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Some yellow leaves, 4 weeks flower


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I don't know anything about the PM composts mate, are they water specific ie Hard or Soft ?

Cos it had me thinking that perhaps the OP has a compost for hard water but using in soft water or vice versa which may have an affect over some of the elements that have a narrow PH availability ? :unsure:

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No offence greenfingers I just feel somethings adrift and more feed isn't going to help.

The soil isn't working with the water

Cheers M

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I think the only thing I can do is give it some Bloom and either Equilibrium or MagneCal.

@m99 I am using the same soil I always use, I often have Cal/Mag issues and N issues (though later in the grow usually). Something is definitely worse than usual but I am sure it is down to my panic flushing when I didn't need to. I have never had anything so extreme happen as this and I am pretty sure it is down to CalMag issues and my stupid flushing making everything way worse than it would otherwise have been.

My first grow ever was with PM Soil and Nutes and the same water and it was perfect (beginners luck and lack of cal/mag issues). My point is that if it was really a major problem with my soil and water, this would happen every grow and it doesn't.

Anyway - thinking about it I might use the MagneCal instead of Equilibrium. 4ml Bloom and 1ml MagneCal instead of 4ml Bloom and 1/4 Equilibrium. The MagneCal should work faster?

This is assuming I still have a plant left when I look at it tonight. :(

Usually I would wait a day before feeding but should I give it a feed tonight if it is looking very yellow? Even if the soil is still quite wet?

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@@ananda I would wait it out as to not cause any other issues until regular feeding time....

Then start with the dose you suggested and see what happens and get us some more pics up. All is far from lost. I bet they will green up with a good dose of mg what ever form its in.

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@@ananda I would wait it out as to not cause any other issues until regular feeding time....

Then start with the dose you suggested and see what happens and get us some more pics up. All is far from lost. I bet they will green up with a good dose of mg what ever form its in.

Cheers mate, I hope so. Having read how people are supplementing with MagneCal and Equilibrium, that seems the way forward for me. Not just a one off dose but a little bit each time.

One more annoying thing is I had a batch of compost mixed with Dolomite Lime ready for this grow and then forgot and used the bag without it! I need to stop the stoned gardening! :)

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@@ananda A little bit each time and it gives them just enough! lol Well I suppose on the bright side if you had used the dolmite compost you would never be learning about how to tackle this issue without it. (if that's what the issue is, pretty certain it is though)

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@@ananda A little bit each time and it gives them just enough! lol Well I suppose on the bright side if you had used the dolmite compost you would never be learning about how to tackle this issue without it. (if that's what the issue is, pretty certain it is though)

I am thinking it must be, I hope so. Tonight she looks a little worse and the compost is too wet to feed. The worrying thing is she will be even more yellow tomorrow when I do feed. The compost really is quite wet though, I think she has slowed up on the feeding, probably in shock or something.


I also don't like how the yellow is moving from the fan leaves to the bud leaves. :(


It all depends on whether tomorrows feed with the Cal and Mag helps or not.

Edited by ananda
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@@botanics the PM compost and OT nutes aren't water specific I think you just need to add more traces and micros such as mag and or cal, but tbh when I switched to PM dirt and nutes from biobizz I had the same thing start so used some sugar royal and it didn't eradicate it but it did help and there are lots of threads on here about people getting similar issues, and it all seems to stem around PM changing their OT bloom formulation , no one seems to know how it changes but seems to lack N and mag and doesn't seem to be combated by adding any grow, so I added sugar royal and magnecal and I ended up with a healthy, hefty crop :)

@@m99 no offence taken and I'm glad you obviously didn't take what I said the wrong way so +respect, this site is all about sharing our experiences and unfortunately we cant agree all the time, and I agree totally that something is amiss and also adding more nutes might not help but a little magnecal certainly wont do any harm as it is only extra calcium and magnesium not a 'true' nutrient, but I still stand by what I first said about the 'dreaded ot bloom yellowing' that lots of people seem to xp, and it could well be to do with water hardness :)

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As I mentioned, I fed it 4ml of Grow last time and it went worse, but the time before that I gave it 4ml Bloom plus 2ml Plagron Sugar and it maintained it's colour for the first time in a few weeks, had I also added some MagneCal or Equilibrium and then for the next feed Bloom and MagneCal again things might be looking a lot better than they are right now. It was that last feed of Grow that caused an increase in yellowing in a big way.

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if it isn't N deficient though the grow wouldn't help if anything you could end up with nitrogen toxicity but with you saying the sugar royal helped I cant weigh it up lol

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if it isn't N deficient though the grow wouldn't help if anything you could end up with nitrogen toxicity but with you saying the sugar royal helped I cant weigh it up lol

The Grow definitely didn't help, it made things worse. Compost still sodden this morning, she isn't drinking. :(

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I decided to water it anyway, if it is going to sit there hardly drinking - it might as well sit there in 4ml Bloom and 1ml MagneCal.

I have lost hope at this point, I am starting some new seeds off.

I will give this plant a couple of weeks but if it still looks the same or worse at that point I will have to chop it. Maybe I can make some hash from it or something, she is pretty sticky?

I won't bother with any new pics until she looks different...or hopefully a bit better.

You know the 5 stages of grief theory? I think I am moving from depression to acceptance. I fucked up.

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Thanks for clearing that up mate, yeah I would say on the water hardness/softness it does seem that many peeps are getting issues with the yellowing, now Mg doesn't get locked per se it, gets moved around the plant and I've been reading that the hard/soft water really does make a difference but what interested me is the symbiosis with Calcium and I'm wondering if the water companies are fucking about with the water see ;)


You never fuck up mate, you learn :yep: Couple of days dude and I reckon ;):lucky:

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My tap water last summer had an EC of 0.7 at present it is 0.2, that tells me to always check. Pain in the arse.

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Is this constantly happening mate these wild fluctuations with the supply ? I'm positive they are fucking with the water see, not tin foil hat territory (just yet lol ) but it's just THE one common thing that peeps use across the board is water, many say it's this and that but perhaps it's the water all along and not so much the nutrients etc :unsure: I don't know, sometimes I think too much.

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