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Some yellow leaves, 4 weeks flower


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I use 2ml of fishmix right up to the end of week three and then drop down to 1 ml + between 2- 3 ml of bloom through to the last week, which is plain water.

I would give yours 1ml of fishmix and 2 of bloom.

e2a, There is no way you will over do it with 1ml of fishmix, just treat it like grow and you wont go far wrong.

Edited by erbivore9
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You'll have to suck it and see but I'd use fish along with bloom at a minimum of 1ml fish to whatever rate of bloom..

You just do the best you can to get to finish now. You're doing OK, they are defo swelling so just nurse them bitches to the end now..

All the best man...

Was trying to pin you down to doses there. ;)

I get the impression that when using Fishmix as a replacement for Grow it is best to use less than whatever amount of Grow they say on the chart. Although reading some of those links @@Herbal Kint posted (and from some Googling) some people were giving what sounds like the same amount of Fishmix as you would Grow-but I would have thought that 4ml of Fishmix instead of 4ml of Grow during flower was too much N?

Anyway, next feed will probably be 0.5-1ml Fishmix and 2-3ml Bloom because she will be coming to the end I think.

@@greenfingers1987 that sounds like a good combo, I use PM silicon and granules anyway and now I have the Fish and Biogrow.

I have the compost that I added Dolomite Lime to assuming I would be having cal/mag issues again because I would still be using PM Nutes but if I am using Biobizz maybe I should use the unadulterated stuff I have?

Edited by ananda
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I use 2ml of fishmix right up to the end of week three and then drop down to 1 ml + between 2- 3 ml of bloom through to the last week, which is plain water.

I would give yours 1ml of fishmix and 2 of bloom.

e2a, There is no way you will over do it with 1ml of fishmix, just treat it like grow and you wont go far wrong.

That sounds right. :)

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the same amount of Fishmix as you would Grow-but I would have thought that 4ml of Fishmix instead of 4ml of Grow during flower was too much N?

Anyway, next feed will probably be 0.5-1ml Fishmix and 2-3ml Bloom because she will be coming to the end I think.

4ml of fish sounds ridiculous IMO, some get away with that, tbh i dont get it. If i gave my plants that amount they would curl to crap.

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i would go 1ml fish mix and 2ml bloom and see how they react, tbh i cant see them needing much more than that bud

and dont try to pin @@hazeydaze down to exact amounts lol, he couldnt tell you if you held a gun to his head lol and he has stunning plants, some things just cant be taught ey mate lol

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Yeah, for sure Hazy knows his onions and advice he gives is solid and he has the evidence of pics to back it up :yep:

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and dont try to pin @@hazeydaze down to exact amounts lol, he couldnt tell you if you held a gun to his head lol and he has stunning plants, some things just cant be taught ey mate lol


He don't fuck around with ml's that fukka.......He measure's with what the ancient Egyptian growers use to use......Lids :rofl:lol lol

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i would go 1ml fish mix and 2ml bloom and see how they react, tbh i cant see them needing much more than that bud

and dont try to pin @@hazeydaze down to exact amounts lol, he couldnt tell you if you held a gun to his head lol and he has stunning plants, some things just cant be taught ey mate lol

I am going to do that amount next time. :)

I don't give up trying to pin Hazey down, lol.

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Look lads you're fukkin giving me a complex mun. It's on the edge of bullying now.. Pffftttt... :wanker:

lol lol :rofl:

FYI I can and do know how to measure I'll have ya know.


Thanks @@botanics bud, I'll pop that bud in the post for ya asap butt...

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Here's tonights pic, looks the same as last night which in my book is a good thing these days. Not worse is good.


I am a bit worried about this - bud leaves dying and going crinkly. Could this lead to bud-rot? I pick off the dead ones but the dead bud leaves can be stuck right in there and a bugger to pull out without grabbing hold of the bud to steady it, which I don't want to do for stickiness reasons. Anyway, dead leaves in the bud? Worrying?

You can't see it well in this pic but that crinkly dead leaf to the left of the bud is attached to that bud.


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You need to man handle the fukkas and get those dead and crispy leaves out of there bud.


Will do! Cheers mate. :) I will get me vinyl gloves out.

omg, she is sticky and smells fabulous, not like anything I have smelled before, it's Noname by Ugorg btw and just let me quickly lament here what would have been a rather good crop of some amazing bud. I just need to grieve now and then. :wallbash:

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Wait til you smoke her... She gets you very high does no name... :stoned:

I believe so and tbh I am glad to be getting anything from this grow. It will help keep me going till my next crop. :)

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they are full of crystals and seem to be fattening up some what bud so not all is lost if you can keep them going for another few weeks i think you wil be surprised with what you get, and hazey is dead right about removing useless leaves, i always go by 'is this leaf going to do any good here' answer 'no' then rip the fucker off lol and there is still plenty of good foliage...

i have seen people remove nearly all leaves at week 4 of bloom and get amazing yields, its just you will be doing it due to necesity rather than choice

@@hazeydaze pfffft bullying lol lol, I liked @@Lennon 's comment about the ancient Egyptian cap full lol lol, your only being like that as its the truth lol

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