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UK 2016 Outdoor Greenhouse Grow

Bud Wiser

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And me......

In your dreams, @@Irishgirl ... last thing I need is a Gaellic Ganja-babe.

What I'm looking for is a distillery-owning super-model with a 34" inside leg, big tits, and an open-minded twin sister..! :yahoo:

Wrong forum then.

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@@Captain Bonglington

Thanks man ... your positive vibe is well appreciated.

It's a waiting game again now, after the mad intensity of all the trimming. Such a contrast.

When it's all finished drying in the shed, and jarred-up, I'll be able to relax. And smoke myself stupid. ;)

I'll also then get the chance to go back and read all the other grow reports from other peep's adventures ... expect some dated 'likes'..!

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Dear bud,

Splendid work old bean. A pillar of the growing community indeed. I chopped 2oz and 1oz of trim off my blue hashplant 2 weeks ago so another .5oz of oil on the way!

Here's to glasshouses and sheds!


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Well peeps, this is it ... the day of reckoning.

Total yield from the one big Super Skunk: 446 grammes / 15.93 ounces.

Bollocks. Just missed the One Pound Club by 8 fucking grammes.

I re-weighed it 3 times as well to try and find that extra Q..!

Anyway, I'll just have to console myself with this lot:


Like the labels? .. I was top of the class in 'cutting-out' at primary school, those skills are for life. lol

This time, I've got enough bud to do things properly, so I graded the buds as I stripped them. This was a half-fun, half-serious exercise. The small buds from the lower branches (buds well spaced out on the stalk) went into the 'Reserve' jar, the medium sized buds from the main canopy went into 2 'Premiere Cru' jars, and all the tops and main cola buds went into 2 more 'Grand Cru' jars:




The thinking is this ... the smaller buds will dry and cure much quicker than the big fat buds. This is already proving to be the case, as I'm finding these smaller buds to be stronger already than the main big one I've tried. By the time I've got through the 'Reserve' jar, the 'Premiere Crus' will have had a month's cure and by the time I get through those, the 'Grand Crus' will have had close to 3 month's cure.

That's the theory.

What'll actually happen is I'll end up exchanging most of it for some LEDs, some soil, a new camera and some airpots..!

Onwards and upwards, said the plant.

By the way, here's a handy tip I picked up on my digital travels ... weigh the curing jar empty first and make a note of it, then each time you want to weigh it's contents, you don't need to empty it. Just weigh the whole thing full, and then subtract the jar weight:


And here's what the average-sized 'Grand Cru' bud looks like:


They're tightly-packed, solid-feeling buds, with lots of density and stinky as fuck. This is by far the most pungent strain I've ever grown ... it clings to your clothes like nuclear fallout and follows you to the supermarket too..! I've had a bizarre week, won't go into detail, but the freakiest was waking up to a really loud helicopter outside my bedroom window at 4:00am .. peeking out the blinds, the fucking thing was hovering only 200 feet above my greenhouse, lit up like a spaceship. I'm sure it was nothing to do with me, but I only cleared my plant out and turned everything off two days earlier, so I feel a lucky escape was enacted. That's how shit happens .. some twat nicks a car then drives it into your greenhouse in the middle of the night.

Early smoke report ... I fell asleep stoned watching telly last night, then got up at 3am for a piss, proceeding to the kitchen to consume half a box of Ritz crackers, two Mars bars and half a carton of pineapple juice. I then went back to bed and had a wank. Draw your own conclusions, just tellin' it how it is. :wink_kiss:

I'll let you know the 'real' smoke report around Xmas time.

Until then, further adventures in woodcraft and my first indoor/outdoor UK winter grow in a fucking shed can be found here:

Happy toking peeps ... it's Harvest Festival time..! :yahoo:

Bud-in-a-Jar :oldtoker:

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@@Cainedbutable .. thanks man .. just need another 9 just like it..!

Unfortunately, it don't last as long as you want it to. Enough's never enough.

Oh for fuck's sake ... make it legal and let me go to town, please.

I need a bigger greenhouse ...!

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Mate that would last me 2 years if I kept it all for myself....

Spose' the more you got the more you smoke? Shit it's a nice problem to have....enjoy it man.

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Great work bud. I pulled 2oz off my blue hash despite total neglect. I think photoperiod has much better flower development than auto's ....

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Come on bud you must have had a cheeky nine grams of a taster at some time before the full harvest. If so I deem it a pound plant....

Stunning job regardless.....

Well done and enjoy..m

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Oh my fucking goodness .. I haven't moved off the sofa for a week now.

The whole US Election played out like Game of Thrones (for me anyway!) and I feel like a big Netflix series just ended with a shocker..!

I do like the chaos tho'. Not sure about the potential outcome ...

I'm gettin' me a Trump haircut ... they'll be all the rage soon, you watch. lol

A lesser known victory in the US, after fucking up a Presidency, was to vote the whole West Coast a ganja paradise. R-e-s-u-l-t.

All the way from Mexico to Canada, the west Coast of the USA is now a Mary Jane freedom zone ... long live the hippies..!!

@@Phoenix .. I'll get more than 9 grammes of qwiso ... the trim & foliage filled 2 bin-liners! :yahoo:

@@Hashmaker6 ... glad you finally got something off that fucking hash plant dude ... a long time coming methinks!

@@Cainedbutable ... it's highly addictive, I'd challenge you on the 2 years ... I'd give you a year, max..!

Shed's getting done by the way .. 'just cos I gone quiet don't mean I got lazy' ... been to Screwfix again.

Converted some of my trichomes into shedvestment.

Busy weekend ahead.

Busy Bud :oldtoker:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's some bud-porn, my SuperSkunk bud a few weeks into curing ...




Jars are going down rapid ... need to get the fucking shed finished asap..!!

More Bud :oldtoker:

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