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UK 2016 Outdoor Greenhouse Grow

Bud Wiser

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Yes! That's an excellent decision! I'm sure you won't regret it.

My current position is similar, I have 5 (guerrilla) plants about 2 weeks from finish and rain coming at the weekend... I think I'll check on them Friday, if they're rotting bad, I'll chop then down.

Edited by beezee
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@@beezee fingers crossed for you mate hope the rain holds off , my tunnel was only running at 40% humid today but today she is over 70 so heater and fan running lol .

stay safe grow well

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@@noddy ... I'm feeling you dude, I know your anxiety. It's not so easy is it, this weed-growing lark?!

It's a hands-on hobby if you're serious about it.

You're lucky if you've got some climate-control .. sometimes I envy, but sometimes I feel sorry, for guerilla growers. The hard part is the last part. Edit: @@beezee ... just read your post after the time taken to write this.

And the weather's not too kind here in the UK.

If you've got spider mite issues, try lowering the heat ... they only thrive in the warm, whereas weed can take some chill ... use the cold to your advantage.

And if you have electricity down in your tunnel, then I recommend a de-humidifier ... someone on this forum (er, that would be @@inapond13 - The Dehumidifier Demon, see Marvel Comics issue #4,925) recommended I get one and I have to say it's one of the most useful bits of kit I own, so far, after the more-expensive heater/air-circulator! Combined, I've got the SAS of budrot control ... the best bit is, I can drop the temps enough to lose the pests, but keep the air dry enough for the plants to evade the rot.

I should work for NASA:


Here's the full article ... http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/research/news/flowers

Bud Skywalker :oldtoker:

Edited by Bud Wiser
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Now, what I want to know is:

How the fuck does Botrytis manage to find a way to get onboard a sealed grow-chamber onboard an exceptionally-clean earth-orbiting vehicle in OUTER SPACE?

Puzzled Bud :oldtoker:

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... (er, that would be @@inapond13 - The Dehumidifier Demon, see Marvel Comics issue #4,925) ....

I've had the kids all week, does it show? :russian:

If I ever bump into Scrap-Iron Man or that smug bastard Capitan Over-the-Pond ... I feel the bad guy's coming out in me I'm afraid.

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Yes! That's an excellent decision! I'm sure you won't regret it.

@@beezee ... damn right I don't regret it. Thanks man, a touch of paranoid impatience showing through but happily diverted with 'a little help from my friends' ..

This was taken 5 days ago:


And the same bud taken today:



Another 2 weeks of this and I'll be off-the-charts-chuffed..!

(Sorry, back to mobile phone pics I'm sad to say, I want a fucking new camera with a macro lens NOW!)

Impatient Bud :oldtoker:

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You can really see the difference in those lase 5 days, I'm sure that you are glad you left them for now.

Dehumidifier Demon - I like that. I have been quite vocal on the whole dehumidifier issue. I made a reappearance in issue #4,936 but it was a special edition and was hard to get hold of...

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Lookin good! Are all the windows shut now? Maybe you could use some CO2 in there? Seems like a good opportunity!

Maybe an ioniser as well. They do wonders for odour control and I hear they can help reduce mold spores in the air.

Edited by sterling
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Might as well stick 1000W gravita in there while your at it :P

Hell of a difference a few days makes innit... Keep'em going as long as you can 👍

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@@beezee @@inapond13 @@Hashmaker6

I have to say, I'm so very very happy I took everyone's advice ... I'm leaving her as long as possible now.

No sign of mold or pests, sunshine still breaking through the clouds and the colas are getting so heavy they're starting to droop! :yahoo:

I've been checking the trichomes regularly and the amber trichs are only appearing on the sugar leaves so far, so we're still good.

Thing is, I've been growing autos for the last few years and they flower like zzzzzzzzzzappp, done!

I'd forgotten how long these photo fuckers take ...

I'll try and get some more pics up at the weekend.

Bulging Bud :oldtoker:

Edited by Bud Wiser
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Yes please bud. Awesome looking plant. I was kind of disappointed with the look of my first attempt - seem very airy but absolutely bollocking so end result is great. So it's an improvement target for next season - how to get better bag appeal in the great outdoors (well, glass man-cave).

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Today was the first day since last weekend I've had chance to closely inspect my beloved Super Skunk plant ... my last one of the outdoor season and the goose that's gonna lay the golden fucking egg!

However, I think some of the pests in the garden have other ideas and I'm starting to smell 'trouble at mill'. :kwasny:

Especially with this little bastard:




A red one and a two-spotted one ... the same species I believe.

Nasty fuckers I also believe.

I've removed all the affected leaves, nothing more I can do at this late stage. Too late to introduce a natural predator, too far gone to spray. I have all this lot to lose if I fuck it up:



And the buds are almost there anyway:


I'm not dropping the ball this late in the game, so I decided to strip all the lower 'popcorn' bud branches as they weren't doing much anyway .. just to get a head start on the main canopy, when it comes! If I need to move quickly, then I don't want all the fiddly shit to deal with as well. Plus, I can get those dried and have a test smoke .. something I'm itching to do asap!

This is the result:


There's over an ounce of smokeable bud drying now I'd say, and I have no fucking idea what the remainder's gonna weigh. I can't wait to find out.

I'm gonna check her every day now, but I get the feeling this is the curtain-call and she may well be coming down sometime over the weekend, maybe during next week if I can get away with it. First sign of any bud damage, chop chop.

... watch this space.

Anxious Bud :oldtoker:

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hey bud wiser,that skunks looking tasty,bet your glad you left it now.Been watching your progress as i have some at similar development,only outside on a gg. Wouldn't worry about the spider mites,they wont do much damage now.I'm trying to be patient and leave it another week/week and a half as the weathers holding.nice work man

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They will in a nice warm heated greenhouse..!

Outside, the temps are low enough for them to stop breeding and hatching, but in a snug environment ... hmmm, not so sure.

I'm on top of it, unlike the hermie experience.

I won't chop until I have to.

Thx for the compliment dude, much is owed to the growing community.

Bud Wiserer :oldtoker:

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