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Some yellow leaves, 4 weeks flower


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How's your airflow? I say that because 5 days is a long time for it to be wet and any decent envoimwnt should dry it out within a few days regardless of lock out?

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You've only got to read back from the start of your problem and what you did to try and solve it, to realise you made the situation 100 times worse :( Move on and learn from your mistakes mate :) also take some advise given on here with a pinch of salt unless it comes from somebody who can back it up :yep:

Now if that was my grow, I shut the groom door and not bother looking in there for 3/4 days. If the compo is still wet after 3/4 days and the plants really aren't taking up anymore water, I'd crop the lot and turn it all to hash!!!

Yea. I know I made it worse. :(

And yes, that is the plan really. Don't think about it for a few days, no point hovering over it looking for improvements at this point. I think the odds are that in 3 or 4 days it is going to look dead anyway. It is pretty sticky and might make hash I suppose. I have never done it before and don't know if it is worth buying bubble bags etc to make an oz of weak hash. Seems a shame to throw it out though. I have made oil in the past but could never purge it properly.

Basically, I am very depressed and pissed off at myself but I suppose it's been a learning experience! It's a real kick in the balls when it means months of effort wasted, running out of weed etc. :(

I am moving on, I have 4 little seedlings popped up and will be growing 4 small plants in the DR60 this time, I need to keep them small to fit so will have to flower early. They are all feminised so I can do that...I hope. Must admit that my confidence has taken a hit here.

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How's your airflow? I say that because 5 days is a long time for it to be wet and any decent envoimwnt should dry it out within a few days regardless of lock out?

Airflow is fine. The soil is not as wet as it was 5 days ago, but it is pretty wet. The environment is fine, same environment it always is and this doesn't normally happen.

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An Oz of weak hash is better then throwing it all away and getting nothing in return......That weak hash will still be 10 times stronger then anything you'll buy on the streets, trust me :yep:

You don't need to spend big money if you don't want too on bubble bags......There's loads of guides on here, making hash on the cheap. You can get a decent set of bags for £30 delivered, that will make you some lovely hash.

Don't chuck it......!!!!

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An Oz of weak hash is better then throwing it all away and getting nothing in return......That weak hash will still be 10 times stronger then anything you'll buy on the streets, trust me :yep:

You don't need to spend big money if you don't want too on bubble bags......There's loads of guides on here, making hash on the cheap. You can get a decent set of bags for £30 delivered, that will make you some lovely hash.

Don't chuck it......!!!!

I woudn't chuck it. :)

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I'm another whose plants (autos) are doing this-went from being in rude health to rapid yellowing all over. Temps good, not under or over watered, not showing overfeed at 3ml/l PM bloom. It looks for all the world like a major nitrogen issue. I gave them a dose of grow instead of bloom, and also a dose of Epsom salts, which has maybe slowed the problem a little. Back on bloom now as they're day 60ish.

It's odd though, I'm not the most experienced indoor grower but it's had me poring over the sick plants guides scratching my head. I know PH shouldn't be an issue in compost, but I'm in a hard water area and it's got me wondering.

It's been a real kick in the nuts for me too, I've worked hard to make everything right, solved a couple of issues and things were looking good. Then this, it's such a ballache as without knowing the exact issue any remedial action could just make things much worse.

Edited by Captain Bonglington
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@@Captain Bonglington

Sounds very much the same as the issues I have recently experienced this, same story really and I too slowed it but never fully.

I'm noticing with them however that the leaves and growth is a lot tougher than when I've grown photos (although I know Indicas tend to be like this more) I've had a sample and again it grinds harder, not so fluffy etc, whether that's an indication of certain nutrients being lower or higher I don't know or just the plants themselves :unsure:

There are many getting these issues however with autos I'm noticing and that is why I've previously thought it may be the water and what chemicals the authorities are putting in there. I feel an experiment down the line as I've got 2 autos left and I might run one with tap water and one with rain water to see.

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It's really odd @@botanics. I had airflow and temp issues at the start, so they were struggling, but I sorted that and they were doing great. I put them on to bloom and all was well until a few days ago.

First a couple of yellow lower fans, not bothered....Then a couple more....Then I opened the drobe one evening and whoa....yellowing all over.

The plants are holding on now and touch wood seem to be bulking up still. Not going to be a patch on what they would have been though.

It's interesting this, I've also been considering watering with rainwater. You guys seem to be having issues in soft water whereas I'm in a very hard water area. I might see if a mate has an ec pen I can borrow out of interest, and I'm going to ph test my soil, I'd love to get to the bottom of this.

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@@Captain Bonglington

Give them grow as well as the bloom mate, they need it these autos, that is one mistake I made with mine was to take away my grow and just give them bloom too early, but I've been advised that giving grow throughout on an auto is ok and wise to do ;)


My grow food has the macro and micro nutrients but oddly no extra Magnesium however my bloom food is fortified with it (it's a tomato fert so should be to combat blossom end rot).

It's all leading me to the conclusion that the introduction of Ruderalis really does make these a different animal entirely from what I'm used to.

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@@Lennon is spot on with the advise he gave on the last page, dont get too down about it bud, knowledge must be gained and you have learnt a valuable lesson here so if nothing else at least you still can take something positive away from something bad, and don't give up on her yet she may amble across the finish line or get close and as mentioned there will be some nice hash to be had from her if it comes to it so there will be a little variety for you there :)

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I have the Biobizz Bloom for my next grow since a lot of people seem to be having issues with OT Bloom (and it was probably part of mine), I am also wondering whether to supplement the Biobizz Bloom with some Equilibrium or MagneCal or Fishmix in the future. This next grow I am using the soil with Dolomite LIme so won't be adding Cal.Mag supplements but might add a bit of Fishmix with the Bloom, just 0.5ml or 1ml or something.

If I start seeing random yellow leaves again I am not going to be happy because I won't really know what to do. I assume this time it started due to cal/mag issues and the OT Bloom issues and that should be eliminated as factors the next grow. Nitrogen issues should be taken care of by a little it of Fishmix. But it's not like I am sure what happened to start the yellowing this time. I know I did a lot of stuff that made it much worse - but what began it, I am still unsure.

I am going to be buying cheap Bubblebags. Nothing else I can do with this lot. Can you still get them on Ebay?

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Guest Default Attribute

Really feel for you mate, must be hard times indeed, have the buds completely stopped growing? You should still get some nice hash from that they look frosty as hell so that's a bonus. I gave mine a dose of EQ cal mag the yesterday with their feed to see if that helps since my water supply says relatively soft.

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You just need to nurse them to the end now bud, you'll still get a decent shmoke mun. I wouldn't say there's need to bubble the lot. They wont die a total desth now mun.

I've had worse finish up tidy enough.. :bag:

Not ideal but just nurse those bitches tona finish best you can.. :yep:

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Aye, I've been looking at mine tonight and they're hanging on. Way behind schedule but they've been through the mill early on so I've chucked out the calendar. I was on the verge of ripping mine too in a depressed moment, but it's worth carrying on, what's the worst that can happen?

I've just watered mine, 3ml of bloom and 1ml grow. I've removed all the chlorotic leaves and any that are going that way and obscuring flowers.

Hopefully they'll pull through.

I got hold of an ec pen, it told me my tap water had an ec of 0.4 then it packed up....

I used a ph testing kit on my run off earlier and it was about 6. Tap water measured about 7.2-7.4 on the colour chart.

Edited by Captain Bonglington
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