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UK 2016 Outdoor Greenhouse Grow

Bud Wiser

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Thanks dude .. she smells like the laundry basket at a lesbian gym! lol

I'm just waiting for those little buds to start forming now.

I've LST'd the shit out of her, given her some supercropping bdsm, defoliated the lower levels ... and she still keeps coming.

Can't wait for the final orgasm!

Bud the Pornographer :oldtoker:

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  • 2 weeks later...

She's going for it now mate.looking good :)


Well, she's certainly fucking going for it now my friend ..!

Here's an update ... added some cane-support as suggested by some kind peeps in another thread:




The only access now is through this tunnel ..!:


... which I need, to be able to get to the last remaining autos I have at the back of the greenhouse, a Jack Herer with a couple of weeks left:


.. and another Daiquiri Lime with about the same:


Going a bit crazy in there isn't it?

Mad Bud :oldtoker:

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Looking great Bud, as long as you can keep on top of any potential mold, you should have a great return from that monster. Loving the crawl space to get to the back. I've still not put my canes in but have had quite a hectic week and flowering has only just began so no droopy heavy buds yet (but hopefully soon)...

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@@Bud Wiser that is a monster , I thought my poly tunnel got crowded lol but that has taken over ,silly question I see a lot of people taking out most of the foliage on there outdoor grows is there any reason or is it just for air flow

stay safe grow well

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that is a monster , I thought my poly tunnel got crowded lol but that has taken over ,silly question I see a lot of people taking out most of the foliage on there outdoor grows is there any reason or is it just for air flow


.. not a silly question at all. Defoliation is a hot topic I think.

From what I've read, old-school growers like Ed Rosenthal and Jorges Cervantes recommend NO defoliation when growing outside, except lower-canopy trimming as this lower growth won't receive much light anyway and helps the plant push all it's hormones to the upper levels. But these guy's grow out in California, where the climate's so, so very different!

I will be defoliating, but I think timing's important. The leaves are what gives the plant all it's power, so I'm going to start defoliating when the buds have properly formed and this is for 2 good reasons ...

1). helps improve airflow around the bud sites (as you mentioned) and

2). reduces transpiration thus lowering humidity levels, especially important in a greenhouse during flowering.

Strip all those leaves off too soon and you deprive the plant of some of it's energy, too late and you end up with bud rot!

No pressure then ... :boxing:

Bud Wiser :oldtoker:

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Looking great Bud, as long as you can keep on top of any potential mold, you should have a great return from that monster. Loving the crawl space to get to the back. I've still not put my canes in but have had quite a hectic week and flowering has only just began so no droopy heavy buds yet (but hopefully soon)...

Thanks dude .. I've suffered with the rot in the past and this year took measures ... so far, this beautifully expensive piece of German engineering has worked wonders so far:


I was a bit shocked when you mentioned 'the stretch' ... I completely overlooked that one in my research! Now I see what you mean.
I'm winging-it big time here ...
Bud Out-of-Control :oldtoker:
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Have you had no bud rot at all this year?

None whatsoever, yet! :v:

The real test will come when the big bitch has some colas on her ... with all the dense foliage, condensation on the inside of the glass, cold nights and high humidity, and with at least another 4/6 weeks to go (not sure) ... there's every chance I won't escape it. However, I remain optimistic and vigilant.

Bud Wiser :oldtoker:

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Looking good mate :) I doubt you'll be able to fit through that tunnel soon lol..bud the absailer

Thanks dude ... I LOVE having problems like this one. I'm walking away if she gets any bigger ...! Or buying a machete.

What a difference a couple of weeks makes!

Got a bit of an overgrown greenhouse myself at the mo :)

You ain't kidding! Fabulous isn't it?

I've fallen in love with photos again. Been a while ...

Bushy Bud :oldtoker:

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