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Some yellow leaves, 4 weeks flower


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Nothing wrong in there mate, looks almost ready ,

maybe smaller but maybe tight and chunky. and full of tricomes.

looks like a lovely plants apart from hunger signs, i personally pull the worst off,

but the bud leaves are looking ok so id say harvest within next two weeks and dont worry

as it looks lovely smoke.

is that one plant ha wow il have to read the whole thread.

estimations are ten plus oz!

wow very impressed mate!

cheers and good luck

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There are a lot less green leaves now though, even the bud leaves are going yellow. I think she will be ready for a feed tonight but I think it will be the last because there will be no chlorophyll left. She looks lots more yellow than that last pic.

@@nyleridedog probably would have been 10oz yea. One plant. Not now though, maybe 1 or 2 of popcorn I reckon. :(

Like I say it was that friggin Grow I gave it, followed by overwatering, if it wasn't for that she would have finished ok. I thought some Grow was the right thing to do since it looked N def but omg no it wasn't.

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Here she is tonight, notice no fan leaves left, even the bud leaves are going yellow from the bottom up. However, I think there is enough green there to justify trying to carry on and not giving up yet. Let's face it though the idea of her "perking up" at all is not going to happen. It's a matter of nursing through to the end. My Biobizz arrived today and the compost is finally dry enough to water, so I will look at the Biobizz feeding regime and see what it says for week 7. I could give it a little Equilibrium too.


BTW, remember this is a DR60 and those buds are pretty small, they are popcorn-like in structure. This isn't good. I am looking at an Oz or two of popcorn here atm.

Edited by ananda
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I give 1ml grow from day 1 of flower till end. Bloom 2-3ml at week 7 out of 10week strain. Finish on some molases and 1ml grow/bloom.

So week 1ml grow/bloom , week 2 ml bloom 1ml grow, week3-4 depends how the look i go with 3ml bloom and 1ml grow, i stay on that until they bulk up nicely and go with 1ml both from round day 60 out of 70. When growing auto just add cal mag on that and plants look mint.

Hope bio bizz works better for you.

Edited by Herbal Kint
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So it seems 3ml of Biobizz Bloom is the amount.

Should I augment that with 0.5ml Fishmix or 0.5ml Equilidrium?

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You use fish instead of grow?

I would add less of that then grow as its very rich in N,my plants love the stuff i dont, it stinks.

Tbh by the look of your plant i would go with 2ml bio bizz and ml grow, just my 2p.

I stop using cal mag 14 days before harvest, nothing documented just my way. So might try a feed and see how it goes.

I use Sensi cal mag 1ml per L. Only with autos , never had to use it with photos.

e2a i use grow instead of fish just because sometimes i overdid it, its strong and headband is N sensitive it seems.Less chance to od with grow.

Edited by Herbal Kint
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@@Herbal Kint, I only just got the Fish today along with the Bloom, I have always used OT nutes previously. I think it would be ok to give Equilibrium because it is organic so can be given up to the end as opposed to MagneCal etc. However I don't know whether Fishmix might be better at this point......everything I have done has made it worse so....I don't know. Can't make my mind up. Thanks mate.

Just realised you are supposed to use Grow and Bloom together with Biobizz, didn't know that. I only bought the Bloom and Fishmix, I suppose I can use it instead of Grow.

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I'd dose her up with a good feed of fishmix on next feed then back to normal thereafter myself.

You want to be giving a little more than the .5ml of fish with the bloom. Also I wouldn't bother with the equilibrium.

Stop stressing,whats done is done, Unfortunately. no point fretting over it now bud :yep:

Equilibrium isn't organic, I don't buy that for one minute.. :stoned:

Edited by HazyDaze
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I'd dose her up with a good feed of fishmix on next feed then back to normal thereafter myself.

You want to be giving a little more than the .5ml of fish with the bloom. Also I wouldn't bother with the equilibrium.

Stop stressing,whats done is done, Unfortunately. no point fretting over it now bud :yep:

Equilibrium isn't organic, I don't buy that for one minute.. :stoned:

Unfortunately I went ahead and watered before reading your post and have done pretty much the opposite. I gave it 3ml of Bloom and 1ml of Equilibrium. I decided against the Fishmix because she responded so badly to the time I gave her Grow. Oh well. :eek:


I used OT Bloom cos it has a higher N and the Biobizz is new and I didn't know what to do, did I need Grow etc....like I say all this happened before your post....

Edited by ananda
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with the PM bloom being a one part feed you never did 'wrong' bud..

Maybe dump the equilibrium off and see how you go without. It doesn't sit well with me with everyone dumping mag cal in their plants when it's clearly something lacking in the PM feed to have the need for supplements..

I don't get those symptoms since I dumped off PM see. So....

Good luck man... :yep:

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Just to show you how decent a feed fishmix is this is a plant grown with nothing but fishmix from start to finish...


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Just realised you are supposed to use Grow and Bloom together with Biobizz, didn't know that. I only bought the Bloom and Fishmix, I suppose I can use it instead of Grow.

Yes, its a 2 part nutrient , bloom + grow , or bloom + fish.

I would still add less fish then i would add grow, just my experience .

Hard to tell if you are doing any good with leaves in that stage,but just feed it by schedule and should be some bud.

Read this rough schedule http://www.uk420.com/boards/index.php?showtopic=20954#entry144418

To get idea how much with fish mix https://www.uk420.com/boards/index.php?showtopic=341272


Edited by Herbal Kint
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@@HazyDaze Yea, I will be using Fishmix and Biobizz Bloom for the next grow, tonight I just wasn't sure of doses what with not even realising Biobizz is a 2 part nutrient when I bought it, lol.

And @@Herbal Kint , yea at this point with the leaves as bad as they are it's hard to know if anything will do any good, so by giving it 3ml OT Bloom I was just giving it a regular dose of something, which seemed safe. Thanks for the links. :)

I will probably just keep on with 3ml OT Bloom or work out a similar dose in terms of Fishmix plus Biobizz Bloom. Would that be about 3ml BioBloom and a little over .5ml Fishmix like you posted earlier @@HazyDaze?

So in general would I use about half the amount of Fishmix as I would Grow along with BioBloom? Like week 6 of "light mix" it says 3ml Bloom and 3ml Grow, would I use roughly 1.5ml Fishmix instead?

That KillerSkunk only had Fishmix?? :)

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You'll have to suck it and see but I'd use fish along with bloom at a minimum of 1ml fish to whatever rate of bloom..

You just do the best you can to get to finish now. You're doing OK, they are defo swelling so just nurse them bitches to the end now..

All the best man...

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I would agree wit hazey daze for sure, when I used biobizz I used grow, bloom and never used fishmix but had a bottle and never used due to the smell lol I used to use bio heaven which imo is an amazing product although expensive, alg-a-mic is also a great greener upper, and a great stress reliever, tbh if I grew in dirt again I would use biobizz fishmix, bloom, bio heaven and alg-a-mic, plant magic soil supreme, bio silicon and granules for pot up, this would be an amazing team up imo but I think PM bases are shite and I had nothing but problems in flower even though I used plagron sugar royal, I kept them healthy but it was a fight to the end and I hate growing like that :)

I got a bottle of fish mix for my mums to be as they needed nutes as they were going pale and the PM dirt had run out of nutes so I gave them 2ml/litre of fish mix and also did a foliar spray, went in today and they are greening up a treat its good stuff but tbh I didn't think it smelled that bad when I opened the bottle it just smelt of grow with a hint of fish lol but when you mix with water the smell is more pronounced but when you spray it ffs :bad: it stinks lol but its great stuff, I keep wondering if its grow and alg-a-mic mixed as that stinks of the sea too ​

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