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UK 2016 Outdoor Greenhouse Grow

Bud Wiser

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@inapond .. roll on indeed.

I'm uber shed-busy at the moment .. Xmas has come early for Bud this year ...I'm knee-deep in tech, plastic, polystyrene, packaging and plugs.

Thanks for all your support, communication and interest this year dude ... I hope 2017 is both prosperous and generous to you.

Shed's nearly ready, I'll be popping some new beans within the next fortnight ... :yahoo:

Very Busy Bud :oldtoker:

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  • 4 weeks later...

@@Hashmaker6 ... this one's for you.

I thought I'd finish this thread off with some QWISO I made from just the auto trimmings, a mixed-bag of a dozen varieties .. 3 x 2 litre jars of trim.

I used 3 litres of Isopropyl.

Following Hashmaker's instructions, I covered the bowl of fluid with a muslin cloth and left it, and left it, and left it. Four days later, very little evaporation ... guess the winter's not the time of year to do this without electrical help, again.

Onto the intertwibblenet, and do what the Yanks do. Speed shit up..!


Hotplate, a tenner off Amazon, laser-thermometer another tenner. Old wok, now rusty and finally has a use, pirex dish surplus to requirements.

Job done.

Care needed executing a YouTube video, however ...


About 3 hours later though ... this is what I ended up with ...


I didn't manage to get ALL the Iso out, so I didn't get the 'shatter' they rave about in the US, but the sticky gooey mess I did get looks pretty good to me, tastes good to me, and has me hooked ...



I'm onto the Super Skunk trim next ... just need some more Iso.

Sticky Bud :oldtoker:

Edited by Bud Wiser
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Lovely stuff @@Bud Wiser. I find a square Pyrex easier to get everything out and use a razor blade rather than spoons and you'll get an extra couple of grams. Tastes nice and hashy doesn't it? Lovely stuff, I've got one more tub of trim and popcorn to convert plenty here to last me through the new year, will do my last QWISO around Feb which should last me about a week....!!

Great diary, top lad


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Oh, get yourself some silicone tubs off flea bay to keep it in. Mess free then.


Tubs to keep it in? Are you kidding ... that was last week's qwiso, and it's all gone. lol

It doesn't last long enough around here to store, y'know...!

Here's this week's batch ...


This is the first of the Super Skunk trim jars ... I used 2 jars, each only half-full, and one litre of Iso, re-using the alcohol twice around this time.

I think just looking at it that there's nearly twice as much this time .. I keep forgetting to weigh the glass slate before I stick the oil on it tho', doh!

Aaaand ... there's your razor blade dude, I'm ahead of ya!

By the way, I waste nothing, I 'rinse' the bowl out with some more Iso, just a teaspoonful, and pour it onto a saucer and leave it to dry out. Seems to work ok.

I use the bowl because it fits neatly into the wok, without touching the sides, only the 'handles' in contact, so there's at least half an inch gap for the water all around between the glass bowl and the iron wok.

I'd have to re-think the whole thing if I got a square one ..!

It all took me about 3 hours today, start to finish. not bad going.

This one really tastes of hash, like unbelievably so. Mmmmm.

Happy Bud :oldtoker:

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I should know better ! You've always thought through everything so thoroughly it's setting standards way higher than I could achieve! Once I've got my shed done I'll be growing almost exclusively for concentrates and sifting- I dropped some kief onto a nail last night - it was fucking lovely.

I bought ed rosental's 'beyond buds'. Thoroughly recommended every single concentrate covered Ed style. Have a look into dry ice live resin, now that looks ridiculously good....

How are you finding variation in stability of end product between each QWISO run you've done?

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Ok, first up, what's a 'nail'..?

Second ... 'dry ice live resin'..? fuck me, don't get me started you tease, I'll be off down the Dry-Ice-4-U shop tomorrow..!

Ed's one of my heros, I have his book right next to the shitter ... and that's an honour. It's next to the Kelly Brook edition of FHM. lol

What do you mean by 'stability' dude? The second lot's a bit more harsh, and goes off like a sparkler when you set fire to it, but apart from that, I'd say it's pretty stable. Ish.

Bud the Alchemist :oldtoker:

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A nail is essentially a way of turning a bong onto a hot knife. Have a look at dab rigs on ewe tube. Heat it up with a blowtorch then drop a tiny blob of extract on it. Great fun

By stability I mean does it hold a consistent state. I've had some QWISO which looks incredibly dry and crumbly but as soon as it's near your fingers it's all oily and runny (and therefore unstable).

You're gonna be chewing through some serious yield in that set up, you need bubble bags, and sift screens and a rosin press at the least

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In that case, nope, stable as fuck, sticky as fuck .. this shit out-sticks superglue..! :eek:

Like the idea of a 'nail' .. used to love hot-knives back in the day.

I'm converting shed number two into a trichome-processing factory next year ..

Or I might just buy shed #3 and expand..!! lol

Anyway, thought I might store some .. keep taffy happy! :v:


Try spreading that on yur toast in the morning ... goodbye afternoon..!

There's 8.3 grammes in there .. yep, I remembered to weigh it this time.

Did some more today .. I was bored. Need the freezer-space too.

I hate Xmas shopping, I do all mine down at the petrol-station on Xmas Eve, on the way back from the pub..! lol

Bubble bags? Nearly bought some last year, and a desktop washing machine, and an ice-maker, and a one-way ticket to California ..!!

Festive Bud :dev:

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Fantastic oil porn there @@Bud Wiser. Bluddy luvly mun

E2a - deffo invest in a nail and some glass. Taking hot knives mentalness into the refined convenience of middle age.

Edited by Hashmaker6
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Taking hot knives mentalness into the refined convenience of middle age.

Oooh. 'the refined convenience of middle age' .. you're starting to sound like Stephen Fry now.

I did have a much wittier response, but the page crashed and then I lost my memory. Sorry.

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Done qwiso for first time this year, best was from proper bud but trim stuff was ok too just didn't come out as golden. Gets me proper wasted and am hooked too.

Store mine in silicon pot in the freezer and consume with home made rig and nail from eBay. Now I know I like it will invest in proper rig

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  • 5 months later...

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