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UK 2016 Outdoor Greenhouse Grow

Bud Wiser

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An Autofem growing balls? WTF?
This is (was) an Autofem from Green House Seeds called 'Big Bang' - she's (he's!) a cross between Skunk, Northern Lights and El Niño and is (was) probably the fastest germinating seed I've ever come across, just 3 days from water to sprouting!
She was doing well, too. Just four weeks in ... and then I spotted these:

bigbangballs 1

bigbangballs 2

Different angle ...

bigbangballs 3

Under the microscope ...

bigbangballs micro

Bollocks. (Pardon the pun!). Start again ...
It just goes to show that it pays to check your plants regularly, and that there are no guarantees!
I'm loathed to rip it out though, such a waste, so if anyone fancies having a go at breeding, and wants a free male with a nice pedigree, just PM me and we'll try and arrange something. Otherwise it's going in the bin ... one that's fucking miles away!
Bud Wiser :oldtoker:
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Oops, just checked the rules .. no offers or requests for cuttings, pollen etc. ... too late to edit, so apologies @Admin for that.

Looks like he's going in the bin then ... :(

Bud Wiser :oldtoker:

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Not the compost heap @@Bud Wiser?

E2a what's sly one sneaking in like that. Good job you're eagle eyed could have been tragic.

Edited by Hashmaker6
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No way compost heap ... I'm driving this fucker to the Outer Hebrides ... cannabis males can pollinate females from miles away apparently.

Just watch the 'Strain Hunters' videos on YouTube ... Morroco in particular. They planted different strains in fields a hundred miles apart and they still cross-pollinated!! Amazing really.

Bud Wiser :oldtoker:

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Mate don't chuck it use it. Hopefully you have top quality genetics in the male use it to pollinate some other autos and make your own auto seeds.

Move the male to a window sill (windows shut). Make sure that there is no breeze and then you can harvest your pollen..

If possible bring your female auto inside to pollinate her, otherwise close doors and windows, don't sneeze! Use a brush to dab the pollen on the bud. Choose one that's sticking out half way up the plant, too low and the seeds are a bit smaller and ripen later,too high and you risk pollen dropping on to lower buds. Label the bud so you can harvest it as late as possible to let the seeds fully ripen.

One bud can produce 50-100 seeds

I would pollinate every auto you have and then you're sorted for auto seeds for life as well as saving a few pennies.

Atb mokka

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@@mokka upping the ante now ! He'll make breeders out of all of us! I'd love to have a stab at this at some point. Nearest I get at the moment is radishes and tomatoes.

Weather is still good, how are the girls looking @@Bud Wiser?

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Too late ! Sorry dude, nice thinking but a bridge too far for me at the moment.

I have no breeding experience so I think I'll leave that to the professionals. I don't mind paying for my seeds ...!

Besides which, I need a smoke !!


Some of my girls are VERY close now ... I'll post some pics in the next few days.

I'm very aware tho' ... this is bud-rot season now, especially with all the wet weather, varied temps and high precipitation.

It ain't over 'til the 'fat lady' sings !! And sing she will ....

Btw ... Go Gareth! #proudtobewelsh

Bud Wiser :oldtoker:

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I hope you are wrong! I think the weather is forecast to calm down into the weekend and back to hot sun. You do have the benefit of that lovely greenhouse heater so am sure all will be well whatever the weather!

Another one ! This forum must be half Welsh! Epic, we really do get everywhere!

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I hope you are wrong! I think the weather is forecast to calm down into the weekend and back to hot sun.

That's the problem ... wet weather with cool temps and high precipitation followed by warm weather ... without adequate airflow (a down-side of greenhouse growing as opposed to 'outdoors') the buds provide the perfect haven for mould growth. Dark, damp and warm. I learned from my mistakes too ... water the plants in the morning not the evening, gives them all day to transpire and helps reduce humidity build-up under glass at night as the temps drop. In fact I think keeping your topsoil nice and dry (or using mulch/bark) goes a long way to helping combat the 'rot' if you can't use fans in your greenhouse.

Bud Wiser :oldtoker:

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Auto Blueberry Diesel at 10 weeks ...

AutoBlueDiesel 10wks

Auto Mazar at 10 weeks ...

AutoMazar 10wks

Daiquiri Lime at 10 weeks ...

DaiquiriLime 10wks

Think Big at 10 weeks ...

ThinkBig 10wks

Bud Wiser :oldtoker:

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Hey nice greenhouse grow. Its been a while since I done any green house growing myself, I used to do auto's in a poly tunnel. Never got amazing yields or the best bud but it was all free and more enjoyable to grow out in the sun rather than under a light. Best of luck with the growing pal !


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Can you nominate a favourite so far? They all look mouthwatering....

Thanks dude ... too early to say, but I DO like Dutch Passion seeds. All three strains are hardy and relatively easy to grow, and they all smell uniquely delicious !

Looking forward to trying them in my pipe ...

Bud Wiser :oldtoker:

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Thanks dude ... too early to say, but I DO like Dutch Passion seeds. All three strains are hardy and relatively easy to grow, and they all smell uniquely delicious !

Looking forward to trying them in my pipe ...

Bud Wiser :oldtoker:

You should try a vaporiser. It's a much better flavour profile and more efficient on consumption. The lime you have looks amazing

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