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UK 2016 Outdoor Greenhouse Grow

Bud Wiser

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Just don't fuck her!

But if you do.......no pictures :)

That's poignantly funny as it happens .. a mate of mine fucked a young barmaid who'd just started at the pub across the road from him ... and it was his iPad that ended up causing all the trouble! lol

Stupid fucking idiot.

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@@budwiser & slicker1, I'm finding this hermaphrodite plant thing interesting. Is the hermit plant both male & female? The reason I am asking is I identified a male plant the other day which I took to another place with a female hoping it will pollinate her for seeds. These plants were put out late so they are only in flower. Do I need to keep a closer eye on the male to make sure he is a male. This may not work for me but nothing to loose by trying. I believe they are purple haze strain & hoping for the best so I can give something back to the site etc. Maybe I got all this wrong?

my understanding is that a Hemi plant is a female plant that due to genetics or stress produces male flowers in an effort to pollinate itself.

if its genetic dont breed from it because the next generation will probably carry on and do the same thing.

as its hard to tell whether its your fault for stressing the plant in some way, or genetic, its best not to breed from any female that pops male flowers.

in case its never happened to you let me tell you self pollinating females are a pest.

i had several in one grow.

i missed a male flower and ended up with all my plants full of seeds.

not a happy camper.

when i see a hemi in a grow now i pull it straight out.

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@@Bud Wiser a good friend of mine swears to this day the some of the strongest stuff he's ever smoked was some seed husks off of a lowryder 2 auto flower that went to seed but I never smoked any of it because it looked nasty and was several years old but I do believe him and he's got no reason to lie but I doubt it was the "strongest" he'd smoked and he live over in the Netherlands for many years and another time he said the strongest he'd ever had was some Thai weed over there and him and some others had been smoking it and when he went to go home he missed his stop on the bus or something and then walked back from the next stop and walked straight past his house and was like wtf that weed is seriously strong and he said it looked rough as owt and he was reluctant to smoke it after smoking some really nice hashes but his said that's all there was available at that moment in time.

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Well, we'll find out soon enough!

I'm going to harvest in sections, because the buds closest to where the hermie cheese plant seem to be the most affected.

I've been over the plants as thoroughly as I can and I estimate that about 20-25% of the big S-Skunk has been pollinated, along with all of her smaller sister S-Skunk and both the clones. You can visibly see the swollen calyxes on the pollinated buds .. I've 'popped' the odd one, and yep there's a seed in there alright. The un-pollinated buds show no signs of calyx-swelling and thankfully they're in the majority. I'll try and harvest the seeded buds separately from the sensi ones .. then I can compare the smoke later.

I've smoked some very strong Jamaican weed that had seeds - jet black ones - but this ain't Jamaica!

Seedy Bud :oldtoker:

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Well, it's nearly all over for another year, so one last look at the plants before I give 'em the chop.

I've been waiting for the pistils to start browning-off but they don't seem to want to .. so I checked the trichomes and was a little surprised to find the majority have turned cloudy with the odd amber one dotted here and there. The two clones got the chop today, and there's about a couple of ounces on them I'd say, a nice little extra bonus.

Once I'd got the clones out and managed to move few large branches out of the way, I finally found what the smaller sister SS looked like:


She'll be coming down tomorrow I think.

I'm leaving the big one 'til Friday ... I might need most of the weekend for her:




And a bud shot:


I know some of you may be thinking she's nowhere near ready, and I've been thinking the same thing, but I've read about some strains that are like this and I'm guessing this is one of 'em. I'm going by the trichomes on this one, we'll see how it all looks at the weekend when her 50 flowering days are up, I don't want to end up with over-cooked weed!

Bud Harvester :oldtoker:

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Wow, I wasn't expecting you to be chopping this early but I understand your logic. It still looks to me that they would fatten up some more with another couple of weeks and increase your total harvest. What percentage of amber trichs are you aiming for? It may take a while yet to get to your magic number and as you say, there is only the odd amber trichome here and there and all the white pistils would suggest that it is still growing.

Whenever you chop, you will have your work cut out with all that trimming, all worth it though. Great grow Bud...

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1. The due date was always expected to be mid-October ... she's a short-flowering-time strain apparently.

2. By the trichomes ... I estimate this weekend will be perfect for my taste. Don't like it too couchlocky.

3. I can't see any more growth going on now, and the pistils are actually starting to turn amber quite rapidly.

4. If I don't chop her this weekend, I'll have to wait another 2 weeks because I'm busy and I've got 'half-term' coming up!! (Don't want to push my luck).

5. I'm fucking gagging for a smoke!

Thanks for the compliment dude ... I'm actually looking forward to all that trimming ... it'll make a change from the 15 minutes it took me on the autos this year!

Bud Ready :oldtoker:

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5. I'm fucking gagging for a smoke!

Say no more, I know how you feel. I've been living without for about a year now as my last greenhouse burned down and I missed a grow last year. Only had about 4 £20 bags this year and the last one was over a month ago.

I'll be leaving my plants for a week as of next Wednesday due to a family holiday in Turkey, pretty sure mine will not be ready until I'm back but I'm really looking forward to seeing the additional growth after a week of not seeing them. Just need to plumb up my auto watering system but should only take an hour after I get my timed hose valve from Screwfix.

Looking forward to seeing your trimmed up Buds, Bud. And a smoke report...

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Say no more, I know how you feel. I've been living without for about a year now as my last greenhouse burned down and I missed a grow last year. Only had about 4 £20 bags this year and the last one was over a month ago.

I'll be leaving my plants for a week as of next Wednesday due to a family holiday in Turkey, pretty sure mine will not be ready until I'm back but I'm really looking forward to seeing the additional growth after a week of not seeing them. Just need to plumb up my auto watering system but should only take an hour after I get my timed hose valve from Screwfix.

Looking forward to seeing your trimmed up Buds, Bud. And a smoke report...

Your greenhouse burnt down? fuck ... I won't ask.

And 4 x £20 bags wouldn't get me through a week, let alone a year! :dev:

I just love Screwfix ... I have a catalogue on hand next to the bog (queue poor-taste joke from someone) .. and I think you're a very brave man leaving your plants for a week so close to harvest. Turkey? Even braver ... my money's on the plants ! :rofl:

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That's a stunning girl bud! I don't think I'd be chopping looking at that tho, 2 more weeks maybe. But then you could be looking at rot... Tough call.

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That's a stunning girl bud! I don't think I'd be chopping looking at that tho, 2 more weeks maybe. But then you could be looking at rot... Tough call.

Thanks @@beezee .. you're absolutely fucking right. I went to bed last night and chewed over my options, and I know I'm doing her a dis-service by not seeing her through to the final curtain.

I've got perfect conditions in the greenhouse with a de-humidifier and a fuck-off heater/air-circulator ... no excuses, no bud-rot for miles. I'm experiencing paranoid impatience, methinks.

I know some of the guerilla growers who would give their right testicle for some of the climate control I've got going on right now!

Same goes to you @@inapond13 ... I'm taking yours and other's advice ... I'm leaving her at least until 22nd if not 29th. I've re-jigged my plans today to fit round the plant and not the other way round ... 5 months of work, another fortnight should be do-able, although it feels like a fucking life-sentence away! In the meantime, I'll just have to satisfy my lust for full lungs with this lot:


I chopped the small little sister Super Skunk ... a compromise was in order, and my lust needed satisfying, so down she came. A couple of ounces there ... should see me through the weekend !!

She was hiding under the big one, and having already taken most of the pollen the hermied blue cheese dished out, I knew she wasn't going to get any bigger or stronger, so no loss, even though she's a little early:


I managed to get my hands on a decent camera finally, noticeable isn't it? ... borrowed one of my best mates' for the day (he's got about 5) ... this one's an old D300 with a quality lens:


First thing I'm getting when I've got some spare cash is a new decent camera and macro lens ... after the LED lights, car MOT, new socks and some qwiso gadgets! lol

Bud Bailey :oldtoker:

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I think that is a great decision Bud, I'm sure you will still be checking her daily so if you need to chop her earlier due to ripeness or any issues you will be able to.

Those pictures are great, it makes me want a much better camera, I am constantly disappointed with every picture I take.

Little sister will keep you going for a little while. It must be nice to have something trimmed and drying, I am slightly envious. Next year I think I'll do a couple of autos early on also so can crop something earlier than November.

May the diary continue...

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@@Bud Wiser they are some nice looking plants and like you I am pushing my luck holding on as long as possible to the chop ,my critical is not showing any signs of end date and the lemon kush neither so they are in the tunnel with fans and heaters and me praying no mould or rot , I did have issues with spider mite but moved a load of ladybirds in and they seem to have taken care of them mite lol.

well good luck mate and fingers crossed for you to .

stay safe grow well

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