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No-till thread


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Sounds awesome mate. I'm always thanking my missus for nagging me to sweep the leaves up... 2yrs later sweet leaf mould...thank the Lord! 😀

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got a good start for no till compost mix here it is

Soil Mix
20% Earth Worm Castings (5.5cuft)
20% Forest Humus (5.5cuft)
30% Peat Moss (8cuft)
30% Lava Rock, Rice Hulls, Buckwheat Hulls or mix of (8cuft)

Mineral Mix
1cup Neem meal per cuft. (27cups per 1yrd)
1cup Kelp meal per cuft. (27cups per 1yrd)
1cup Crab Shell per cuft. (27cups per 1yrd)
4 or 5 cups Glacial Rock Dust per cuft. ( 108-135cups per 1yrd)
½ cup Gypsum dust per cuft. (13.5cups per 1yrd)

some of that stuff can be a bastard to get hold of . but it is out there

oh yeh why im here please sign this petition

be lucky ;)


Edited by rusty trichomes
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Ay up,

I've just made up a batch of soil with the following: 20l coco, 20l peaty multipurpose compost, 20l homemade mature compost, 10l homemade worm castings, 2cups fbb, 1cup bonemeal 2 cups 6x composted chicken manure (not the pellets) 2cups rockdust, a good sprinkling of ecocharge thrive and a couple of cups of worms to eat it all up and work it through. Questions are: is there anything else urgent that needs to go in and what is the minimum time I can leave it before use? Can I use it now but put the plants in a plug of coco with the good stuff around it so that the plant has to move through the coco whilst the other stuff cools down? I have several autos which are desperate for potting up

Cheers, Berylthedog

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Great thread this, I thought I was the only GGer doing this no dig malarkey.

I've been experimenting during this seasons outdoor misadventures with various attempts at GG no dig. One thing we are short of is time, most legit no dig gardeners have the luxury of being able to start a no dig bed well ahead of plantout.

On this years fresh plots I've had to do some digging to remove the weeds & roots but have also experimented by sticking a few in the ground near the edges without digging. Those particular plants just had extra topsoil piled around them (they weren't prize specimens tho..) just to see how they get on.

Its at some of my older 'gardens' where things get more interesting, in previous years they've all been dug before plantout but by last autumn I'd decided on a no dig approach for 2016 so after harvest I weeded & piled on the cows shit, leaf mould & any plant debris and left it to cook. Come plantout its just a matter of weeding and maybe inserting a trowel to make a little space for yer plant. Luckily I left the stump & roots of last years crop in the ground as deer spikes, they can be yanked out and hey presto…. a perfectly sized hole!

I've got 4 plots planted so far and alls looking good, 1st lot went out end of March, then at 2-3wk intervals. so far no regrets :fear: , I'll try to remember my camera next trip :ninja:

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@@Ogami-itto Plenty if you google but this Is a good starter for 10 https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0248/9641/files/BuildASoil_IPM_Notes.pdf

Take into account though that a lot of this stuff is based on guys running large indoor or outdoor grows in the PNW of US. Think there is much more incidence of things like powdery mildew , mites etc up there due to size of grows and environment. Also much more growing from clone / purchasing of clones etc which provides easier method for cross contamination than in the UK.

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thanks @@bobnudd - i've had a look but i find there is so much stuff (with so many recipes) that sometimes its easier to ask here and peeps usually point you in the right direction!

Let me ask something more precise! Ive got some plants out in my field and something is chomping them to pieces and shitting all over the leaves. Its tiny, curly, black shits on the leaves. Ive had a look for the bugger on the plants but cant work out wtf it is! I see no bugs. I need to do something ASAP before it munches through the lot.

So anyone got anything for me to try? I've got in some organic neem meal so was hoping to break that open and brew up something funky to spray?


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Just come across a decent concentrated super soil mix on Ebay, you add say 100gram to 10 litres of soil, and recommends just watering with molasses, looks pretty good as a starting point, UK based too. £17.00 for 1.5kg of the stuff.

Contains the following -

Crab shell meal
norway lobster shell meal
rock dust
fish blood and bone
bone meal
dolomite lime
Sulphate of potash
Sulphate of Ammonia
Coffee grounds
Chicken Manure
Soluble phosphorus
epsoms salts
I like stuff like this, because you can then add and improve. Other things can be added to it like Mychorrzae, trichoderma etc and add Bat Guano in flower along with Comfrey teas and maybe worm castings or Alfalfa in veg. I always add Biochar to my pots too.
Edited by nudger36
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  • 2 weeks later...


Useing aloe vera as a cuttin aid instead of powders or gels

So i came across a notill video on youtube possibly a link off this site lol

the idea is use snap about a 2in (3-4 if from the tip) peice of an aloe leaf and crush it into about 300ml let it sit for 24hrs stiring a few time then you strain the aloe leaf peices off so you just have water left

next take your cuttings and pop then in the water and leave in corner of your tent ect for 24 hrs

after 24hrs you snap another aloe leaf (i used a 3in peice for 9 cuttings) you take your cutting and pop it into the gooey center and give it a wiggle about and try get a littlr blob of gel on the stem

then pop into your pre soaked rooting cubes or whatever you perfer to use i used aloe water to pre soak mine

finally pop into a propergater and keep moist and humid

Well it worked well for me i did a side by side conparson with rooting powder and from the aloe i got roots in 7-8 days but same cutts in same enviroment with powder took 10-12 days

Thought i would share my sucess with a lil organic tip lol


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Just come across a decent concentrated super soil mix on Ebay, you add say 100gram to 10 litres of soil, and recommends just watering with molasses, looks pretty good as a starting point, UK based too. £17.00 for 1.5kg of the stuff.

Contains the following -

Crab shell meal


norway lobster shell meal

rock dust

fish blood and bone

bone meal


dolomite lime

Sulphate of potash

Sulphate of Ammonia

Coffee grounds

Chicken Manure

Soluble phosphorus

epsoms salts

I like stuff like this, because you can then add and improve. Other things can be added to it like Mychorrzae, trichoderma etc and add Bat Guano in flower along with Comfrey teas and maybe worm castings or Alfalfa in veg. I always add Biochar to my pots too.

I have issues with a number of ingredients in that mix so it's not something I would use...


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Ay up,

I've just made up a batch of soil with the following: 20l coco, 20l peaty multipurpose compost, 20l homemade mature compost, 10l homemade worm castings, 2cups fbb, 1cup bonemeal 2 cups 6x composted chicken manure (not the pellets) 2cups rockdust, a good sprinkling of ecocharge thrive and a couple of cups of worms to eat it all up and work it through. Questions are: is there anything else urgent that needs to go in and what is the minimum time I can leave it before use? Can I use it now but put the plants in a plug of coco with the good stuff around it so that the plant has to move through the coco whilst the other stuff cools down? I have several autos which are desperate for potting up

Cheers, Berylthedog

Get yourself a big bag of kelp meal mate for top dress, also neem is super!


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Ok guys got a question say i needed 20L of potting mix and i used a quater (5L) worm castings would this be ok ie. not be to hot of a mix ?

and before you ask its gonna be 10L of soil from my allotment 5L of well rotted wood high in beatle frass then 5L of worm casting


You can use 60/70/80% worm castings if you want, the plan is the pot will turn into pure worm castings after a few cycles anyway but its just not necessary... 20/30% is ideal but less is Ok if plenty of worms and organic matter added... They'll multiply and munch through it in no time!


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