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No-till thread


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I just wanted to highlight what no-till can do to the people who have doubts. She is on day 82 @bobnudd , suffered a slight calcium deficiency which would of made for the perfect grow otherwise. My old schedule was too hectic, the new one I use was posted a few posts above. I really have neglected this in regards to foliar feeding and top dressing, to see if you can be lazy and still get results, and the man from Del Monte says: "YES"



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Agreed Catfish. I do less now than i did a year ago, and probably do less in a year. Ultimately i reckon you get a good mix, good castings, the plant and the soil and the stuff above will sort the rest out between them. They've had this thing going on a lot longer than us! At some point it will all go to shit then i'll start doing more again lol 


eta - @muffintop...bastards been eating my worms mate!



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8 hours ago, muffintop said:

 I really have neglected this in regards to foliar feeding and top dressing, to see if you can be lazy and still get results, and the man from Del Monte says: "YES"



Yeah, it's easy to get carried away with teas and dressings etc, especially if you are used to feeding bottled nutes. But as long as you have healthy soil everything else should take care of itself. These were grown with water beginning to end except for the occasional tea when I really  couldn't leave them alone.


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14 hours ago, bobnudd said:

@muffintopsorry man , been calling you catfish all day :wacko:


No worries, it can happen when you smoke no-till grown pokey stuff. ;)

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Hi All,


Great thread, like many i guess i had thought i was being organic, but clearly a long way from it! Looking to go no till, so have started collecting info. One of the threads had a mix for a bug spray, but i can't remember which thread, but the details are below:


#2 : The Liquid

For stage of development : If sprayed directly on the plants, up to early flowering. If used indirectly, up to harvest time.

Ingredients : 1 liter water, 1 teaspoon natural soap, a half to one teaspoon soybean oil, a quarter to half (indirectly,see below) teaspoon essential oils.
I like to use a combination of geranium,lavender,mint,cassia cinnamon bark, cinnamon leaf ( almost the same and cheaper than clove) and thyme(!) oil.
Ginger and rosemary oil works well too. Be creative, you can try almost any essential oil, as long as they are high quality, not those synthetic cheap knockoffs.

Works against : Pretty much anything. Resistence against certain essential oils is possible, so keep changing them for maximum efficiency.

How it works : Different insecticidal essential oils have different mechanisms of action. The soybean oil clogs the trachea of insects and suffocates them.The water evaporates first, leaving behind a coating of soap residue, and the essential oils dissolved into the oil, for a longterm sustained release effect.

How to apply : Mix your ingredients. There are basically two ways to apply this, directly & indirectly. Directly would be just as you use any watery insecticide, just spray affected areas. Do this up to early flowering. The other way would be indirectly.

Test first if your tent/closet reacts negatively to the stuff, if not then spray the walls of your tent/closet either daily or every two days.

The plants don't seem to mind high concentrations of essential oils in the air, insects however very much do (especially spider mites!). You can do this even late in flowering, but keep an eye on the humidity. Another way to indirectly use the solution, is to just fill a small jar with it, stick a rag or tissue paper inside and place the small jar(s) under your affected plant(s). Less messy than the first indirect method, but also less effective.

Something I forgot to mention. You have to shake the Liquid everytime before use, it doesn't stay mixed if it stands around.

It was interesting as i saw the Chairwoman had some stuff i wondered if i could use:




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Hello everybody, I am starting first organic grow and need help from you guys. This discussion inspired my to go all organic, I thought it would be easy compared to hydro but I get stuck at every step.

Firstly I would like to ask about my list of ingredients that I will be using.


Plagron light mix / all  mix


Guano diffusion Classic’s  3.5-8.5-1

Guano diffusion Bloom     3-6-10

Guano diffusion Lombricompost   ( worm castings )


Ecothrive  charge

Ecothrive  biosys


xtreme gardening Mykos

xtreme gardening Azos



Volcanic rock dust

Dolomite lime

Distilled water


I decided to go with distilled water to avoid chlorine and fluoride but the volcanic rock dust says it has chlorine in it. Is this chlorine going to affect my grow or can you recommend a good rock dust that doesn't have  chlorine in it ?


Also is there anything missing from my list?











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Anyone know of what cover crop seeds 4 out door grow no-till style. Don't really want 2 use straw. Plants will b in da ground & hope 2 turn it over 4 next season all being well :yep:.

Any recommendations, advise r links wud b appreciateda :yep:. TIA.

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Hey 2 all who love the no till gardening da few I know r @bobnudd, @Percygrower_420, @nudger36, @muffintop & @MMG. Please accept my apologies if I'm 4getting anyone r who I may not yet be familiar with :yep:.


I just thought I would share the following product with you, some of u maybmaybe already familiar with it or maybe not. It's a French product but I'm sure you can get this within da UK especially if you can get it here in Ireland lol . So here it is......


Soil Renew




Direction of use



Advantages of use



Has anyone had or is having any experience of this product?

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Wow .. thanks @Irishgirl .. really good of you to take the time to share this with us all ... with my ladies that are flowering they aren't organic ... but my Subby Smottie Remix are and also my RGS seedlings are too ... I'm very interested in No-Till but unfortunately I'll not be able to try it for a good while yet ... but saying that doesn't mean I'm not interested in learning about it ... I'm like your good self .. love to learn ... about all things but speshly all things green ... so do you need any nutes at all with this?? .. does anyone know?? ... or do you think you would just need a smidgeon of nutes with it .. it sounds really good .. looks like somethImg @Percygrower_420 And @nudger36 plus @bobnudd might well be into something like this @Irishgirl I think you're corrrect there ... thanks again .. I'm going to have a google of this fancy stuff mate .. nice one ...

E2a: where did you get it from plz @Irishgirl and how many earth pounds did it cost plz (or earth Euros as you're in Ireland) lol 

Edited by MMG
Cos am daft
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20 hours ago, cheesehunter said:

Hello everybody, I am starting first organic grow and need help from you guys. This discussion inspired my to go all organic, I thought it would be easy compared to hydro but I get stuck at every step.

Firstly I would like to ask about my list of ingredients that I will be using.


Plagron light mix / all  mix


Guano diffusion Classic’s  3.5-8.5-1

Guano diffusion Bloom     3-6-10

Guano diffusion Lombricompost   ( worm castings )


Ecothrive  charge

Ecothrive  biosys


xtreme gardening Mykos

xtreme gardening Azos



Volcanic rock dust

Dolomite lime

Distilled water


I decided to go with distilled water to avoid chlorine and fluoride but the volcanic rock dust says it has chlorine in it. Is this chlorine going to affect my grow or can you recommend a good rock dust that doesn't have  chlorine in it ?


Also is there anything missing from my list?











Ive been looking at that guano diffusion range, I love the idea of growing with just Bat Guano from start to finish, please keep us posted mate. 


Looks good @Irishgirl I dont actually run No Til, but I am super soiler. I have started to use recycled soil so would be great for me to refortify, thanks for posting it, lets us know how ya get on please.

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