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UK 2016 Outdoor Greenhouse Grow

Bud Wiser

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Diolch, @@Hashmaker6 ... I hate that preening pompous Portuguese twat even more now!

Buds have been a bit disappointing to date, less than an ounce a plant so far ... the Daiquiri Lime's delightful, but the real aroma/flavour surprise is the 'Think Big' - 'think' grapefruit, honey & lemon!

Absolutely delicious and my favourite so far by a long mile. Very sticky, too :yahoo:

Nice to hear you're in for a good haul .. the weather's been so shit I'm surprised you've managed anything at all ! I'm struggling to nurture my ladies ... I'm thinking of taking them on holiday to Spain for a fortnight, do you think EasyJet do a discreet plant relocation service? They fucking need it ...

Bud Wiser :oldtoker:

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I think it's the strain widow is bullet proof (or so I'm told) but I know you pay back for that with harsh acrid taste. The stone is however one of the best. There is a reason why it's continually been on the menu of most Dutch coffee shops for so long. Your menu inspires me to go for a much more extensive selection next year. But the price you pay for variety in flavour and high is more finicky plants I guess. We were lucky weather wise, a really sunny end to April and most of May (June was shit) here so they vegged lovely and now the last week has had plenty of sun again just at the right time.

God loves Wales so he makes sure the sun is out for those of us with a grow on. Could try yours over by yer for a week or two. Only £6.50 for the bridge mun.

Edited by Hashmaker6
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She's a right looker. I'll give her a try next season

You should @@Hashmaker6. She's so sticky, my scissors glued themselves shut every 5 minutes when trimming her :smug:

Lovely smell too, like lemon pepper.

Definitely the best of the five strains from Green House Seeds I'm trying ... so far!

Highly recommended.

Bud Wiser :oldtoker:

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Anything sticky is going to be good. And fruit and spice at the same time... Mmmmmmmmm

I chopped Wilma tonight. She had a few Amber trichs so down she came. The three in the bed are not going to be long either. I was having a mild panic as off on a jaunt at the end of the month. Wilma went from 0-60 in less than 2 weeks. I reckon the end of next week and 2 wil be done.

The third plant is just a beast she may have to be left to her own devices until I get back - she is way behind at the moment but who knows. The speed on these autos is something else! Did you only grow in pots @@Bud Wiser? How's your super skunk looking?

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@@Hashmaker6 Good 'ol Wilma! Go girl ...

Those couple of amber trichs are always my signal too ... they do suddenly finish quickly don't they?

I've already had a couple take me by surprise ... looked at them, thought weeks to go, and by Friday they were done!

End of the month? Plenty of time ... lol

This year, all my autos are grown in pots, 30 & 35 litre.

I reserved the 'pit' for my 2x Super Skunk photoperiods, and there's another story ... I'd dug so much compost, fish-bone, horse-shit and fertiliser into the grow pit over the last 6 months that the poor girls got a bad case of nitrogen toxicity! Only after 3 days of transplanting, they were both showing bad symptoms, one worse than the other, so I dug out the worse one leaving the other one in the pit, re-transplanted her back into a pot with some nutrient-depleted medium (recycled from a recently harvested plant) and left her for 48 hours while I removed most of the soil from the pit, re-mixed and diluted it (it's always handy keeping your 'used' soil) and dug it back in, a huge watering to follow. I then re-transplanted #2 back into the grow pit. I'm really glad I did, because the one I left in (#1) has now grown threefold in a fortnight and the second one is playing catch-up beautifully. These two are going to fill the greenhouse, I can feel it ...

Bud Wiser :oldtoker:

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@@bud Widser check out this weeks grow diary update in the Dinafem outdoor competition thread. They look awesome. And yes the speed is breathtaking, have bought a little battery operated fan for the drying shed which should be with me by Weds of this week. I just hope Wilma doesn't turn to mush in that time. The smell in the shed of her is very very naughty.

Super skunk is one of my all time favourite strains and likely to be project #1 in the shed affair as soon as the official opening party has happened. the potential for a massive increase in choice then. in your greenhouse you should have a right result. They are a heavy yielding and pretty disease resistant strain from what I've read and your greenhouse should avoid the guerrilla grower's nightmare of big heavy dense buds getting soaked with rain as they are trying to ripen.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Time for an update, I guess.

Fabulous week, long overdue. Got a little bit hot in the greenhouse tho' ...


Well, down to my last 15 plants now ... including Super Lemon Haze #1 which is still being harvested !!

I first harvested the top 60% of the plant on 2nd July, another 20% 11 days later, and she's due for a final snip this Sunday, another 11 days after that:

LemonHaze#1 - 3 Wks after 1st harvest

When I took my first harvest, the bottom buds weren't even fully formed and there was definitely no resin present, so by leaving them I felt I had nothing to lose.

Just look at them now! And I swear there's been some more foilage growth too. Well chuffed ... maxed-out the harvest, albeit small compared to some grows I admit, but well worth hanging on for a few more weeks after the first harvest .. as getting to this point wasn't exactly easy.

Super Lemon Haze #2 didn't work out so good:


She started asymmetrical branching straight from birth, so I knew I had an odd one to contend with.

Same nutes, light, medium etc as the rest... some you win, some you don't.

I have back-ups however:

LemonHaze #3 & #4

Only a fortnight old, but well on their way and off to a great start with the recent sunny weather :yahoo:
Onto the rest of the number two's ...
(It's like trying to make a hit second album isn't it? - tough!)
AutoMazar #2:

Mazar#2 - 8wks

At 8 wks now, so not much more upward growth going on, this is as tall as she's gonna get.
The first 2/3 weeks of an auto's life, I think, is the most important. Get shit weather and no sun and they don't get much growth in before they start putting energy into bud formation.
Still, as I can't control the weather, I have to make the best of what I'm given unfortunately. What I'd give for some lights when I get a low harvest like this.
Think Big #2:

ThinkBig#2 - 8wks

At 8 wks, same as the Mazar, and same slow upward growth rate. However, she's blooming nicely and that's going to be one fat cola when she's finished.
Daiquiri Lime #2:

DaqLime#2 - 8wks

At 8 wks, same as the other Dutch Passions ... but this one had no problems with upward growth! What a fantastic plant.

I have had a small issue (I hope) with her tho' ... it's here on another thread if interested:


And here's Lime #3 well on her way at just under 4 wks:


Also in the number two's wave is this Jack Herer at just 3 wks:


... and this Big Bang #2, and this time she's a GIRL: :yahoo:


And here's King's Kush #3 and #4 at 3 wks too:

KingsKush #3 & #4

Last but not least:

2x SuperSkunks - 9wks

2 x Super Skunks. These beauties are gonna grow big.
Photoperiods as opposed to all the others being autos, and grown direct in Mother Earth as opposed to pots, I'm gonna have to LST the fuck out of 'em! (so I'm told).
Here's the advice given so far:

I was thinking that's it ... but I only count 14 ... 1 missing.

Ah ... I have a Blueberry Cheese photoperiod I popped a few weeks back ... still a 4" seedling but about to enter her rapid growth period.

She's off to a good start and, even tho' I didn't have much hope, I took the gamble to see how much growth she could manage before fruiting, so late in the season.

I like experimenting, what can I say. We'll just have to see what happens with her.

Bud Wiser :oldtoker:

Edited by Bud Wiser
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I've got to try that Lime next year. I wonder what it would be like under lights?

You're right about the weather great weather for veg phase is vital, the more bud sites the better!!

Good luck with the skunks dude. One of my all time favourites. For flavour, high, bag appeal. They've got it all.

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I've got to try that Lime next year. I wonder what it would be like under lights?

You're right about the weather great weather for veg phase is vital, the more bud sites the better!!

Good luck with the skunks dude. One of my all time favourites. For flavour, high, bag appeal. They've got it all.

I don't have a shed tall enough to do her under lights !! :chains::clown:

Think Big's the one for lights, methinks. Short growing plant with big fuck-off buds the size of a bricklayer's arm !

Grapefruit for breakfast, anyone?

Bud Wiser :oldtoker:

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Who doesn't love a citrus scented sticky bud?? !! Build that ENOURMOUS shed now! Have you seen @@mokka greenhouse?

Envy envy envy !

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Decided to finish off harvesting the Super Lemon Haze #1 today ... busy tomorrow so won't get chance.

Third and final harvest, I'm amazed at how much more resin she's produced since the last one 10 days ago ... and she's still got new growth going on:

Lemon Haze #1 - still new growth!

Feel kinda sad in a way, she's been an awesome plant.

I could have probably let her carry on, see how long I could push her, but I've got other girls going on needing my attention and a greenhouse needing more space.

And I've got two more happy Lemon's to go yet, plus one Lemon runt!

Bud Wiser :oldtoker:

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  • 2 weeks later...

An update with some good, bad and weird news this week!

The bad news ... I noticed some slight leaf discolouring on my two Lemon Haze seedlings just before the weekend.

I checked the pH > fine, overwatering? > nope, nutrients? > shouldn't need them, plenty in the soil.

Thought I'd leave it 24 hours, see if they got any worse.

Next day, they looked like this: (this one was worse than the other)

Sick Lemon

Ouch. I immediately leached the soil with loads of tap water and re-potted them both in some fresh potting mix.

They're both looking a bit more perky today .. I may have saved them but they'll be stunted now I'd guess. We'll see ...

What happened? Well, I have a theory and a confession. I re-used some of my soil without composting or baking it ... and I think this was a root disease. I got lazy, ran out of fresh potting mix and couldn't be arsed driving to a supermarket or garden centre. So I improvised by mixing some used soil with some of my home made compost. They were perfectly happy one day, then wham! this started happening, and it was quick. A basic schoolboy error, and a stupid one, I'll pay a price in lost bud no doubt.

Now the good news ...

Daiquiri Lime #2 is doing well, still 2 weeks off but plenty of bud growth going on:

Daiquiri Lime #2   Day 64

Think Big #2 also at 64 days ... not a big plant but the main cola's going to be well fat:

Think Big #2   Day 64

Big Bang's also looking happy, but I'm starting to wish I'd kept that male now, I'll probably have to wait years for another male auto!

This one's definitely a girl:

Big Bang #2   Day 43

The Super Skunks are now starting to pose a very different 'problem' ... they're growing too big too fast !!
I've built a sort of cantilever shelf to elevate the smaller plants so they can get some light, but I'm gobsmacked how fast the big one's growing now ... I swear you could pull up a chair, crack open a beer, and by the time you'd finished it, she'd have grown another inch! I may have to top her after all:

SuperSkunks + shelf

My clones are doing well too, all four of them now! I had to clear some bottom branches anyway, so why not use them?
Dunno what I'm going to do with them tho', I'm fast running out of greenhouse space!
And the weird news:

Confused Lemon

This was the Lemon that started asymmetrical branching from birth, which is unusual. And now she's 3 weeks into her flowering, she suddenly decides to start growing some branches!

I think this one's going to be interesting.

Bud Wiser :oldtoker:

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Mate you got it all going on in there, I think you should rename your 'think big' ha ha

Those skunks are really starting to go for it now, looking well tidy!


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