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UK 2016 Outdoor Greenhouse Grow

Bud Wiser

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Hey bud, if you can, I'd suggest leaving it at least a week now you've taken all the lowers off. She will slow down whilst repairing the damage, but, I'd also be pulling all the buds open to check for nasty shit.

All the best

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@@beezee .. thanks mate, been checking all the buds today and found a couple of inch-worms chewing and shitting all over a couple of the buds, some thrip trails on the leaves, and more mite leaf-damage.

Looks like the wildlife's moved in for a winter feed.

No sign of budrot anywhere though ... well chuffed.

A couple of colas have got so heavy, they've supercropped themselves and are now hanging upside-down despite the intricate canework, so I'll be taking those down tomorrow.

I've thinned her out below a bit too much as well, I didn't mean to .. I just got carried away..!

I'm thinking, and as you mentioned it, the stress recovery will take another week now, so with all things considered and where-we're-at-trichome-wise ... I think it's time out.

I'll be taking her down after the weekend I think ... I've got a clear week, and it'll probably take me a few days anyway, plus I have the luxury of being able to take my time with her.

It doesn't end here ... I'll be growing this strain again next year definitely.

Now I know what to expect, and I have the benefit of first-hand experience, next year's crop will be even bigger and better I'm confident.

I've been smoking some of the scissor-snot resin from the first bud trim and it's pure Afghani hash in both taste and strength ... sweet and uniquely old school. What you'd expect from a 50% Afghani hash plant I guess.

Brings back memories for sure.

Bud Marks :oldtoker:

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A bit more ready now methinks ...


Took about a third of her down today ... been trying out my new Fiskars.

Some nice big fat buds on her too ...


This morning's handiwork ...


I did about the same this afternoon but it was too dark to take a photo when I got around to hanging it all out!

Phew! ... another 2 days of this and we're done.

Bud Ache :oldtoker:

Edit: Yesterday's trim!


Edited by Bud Wiser
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lol no mate, what I ment was... Have you got a sample drying somewhere else a bit quicker do you can try it?

Sorry @@beezee gotcha now mate ...! Silly me.

I've been trying the popcorn buds I took down a week ago, they're quite strong but not a true indication yet.

I'm waiting for the main event which could be a while off, I want to dry it all slowly over a week or more, then jar it up for a while.

I've got about two and a half ounces of smokeable fodder to keep me sane in the meantime ...

This is the scissor snot from the two days of trimming ... I'm smoking some right now as it happens!


Tastes really sweet and hash-like. Very nice. I think it's strong.







What was I saying? Oh yeah, nice. Strong. :toldya:

I wanted to take a pic of them all hanging up drying but again it was too dark tonight when I hung up the last batch.

I'll do one tomorrow, then we can all play a game of 'guess the weight'...lol

Bud Trimmed :oldtoker:

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@@Bud Wiser that's more like it! Looks tasty that does. Whoop whoop!

Thanks @@Mohamedbear ... your approval is praise indeed..!

I'm fucking ecstatic.

The buds felt really dense and hard when I was trimming them, and the fattest were really easy .. just like big strawberries with a few leaf-ends sticking out.

I think I'm still going to be making qwiso from the trim this time next year :yahoo:

Oh man, the taste reminds me so much of weed from years back ... haven't tasted this in a while.

Bud Serendipity :oldtoker:

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Mixed emotions today ... it's all over outdoors for another year.



Fucking well happy:


And let's face it, we don't get to see the roots until it's all over ... these were quite long:


And a slightly better scissor-hash pic with some idea of scale:


I've even prepped the soil today ready for next year, that's how obsessed I am..!

When I get chance (and a decent bottle of wine), I'll write up a grow report.

Until I have the final weigh-in ...

Bud Drying :oldtoker:

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Thanks @@Billy2Hats ... a depressing rot-year 2 years back, a lot of research, some considerable investment and plenty of sleepless nights later ....

Would've been much easier and cheaper to just move to California ..!! lol

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