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Some yellow leaves, 4 weeks flower


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correction, mrs GF is the tight arse and as my wages cover rent etc.... i dont have much of 'my' cash floating about to finance groom tools so i make do, but dont scrimp n equipment which reminds me ill need to grab a new rhino pro 10inch after this run ffs another £150 there lol

tailor each plants needs ffs, don't forget hazey we are the hooligans in your diary we see your tailor made feeds lol, funny though sometimes I have more of a giggle with you lot on laptop screen than I do in 'real' life if that makes sense, maybe I need to get myself............. what is that called...................... oh yes I remember a fucking life lol

just don't get chance, work, pick kids up, tea train weather its going for a 4 mile run, mma, boxing or weight lifting, tend plants put kids to bed, get stoned (my mrs works nights btw she aint lazy lol) I don't have time for one of these life thingys lol

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Well I do do each plant separately, so it is tailored. Innit.. lol

I may put a little more in the cap for one than another if I feel it may need a little more mun. Less if I feel one needs less.. Tailored needs for my ladies butt... :bag:


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Looks a bit worse today, more yellow, hardly any change in compost wetness.

God, it's depressing.

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Here it is. Hope gone.What should I do? She is going to die or totally stall soon, it's 6 weeks into 12/12 and those buds aren't really developed much, is it vapable, as in worth vaping?



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They turned quick... Give them a 1ml Equilibrium asap and see how they react.

They are still wet from last time, I think over-watering has played a part.

@@MK11 Probably all that and more.

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It's too late to do anything but admit defeat, I think. After they went downhill after I gave them the Grow, I gave it Bloom and Magnecal the next day while the compost was still wet. In fact the last few feeds I wasn;t letting the compost dry out enough as I was so desperate to get the "right" feed in them. I think I have drowned the roots and they are basically not feeding so no point drowning them more.

In my attempts to "fix" things I have made it worse and I think it is beyond fixing now. It's 5 days since I last fed them and the compost is still wet, they have stopped feeding. It's fucked. :(

All I really would like to know is if it is worth drying what "buds" there are. Will there be any psychoactivity there?

Edited by ananda
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Hmm, not so sure about the zinc, leaves should be a lot paler with zinc issues, nearly almost white with deep green veining.

@@ananda this is stumping me mate, but logic we need to apply to find the commonalities ad narrow the field down.

Now you've given N, Mg, C, filtered water now also, practically everything but still this continues, now I know high excessive K can cause issues with the uptake of all three of those above elements, not added any PK extras ?

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Hmm, not so sure about the zinc, leaves should be a lot paler with zinc issues, nearly almost white with deep green veining.

@@ananda this is stumping me mate, but logic we need to apply to find the commonalities ad narrow the field down.

Now you've given N, Mg, C, filtered water now also, practically everything but still this continues, now I know high excessive K can cause issues with the uptake of all three of those above elements, not added any PK extras ?


I think I have overwatered to the point were it's just not drinking. It's worse this morning. There is nothing I can do if she isn't drinking. :(

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seems to me like you say bud that you made the classic mistake of trying to 'over fix' the problem, by chucking everything you had at it without even letting it dry out, we have all done similar things bud, it could have just been a simple mag def at the beginning but then you added grow and over watered , that didnt work so you then added magnecal and eq whilst still wet etc etc..., you must be 5 weeks into flower now so around half way give or take a week

my advise bud is at this stage the plant is beginning to ready for the end of its life cycle there isnt much you can do imo except try to minimise the stress its going through as much as you can, let the pot get light and continue with as you would i.e bloom nutes, a little calmag and let it finish the best it can, the damage is done the best you can do is learn from it, its a pisser and its easy for me to say but you dont want to stress it out anymore and start chucking nana's at 6-7 weeks because you would prob be chopping early anyway then :)

stay positive bud those buds look lovely thus far :)

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@@greenfingers1987 I think that's exactly it, over-fixing, not letting the compost dry out each time because everything I did made it worse and I wouldn't wait until it dried to try and "fix" it again.

It's 6 weeks into flowering now and 5 days after watering the soil is still wet, so I don't even know if the pot will ever get light again, if she will just sit there not drinking and going yellow - and that's it. It actually looks a lot worse this morning than the last pic so I can't see her finishing at all. :(

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You've only got to read back from the start of your problem and what you did to try and solve it, to realise you made the situation 100 times worse :( Move on and learn from your mistakes mate :) also take some advise given on here with a pinch of salt unless it comes from somebody who can back it up :yep:

Now if that was my grow, I shut the groom door and not bother looking in there for 3/4 days. If the compo is still wet after 3/4 days and the plants really aren't taking up anymore water, I'd crop the lot and turn it all to hash!!!

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