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Some yellow leaves, 4 weeks flower


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Chill Winston.

There ain't nothing you can do but wait.

Just leave em to dry out, a week if you have to, just watch the buds.

If they are still swelling, give em some water, half of what is normal. Leave em till they stop changing.

Then chop em, dry em and smokem.

Cos you will be smoking some shit, free weed, grown by u.



Bollox, I wanted to embed that shit, on my phone tut.

Edited by zztopbudz
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I was thinking under watered... But I dunno if you say their not drying etc... The soil looks very dry from what I can see in pic up there...

How dry are you letting them get before watering?

We can keep guessing all day. It's difficult to pin point where it went wrong really.

Along with your feeding probs etc etc it's upset them big time if they aren't drinking for upto a week. Could be a myriad of reasoms. Environment, watering, feeding... lol

But frequent underwatering would cause this exact state you see...

Only you can decide what to do bud... :yep:

That soil isn't dry, it has a dryish layer on top about 1mm thick cos it's been sitting there wet that long the top dries out, you see. It's not the environment cos it's the same environment I always use, I did fuck up and think I over-fed and the semi-flushed, and then realised I hadn't over-fed and that's what started it (I mention it way back in the thread) and then it just never recovered, it just went worse with some brief periods of plateauing.

I know how to water with the wet-dry cycle, normally I water every other day with full grown plants in 6.5l pots. I let them dry out the right amount, not so much it pulls away from the pot but pretty dry. Not DRY dry though.

But with is plant after I fucked up, I was over-watering for a while, it only wanted to drink every 3 or 4 days but I was too impatient to give it some food (cos it was going yellow) and gave it every other day, then after I gave it Grow it sat there for a week soaking wet not drinking...and we know the rest. So, she did go through a period of over-watering a few weeks back but I was doing it because I was panicking at it going yellow, I don't normally over-water. And never will again! :) It was definitely at no point, under-watered, the opposite is true.

So, I basically really damaged it with that semi-flush. I was a bit stoned and for some reason I thought I had given it twice as much feed as I meant to, so I flushed with a litre or more just plain water in the hopes of saving it from being burned. Then later I realised I had got mixed up and had fed it the right amount. The effect of this was pretty dramatic. I wonder if I flushed out the micro-herd or it changed the ph or I don't know what but it was a disaster. And she never recovered.

Edited by ananda
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Sounds like root rot ,not drinking etc sorter looks like it too .

I wouldn't be surprised. I will check the roots when I chop her. Cheers mate.

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Chill Winston.

There ain't nothing you can do but wait.

Just leave em to dry out, a week if you have to, just watch the buds.

If they are still swelling, give em some water, half of what is normal. Leave em till they stop changing.

Then chop em, dry em and smokem.

Cos you will be smoking some shit, free weed, grown by u.



Bollox, I wanted to embed that shit, on my phone tut.


I dunno, what about the fact that she will have no live leaves in a week? Cos if she carries on like she has the last few days....that's how it will be.

I will have a look tomorrow and decide then, if the pot has dried enough for a feed then I will be deciding then, depending on how many leaves have died in the 24 hours. Cheers mate. :)

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Iv done it a few times in the past lol with pots I cant get to very easy so cant lift them and they look dry on the top ,best thing you can do as already stated is let dry out till realy light and give a little water and a close eye ...ld wait a little and pull her the very first sign of a bud discolouring...although some people may think this is to late... its what I did :)

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Iv done it a few times in the past lol with pots I cant get to very easy so cant lift them and they look dry on the top ,best thing you can do as already stated is let dry out till realy light and give a little water and a close eye ...ld wait a little and pull her the very first sign of a bud discolouring...although some people may think this is to late... its what I did :)

I do want to wait. Those buds want at least another week really. But I don't know if I could gamble like that, I couldn't stand getting budrot. I have PTSD from this grow already, lol.

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Yes its a bit of a gamble realy.....if poss check biggest buds for rot best you can... I would try get at least one water when she drys before chopping give her a bit of a flush :)

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Yes its a bit of a gamble realy.....if poss check biggest buds for rot best you can... I would try get at least one water when she drys before chopping give her a bit of a flush :)

I am tempted to get one more water in but....flush? I have never flushed, though I see on my new Biobizz feeding chart it recommends it. PM's chart doesn't and I was using their nutes.

If I was to water again I was thinking of giving it 1ml Fishmix and 2ml Biobizz Bloom.

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If your leaning towards taking her down soon I wouldn't feed I would use plain water.

I have heard you don't need to flush with plantmagic ot but I always do maybe someone else will weigh in with answer to that...if you want to be safe always flush :)

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I would just chop her at this point today I think, the buds look well developed and there is a risk of bud rot with all those dying leaves.

Edited by StevieRays
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I would just chop her at this point today I think, the buds look well developed and there is a risk of bud rot with all those dying leaves.

I am. :) I looked at her this morning and she had a lot more dead leaves, I started chopping and did about a third before I needed to go to bed. She's a bitch to trim, very popcorn like buds, loads of leaf in the buds.

I think it's root-rot like @!HEMPFRUIT! said...... I will post a pic of the roots when she is fully chopped. She did sit there basically wet for a week.

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Do I need to get every last vestige of dead leaf out of the buds when trimming? Cos that's not easy at all. it's full of them now.

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