nothing to do with flowering per se. Outdoors the plants stretch whenever the light levels go down. Looks like you'll have just enough room in the greenhouse for the Super Skunks. Hope you've given them a healthy dose of Bone Meal for extra big buds ;)

Also if parts of the plant are in darkness like the lower fan leaves then the plant thinks it's dark and stretches. You could do yourself a favour by removing the lower leaves that are in the shade and the plant won't be getting 'reach for the light' signals from them.

Edited by sterling
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Great thread! Just came across it. The stretch only happens because indoors plants are going from 20hrs + light a day to 12 and the plant starts reaching for the light. Nothing to do with flowering per se. Outdoors the plants stretch whenever the light levels go down. Looks like you'll have just enough room in the greenhouse for the Super Skunks. Hope you've given them a healthy dose of Bone Meal for extra big buds ;)

Also if parts of the plant are in darkness like the lower fan leaves then the plant thinks it's dark and stretches. You could do yourself a favour by removing the lower leaves that are in the shade and the plant won't be getting 'reach for the light' signals from them.


Thanks dude. I think the 'stretch' has slowed down now as the plant's putting all her energy into bud production ... they're getting bigger by the day. :yahoo:

I dug a shitload of fish bone & blood, home-made 2-year old organic compost and horse manure into the growing pit last year and left it covered for about a year. When I re-planted the bushy month-old growth into it this year, both plants suffered nutrient-overload and I nearly lost them, so I haven't needed to feed the soil at all throughout the grow. Plant number 2's buried underneath there somewhere, but I guess in the battle for root-space, there was a clear winner!

I've just started boosting her with some PK 14/15 and blackstrap molasses mix ... just a small dose to start with.

I'm also finding that she's been happy with very little watering ... I've gone weeks without giving her any, and the topsoil still feels sightly moist a couple of inches down, and not dry and hard like you'd expect. This has helped keep the humidity down too.

Thanks for the info above regarding Phototropism ... as it happens, I've been clearing all the lower layers progressively throughout the grow, and I've been defoliating every day too over the last few weeks (just a handful of leaves at a time) ... the lower branches were removed a while back to push the hormones to the top of the plant. Now I know why.!

The next month is going to be nerve-racking, I can feel it already.

Bud Wiser :oldtoker:

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I decided today was a good day to strip away all the remaining lower growth.

I removed all the leaves that were getting no light any more, and a lot of the thin spindly branches with microscopic buds on them!

This is how it looks now:



And from the top:


The buds are forming nice and fast with some trichomes making an appearance:


Not long to go now .... :yahoo:

Bud Wiser :oldtoker:

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I took all the fan leaves off the big girl in my greenhouse when I took the tops off... It's surprising how different they look after a good trim.

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Looking great there Bud, also looks a little easier to get into your greenhouse. Loads of budsites and they are developing really nicely. I'm quite excited to see how much you will get off of that monster...

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... weather permitting! :thumsup:

I don't like counting my chickens just yet, I've still got the dreaded budrot to contend with .. should it make an appearance.

I've had it wipe out large chunks of my crop before .. I've taken the best measures I can, the rest is in the lap of the gods now.

Bud Wiser :oldtoker:

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I noticed in the Aldi Specialbuys magazine that they are getting 20 litre / day dehumidifiers in next week for £99. That is a great price and I was hoping they were going to have them a few months ago when I bought mine for £150.

I wouldn't be without my dehumidifier in the greenhouse...

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I noticed in the Aldi Specialbuys magazine that they are getting 20 litre / day dehumidifiers in next week for £99. That is a great price and I was hoping they were going to have them a few months ago when I bought mine for £150.

I wouldn't be without my dehumidifier in the greenhouse...

Great advice, thanks dude. :yes:

Bud Appreciated :oldtoker:

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