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UK 2016 Outdoor Greenhouse Grow

Bud Wiser

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Looking very healthy there Bud. Similar budding to mine. Good move taking the buds away from the condensation, asking for trouble if you didn't...

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Resin production is going mental ... by the way! :yahoo:


September's been lovely, and the clear skies and warm sunshine are very welcome .. thank goodness, could be much worse!

Bud Wiser :oldtoker:

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Thanks very much for the heads-up on the Aldi dehumidifier ... you're right, an excellent price at £100 for a 20 litre/day jobby ..!

I popped down there today and they had just the one left. It was obviously meant to be ...

I'm thinking, what's £100 when you've got over half a kilo of weed to protect, right? The Biogreen heater's working wonders but the condensation on the glass in the morning is starting to concern me.

I've had a test run, set on low, and the 5 litre bucket was a quarter full after 3 hours. And that was daytime, so night-time will be higher as temps drop.

So I've attached the supplied hose, extended it with some garden hose and a hose-clip and the fucking thing can water my plants at the same time!

I've got it on continuous drain, set the RH to 30% with full fan and we'll see how well it's all performing in the morning.


Thanks mate ... fuck finger-crossing, I'm not taking any chances .. the next few weeks are what it's all been leading up to, and with the benefit of a controllable environment and electricity, I'd be stupid not to take advantage.

The weather's been kind so far, plenty of sunshine even when it's cold. The resin production increases by the day .. it is an Afghani hash plant cross after all, so it's no big surprise.

I've been following your outdoor guerilla grow btw, and I take my hat off to you sir ... you guerilla guys get phenomenal results with zero climate control. How you do it always impresses me.

So my fingers are now crossed for you dude. :v:

Bud Protection :oldtoker:

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@@Bud Wiser

Great purchase, I'm sure you won't regret it. It would be great if you can get half a kilo from that monster plant you have, I hope that you do...

Just make sure that the waste water isn't making your soil too wet, as you want to get that moisture out of your growing environment.

Also make sure that your drain point is lower than you drain hose connection as that need the help of gravity to discharge the water. I'm sure you will have realised that already though.

All the best...

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Looking great budWiser & a good purchase on the humidifier also. Sounds like you have it all sorted. This is going to be accompanied bullet proof shed.

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Another update, and all's good in the greenhouse ... the dehumidifier's working it's nuts off and doing a grand job.

The top buds are starting to get heavy now, one or two were starting to droop downwards under the weight so more cane-work was needed.




Here's one of the clones I took .. grown in a 30 litre bucket, the leaves are a darker green, the buds are lighter and there's not as much resin production ...


Same composted soil, same watering schedule, same environment ... different root culture methinks.

Remember that fucking Blueberry Cheese that went hermie on me? ...

Well, it looks like it did pollinate some of my Super Skunk buds ... notice the swollen seed pods on the lowest bud:


I've checked the whole plant and there appears to only be a handful of buds with swollen seed pods, and they happen to be the one's closest to the Blueberry before I removed it.

The vast majority of the plant seems to be ok.

Starting to look like I got to it in the nick of time. We'll see.

The stink in the greenhouse is now amazing. Lovely strong old-school sweet skunk smell.

I'm not too worried as all the neighbours have cut their lawns for the last time and put covers over the garden furniture ... they've all moved indoors for the winter! :yahoo:

Bud Happy :oldtoker:

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Looking good bud Wiser. Great stuff. I see what you mean regarding swollen seed pods, in the last pic ya, interesting but I know it's not what you want. So what do you do with this, cut tho's branches off her leave them? Will it effect the rest of the plant or how will this work?

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Those buds that have been pollinated stop producing THC and put all their energy into seed production.

Their job as reproductive female flowers is over.

The un-pollinated flowers (the majority) will just continue to grow and produce resin.

This ain't budrot .. it doesn't spread if that's what you're thinking.

Bud Wiser :oldtoker:

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Those buds that have been pollinated stop producing THC and put all their energy into seed production.

Their job as reproductive female flowers is over.

The un-pollinated flowers (the majority) will just continue to grow and produce resin.

This ain't budrot .. it doesn't spread if that's what you're thinking.

Bud Wiser :oldtoker:

Thanks for that explanation. No I knew it wasn't bud rot but was wondering how it would effect the rest of the plant or would surgery have to take place.

Remember bud, I'm a Virgin to this game & very keen to learn & understand this gardening world. I have a curious mind & love to be taught these things lol. Thanks again for your clear explanation mate.

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Ha, no surgery required! The buds with seeds won't be as strong, that's all .. and they'll have seeds in 'em which'll take up a lot of their bulk!

Still very smokable tho' ... the seeds of course will be useless as they'll contain the hermie genetic.

And nowhere near as bad as it could have been ... early signs are that only a handful of buds will be seedy, but only time will reveal the whole truth..!

I'll harvest and dry in sections, take samples, try and keep the seeded buds from the virgins ... if that's possible.

Bud-in-the-oven :oldtoker:

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