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UK 2016 Outdoor Greenhouse Grow

Bud Wiser

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Bud Wiser lol lol, bud-in-the-oven. Aah feck so the seeds will be no good? Thought if a female plant got pollinated you would get seeds, seeds you can use for germinating. I have it wrong again. God there is so much to learn about growing. It's mind blowing. I am now starting to believe it's like studying for a degree or masters lol lol.

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Yes, you do get seeds from pollinated plants you can use for germinating ... except ones that have been pollinated from a 'hermie' plant.

The hermaphrodite genetic will reproduce in your new seeds and you'll then grow more hermie plants .. not ideal.

Best to stick to feminised seeds of known origin, like a seed bank, then you don't need to worry about any of this shit ..!

Bud Wiser :oldtoker:

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Yes, you do get seeds from pollinated plants you can use for germinating ... except ones that have been pollinated from a 'hermie' plant.

The hermaphrodite genetic will reproduce in your new seeds and you'll then grow more hermie plants .. not ideal.

Best to stick to feminised seeds of known origin, like a seed bank, then you don't need to worry about any of this shit ..!

Bud Wiser :oldtoker:

for us who live in a country where even seeds are illegal its a risk to our security every time we buy seeds.

its very hard to get a safe postal address.

friends and family put themselves at risk to give you a non growing postal address but it means they have to be absolutely clean.

i still buy seeds but mostly i survive on my home made seed stock.

its going to continue like this for a long time so i hope breeders keep producing regular seeds for peep like me.

and yeah i know about clones but they are a complete hassle if you want to travel or go on holiday. seeds are much more flexible.

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Dude, I'm not saying don't farm your own seeds, just don't do it using seeds created from a hermaphrodite plant because any plants you grow from them will carry the same hermie genetic.

Regular seeds, will on average produce an equal number of males and females .. and these will be pure-bred with strong genetics, so any breeding you do should produce normal healthy plants, not 'hermies'.

Bud Wiser :oldtoker:

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@@Bud Wiser

Great update, plants are looking great.

The clone in the 30 liter bucket has a bit of speckled leaf damage that looks a lot like spider mite damage. Have you looked closely under those leave to check for any? Hopefully it is nothing to worry about but its definitely worth another check.

I have been keeping my spider mites under control by removing the infected leaves. I'm still waiting for my predator mites to be delivered, I've been told they are being dispatched today...

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@@budwiser & slicker1, I'm finding this hermaphrodite plant thing interesting. Is the hermit plant both male & female? The reason I am asking is I identified a male plant the other day which I took to another place with a female hoping it will pollinate her for seeds. These plants were put out late so they are only in flower. Do I need to keep a closer eye on the male to make sure he is a male. This may not work for me but nothing to loose by trying. I believe they are purple haze strain & hoping for the best so I can give something back to the site etc. Maybe I got all this wrong?

Edited by Irishgirl
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@@Bud Wiser

Great update, plants are looking great.

The clone in the 30 liter bucket has a bit of speckled leaf damage that looks a lot like spider mite damage. Have you looked closely under those leave to check for any? Hopefully it is nothing to worry about but its definitely worth another check.

I have been keeping my spider mites under control by removing the infected leaves. I'm still waiting for my predator mites to be delivered, I've been told they are being dispatched today...


Not spider mites dude, I think it's a root issue ... been getting it all summer.

I scrimped this year on potting soil and instead of making my own up, I opted for cheap supermarket shit and the results have at least been consistent .........shit !!

Unless you pay close attention to it, you get pH fluctuations and all sorts of things living in it. Even the worms move out..!

I haven't really bothered much with the clones, they were just an experiment in cloning (first attempt) and so the yields etc. were immaterial to me, getting them to root was the only objective.

I saved all my good soil for the growing pit and boy am I glad I did! If it were spider mites, the leaves on the big one too would show signs of damage, and they're the picture of health ... in fact, they almost look too healthy!

There are some huge 'proper' spiders living in the greenhouse now, looks like they've moved into the warmth for the winter ... there are cobwebs everywhere that stretch from the roof down onto the leaves, I often find the tips of leaves pointing upwards thinking there's a problem only to find a spider's thread attaching it to the rafters. They're most welcome ... not a sign of any pests at all.

Bud Wiser :oldtoker:

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@@budwiser & slicker1, I'm finding this hermaphrodite plant thing interesting. Is the hermit plant both male & female? The reason I am asking is I identified a male plant the other day which I took to another place with a female hoping it will pollinate her for seeds. These plants were put out late so they are only in flower. Do I need to keep a closer eye on the male to make sure he is a male. This may not work for me but nothing to loose by trying. I believe they are purple haze strain & hoping for the best so I can give something back to the site etc. Maybe I got all this wrong?


You haven't been paying attention, have you? :execute:

I posted a photo with big red rings on it showing you both male and female 'parts' .... https://www.uk420.com/boards/index.php?showtopic=371005&page=9

A male plant is purely male, it won't have anything other than clusters of bollocks all over it. They tend to hang around in pubs and try and pollinate anything that walks past! lol

You should check out some breeding threads, or try using Google? ... you might get lucky!! lol

Sorry, couldn't resist..!

Bud the Comedian :oldtoker:

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@@Bud Wiser

Very glad to hear you are pest free. Just received my predator mites about 2 hours ago and have just finished making little houses for them out of toilet rolls. Will introduce them to the greenhouse tomorrow...

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... and have just finished making little houses for them out of toilet rolls.

Aaah .. you are considerate. Making them feel welcome?

A saucer of milk and a mince pie too?

lol lol lol

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Anyway .. enough of pests, bollocks, cross-dressing plants and mite-murdering killer predators ...

Here's some pussy:


And some sugar leaves in the sunshine:


Sparkly Bud :oldtoker:

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Your pussies are lovely lol lol lol. Great pictures & grow mate.

Thanks my little four-leaf clover ... lol

I'm hoping she's still a virgin ..!!!

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Thanks my little four-leaf clover ... lol

I'm hoping she's still a virgin ..!!!

lol lol budWiser, well I'm sure she is but in sure not before long you will be stripping her lol lol. You should be call Bud-the-virgin-stripper lol lol & not will you only strip her but you will smoke her too pmsl lol lol lol,

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