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Some yellow leaves, 4 weeks flower


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Yellow leafs to me is normal now i always get yellow leafs during flower my bud turns out nice so yellow leafs dont bother me now unless therea loads lol

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I use OT bloom and for the strain i grow i never get above 3ml/l. If i get N deficiency I give them a feed of 3ml/l Biobizz grow(what im used to-comfortable with the dosage) which works for me.

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the dreaded OT bloom yellowing again it is pretty standard TBH bud i supplemented with plagron sugar royal last time i grew organic and it was much better its just a lack of N but they look pretty healthy to me and you are set for a decent crop :)

I was looking at that Plagron Sugar Royal, it says to feed once a week with it? Is that how you did it? I still have leaves turning yellow, I am concerned I won't have any green leaves left by the end.

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I use OT bloom and for the strain i grow i never get above 3ml/l. If i get N deficiency I give them a feed of 3ml/l Biobizz grow(what im used to-comfortable with the dosage) which works for me.

Hi, do you mean you give them a feed of Grow or a feed of Bloom plus Grow?

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If you see them yellowing from bottom up they need a bit more of N. Only leaf that should go yellow during a grow is the one that is getting no light.

IMO if its good grow and bloom and added at right amounts at time you should not need any other nutes or additives.

Had years of growing with bio bizz grow and bloom and plants were nice and green.

e2a to be more clear i would up the grow for a next watering and add the bloom with it,see how they look after that and if yellowing has stopped.

Just my 2p

Edited by Herbal Kint
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I was looking at that Plagron Sugar Royal, it says to feed once a week with it? Is that how you did it? I still have leaves turning yellow, I am concerned I won't have any green leaves left by the end.

yes bud I used once a week at the start of the week and gave 1ml/l and it worked a treat cant say it did massive things for resin production as it states it does, but with an NPK of 9-0-0 I would be tempted just to whack in a ml of grow with your bloom feeds, I moved from biobizz to PM and if I grew organic dirt again I would use, biobizz grow, bloom and alg-a-mic and pm soil supreme, granules and bio silicon and you would be onto a winner there :)

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I gave it 2ml Grow and 2ml Bloom last night. I have some of that Plagron Sugar stuff on order. It's deffo N deficient but it shouldn't be, it got plenty of Grow in the first few weeks (enough to burn the tips slightly). The leaves that turn yellow are just random leaves, not all of them are hidden from the light and with being a scrog they aren't going yellow from the bottom of the plant upwards cos there is no bottom, it's all on a level. If I can just limp along to the end without all the leaves turning yellow on me first, I will be happy. I just looked and it looks like there are a couple of new yellow ones, maybe last nights Grow was too late for them? I hope that is the case and some Grow will have helped. I will update again. I appreciate all the help guys, thank you.

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maybe last nights Grow was too late for them? I hope that is the case and some Grow will have helped. I will update again. I appreciate all the help guys, thank you.

Your plants dont look bad mate, there will be plenty of bud there by the looks of it. Your grow seems tidy,just tune nutes a bit.

I was given 20bottles of that plagron stuff,green sensation,sugar royal,some fishy black thing and what not. I dont now, they have so much of that if i was to use it by their schedule i would have 12 bottles instead of two. Irritating , i avoid them.

Some Bio silicon from PM makes them nice and sturdy in veg, some Mycor for roots , grow , bloom , molasses and seaweed for finish. Works great for me, never more then 2 bottles in use, unless i OD them with grow and bloom then i give them molasses/seaweed combo for a feed or two until the break down nutes that i gave them. When growing autos just add some Cal-mag to the mix from day 15-20.

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@@Herbal Kint Thanks mate, I only got the Plagron Sugar stuff this once on a whim because of the 9-0-0 nute profile (and I was ordering some bulbs anyway). I thought it was worth a go for this situation.

I generally just use PM Grow, Bloom, Silicone and Granules and that's it. I also used some PM Cal-Mag this time as I had cal-mag issues early on. It's not part of their organic range and I read somewhere about it killing the micro-herd but not sure of the truth of that..I just remembered so thought I would mention it (it only took two doses to solve the cal-mag issue so it's not like I was over-doing it).

I might try Biobizz Grow and Bloom when next stocking up because I always get N deficiency at the end anyway (with PM OT1 nutes), just not this early.

I wouldn't know how/when to use molasses or seaweed, I am still learning. :)

I hope the last dose of 50:50 Grow and Bloom helped, I will also give it some Plagron next time since the tiny £10 bottle arrived today. ;)

The plants budded up all at once at 4 weeks but look the same now a week later, but that could just be a strain dependant thing.

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Use 0.5 - 1ml seaweed in the feed once a week throughout their lives,'SM3' seaweed is the one i got.

Molasses at 1 tablespoon per gallon once a week added to the feed. Both these together form an excellent bloom booster.

They lost some leafs so that will affect your final yield, but as said there will be bud.

Its just what i picked along the way, some may disagree but i highly rate mentioned above.

Edited by Herbal Kint
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Things not going well. The last 3 feeds it has had went 2mlGrow/2mlBloom/1l (I thought a half and half combo might help) then I got that Plagron stuff so I gave it 4ml Bloom plus 2ml of the Plagron since it has N in it (apparently not much), then this morning as it was still yellowing I gave it 4ml of Grow (probably what I should have done in the first place).

I took most of the totally yellow leaves off the other day so the yellowing you can see in this picture has happened since then. It's getting worse.


It is only 5 and half weeks into flower.

I will explain what I mean by making a mistake in feeding that started all this, I thought I had fed it twice as much as I should have, panicked and decided to semi-flush some out. Then I realised I had NOT fed it too much! So I was basically trying to rectify a mistake I hadn't made! I only poured about a litre or two of pure water through but that is what has caused this. I had thought that by giving it a decent feed next time (and more N) it would recover but it has obviously hit it hard.

Maybe I can limp along and end up with something, but it is going to hit the yield badly and that's if it finishes at all. At least that is what I am thinking.

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I've had this yellowing with my autos too, but started around the same time where you are at now and I haven't nailed it, slowed it like with grow but it still got gradually worse and they are still doing it.

I just managed it to be honest because I'd rather do that than nuke them with Nitrogen and cock up the end product, it's a tough one cos you've got a fair bit of time to go and this has been happening a while.

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@@botanics It's heartbreaking. They were starting to look like the yellowing was slowing down then in one day it went a lot worse...and it was the day after I gave it 4ml Grow ffs. :(

I just hope I get something, but am not hopeful atm, if it keeps losing leaves at the rate it did yesterday it won't have any in a week.

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Hmm, now this is what happened with mine mate, these photos below were taken at day 34 (I didn't realise it was this early I had the signs until going back through the pics) I trained these LST, really hard Bouncer style but the yellowing can be seen on the old growth


I kept feeding combined grow and bloom but the level required to stop this issue was burning them, so I reduced it and slowed it instead and decided on a management programme with it (I didn't want to over do the N see and bugger up the buds)

These photos are on day 54 and you see how it continued,


Now I know that it will have hit my yield which also convinced me that if I wanted to pull something I'd need to boost the lamp power, so I upped the Watts at around the time of it becoming an issue to compensate.

If you can manage it mate and slow it that's better than not at all, I don't know your due chop day (mine is 70 on these above) but yeah considering you're giving them grow etc and them not improving a management strategy might be your best course, trouble is see changing nutes now and messing about might make things worse.

If me I'd be gving them seaweed extract mate, little bit at every feed but not much cos they'd burn, as this will help the plant against other issues.

Below is one of the last pics I took of my girls and you can see that still buds will come if you manage it well enough mate.


Hope it helps man :yep:

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