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No-till thread


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7 hours ago, VikingDee said:

Guys I'm starting a compost grow, I've used a supersoil mix a few times before and because of it I've got some bits n bobs. Volcanic rock dust, charge (frass), some P guano, and I've got some kelp meal on the way. I have Epsom, powdered egg shells and organic molasses on hand. 


If if I throw in some worms and top dress with straw have a gone basically no till? And will that mix get me through a run or is it lacking too much? I'm not sure I'm brave enough to do this yet but it's I'm playing with the idea 

That's how I started this process, kinda lots of unknowns, I don't know if your mix will last but you can do try and then topdress with kelp meal or guano if they are showing signs of needing a little something 

Edited by ska
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What's the best neem to be using, it seems powdered neem leaf is fairly common but I've seen people using powdered neem seeds? What is neem meal exactly? 

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My understanding mate is that the meal (cake)  is the byproduct of crushed seeds etc created when making the oil. 


Meals is what you want. Got a slightly oily texture and smells grim!

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Mine is called ' Torta de semilla de neem' (neem seed cake) wondered why they called it cake. @bobnudd makes sense that it's the byproduct of the oil, I didn't know that :yep: 


While I'm here in the no till thread I wanna recommend a youtube channel  Joshua Steensland I just got onto his channel and I like seeing other peoples way of doing things. Now @bobnudd I see what your saying about automated watering, I would totally have his setup, I think they are called 'bluemats' they keep the bed a nice constant moisture level. I want his room :) Then you could go it and if you wanted give a SST or compost tea or something. 


I'd this before but I fucking love notill I just wanna share this method with everyone. :hippy: 


e2a: no idea why shit when white on me.

Edited by ska
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@VikingDee, neem leaf is not used as a fertiliser, but for medical teas etc skin creams and poultices! In tropical countries fresh neem leaves are composted via worm farms, the resulting worm casts are very good.


Neem cake is produced by crushing and pressing neem seeds to extract neem oil under high pressure, it leaves hard cakes of the seed and their cases, this has really good fertiliser value and the oil residues make it slightly insecticidal as well, it is usually sold broken up in small bits to break down in the soil slowly about 4:1.5:1.5 there are only a couple of outlets in the uk that are supposed to be organic. In some countries it is sold in a powdered form this makes for a faster release.


As a warning in india where most neem oil and cake is produced there are a lot of unscrupulous producers who like rubbish olive oil processors use heat and sometimes solvents to extract the last drop of oil, heat degrades a lot of the insecticidal properties of the oil and the chemical solvents contaminate the neem cake, it is important if you are going to use neem cake that it is  organic and cold pressed or pounded, I add neem cake to my worm farm and they love it but but the chemical extracted is likely to kill them and contaminate the compost, so look for organic not cheap..


I don't totally believe in no-till but understand that people are making it work, I also understand that any harmful things put in will accumulate, I compost most things for my garden, modern farming use some horrid chemicals, fungicides, insecticides and hormone regulators, so I only compost waste from certified organic sources, some of the worst are hay and straw products, I may have mentioned in the past that on an allotment where I was we used to get in lorry loads of wheat and barley straw  every year, members used to make raised beds, compost it over the winter then use it as a mulch or dig it into the ground to add humus., one year we used a different farmer and there were heavy residues of a strong hormone weedkiller, as well as Glyphosate,  no one that used it got a potato or tomato crop at the end of that season, it took 4 or 5 years before you could grow them without seeing hormone derived distorted stems and leaves!


While glyphosate does not work as a weedkiller when in soil, its breakdown products remain effective, they think for up to 50 years effecting phosphorus uptake, so if you want to make a living medium everything that goes in needs to be good, otherwise bad things will bio accumulate.


I hope this helps Ot1.

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Good read @Ot1and really valid point, only as good as the quality of your inputs. I got a big bag or organic alfalfa from the horse merchants for about £10 and that stuff is like steriods in the compost pile. The worms love it. 


Would be great to see you try a notill / living soil grow to read your thoughts. 

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  • 1 month later...

My updated autoflower feeding schedule:


day 1: malted barley powder top dress, watered in with a source of silicon.

day 2: nothing.

day 3: plain water.

day 4: nothing.

day 5: seaweed meal tea.

day 6: nothing.

day 7: plain water.

day 8: nothing.

day 9: egg shell calcium and epsom salt tea.

day 10: nothing.

day 11: plain water.


I will also use ecothrive and alfalfa/kelp as a foliar through veg, if I feel the plant needs it.


Edited by muffintop
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im liking the sound of this no till stuff as im all for organic and natural,just been reading a bit on here about it,i already find myself wanting to make my own medium and i havent even finished my first grow lol ,i also notice that the plants react way better and more noticeably to teas and natural additives which makes me want to shy away from the nutes but im still a noob,the only question i have right now is how does no till affect the yeilds if at all?.


sounds like something to play with when i get some more experience under my belt ;) 



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@H4rdc0r3 best not to think about weight when grow no-till best to put that to one side. What you will get from it is the best of the best, the sooner you learn it the better the outcome nothing gets given to you you have to work for it right bugger:fart:

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6 minutes ago, Percygrower_420 said:

@H4rdc0r3 best not to think about weight when grow no-till best to put that to one side. What you will get from it is the best of the best, the sooner you learn it the better the outcome nothing gets given to you you have to work for it right bugger:fart:


true that i guess,i was also just wondering as well do you think it would be a good idea to use teas more often instead of bottle nutes? say give the soil a microbe tea twice a week instead of once and skipping a feed to allow? or continue normal feeding and twice a week give em a tea anyway?


as it stands im using ecothrive biosys once a week but am looking into everyones menus of home brews,they sound good.

literally was just thinking about it and wanted some opinion on it.



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wouldn't do any harm, what your looking for is your soil to have the perfect amount nutes the plants need for all it cycles in life, the tea which can be earthwormcastings your pulling the microbes off that in the water and using kelp and molasses to multiple them, from a pack like your using will work but what you really want is pure worm faeces hit your plants, not a packet that says it will make it amazing, Know your input:yep::yep:


Rootgrow(fungi) sprinkled under your seedling roots on transplant

basesoil mix a few dry powdered nutes+ewc

tea kelp/ewc/mollases bubbled

rain water or ro water


you can create sum superior ganja that has a real terpene profile:dev:



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sounds good,gonna try get some worm poop,seaweed and couple other bits next supply run and give em a go,thanks for the advice percy.


Tbh i only got the biosys cause it was recommended (didnt know of home brews yet either)so thought id give it a go,it has a bunch of beneficials and it does work to be fair everytime i give it to my girls they practically beg for more,they spring up for it lol 



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Good stuff, remember, feed the soil life and not the plant. I only apply a compost tea at the start of a cycle now, the rest is mentioned above.

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