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my trial run of dutch passion autos

vince noir rock n roll star

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vince noir rock n roll star

hello again ,little sunday update ..i had to chop the purple bbka last night as it had thrown out a couple of male nanas ,now then before anyone goes off on the old dutch passion herme bastards ala blueberry many years ago ,this is solely my fault ..the last week of flowering you really dont want to fuck with the light regime ,stick rigid to 12/12 with some strains ..sadly this week has seen my tent down to 7 hours light one day ,9 an other ,8 on another 6 today ..proper been a fucked up week for it ,so every mistake that could be made has been by me but the plant was more than ready to come down ,and when trimming it initially i had to say ,i was smiling like someone who had one a new life in the bahamas ..lovely lovely sticky purple buds exposing themselves through the lush green leaves ,what a beauty smells nice ,looks nice and a fair yield from it considering the way its been flowering mostly under very low light levels and light times ..well done dutch passion ,it would be nice if all the bbka looked this way for sure .





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right then ,i wouldnt normally redo a thought ,but ive just had a smoke of auto colorado cookies ,its been in a jar since it dried ,not touched or even looked at ..must be a week or two at least ,what started out as limey has become something else now ..and the aroma is to put it frankly fuckin awesome ..fruitylimey..but oh wait for this ..the smoke now has a softer biscuity undertone ive not tasted in any strain of cannabis ever ,and ive tried a goddamn shitload of different weeds and hashes over the years ..this is truly something that you should try ,its a lovely cosy indica effect too ..i think i can say i have a new entry in me top tens of smokes .

smoke report on the auto black berry kush ..

scroll down for answer


That was a great read Vince, you certainly have an individual style of growing, and now I just can't wait to try the Cookie and BBK, having drooled all over my laptop reading the smoke reports and looking at the buds, esp that 2nd pic in your last post..... yum. I just have a month or so.....

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vince noir rock n roll star

warning ...do not smoke blackberry kush with hayfever ..unless you want to collapse ,be disorientated and generally massively fucked up ...thanks dutch passion ,really enjoyed blackberry kush this week ..its a total disassociation smoke for me ..my mind just packs its bags and fucks off somewhere else ..not quite sure where but ..i have noticed this ,i have dreams when i sleep on this ,ive not had vivid dreams in many years ,the only other smoke ive come across that does this for me is speed devil from sweet seeds ..im sat here struggling to find any words in my head ...this is meditation stuff ,id hate to have to use a map or sat nav after this ..ill do a picture update of the blueberries and think different a little bit later when the cameras charged ..i did notice just now that i have two very leggy starryders with the wicks ..dont know what that means at the moment but im guessing its important .

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vince noir rock n roll star


nice ..


blueberries and starryders in small pots with wicks ..lets see what they can do


think different being absolutely drowned in light .

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vince noir rock n roll star

its been murder keeping the temps down this week ,honestly feel sorry for those running hps this week ..so far this week all ive done is give the tray a feed of 2ml oldtimer bloom ..the heat has attracted the fungus gnats to the tent so wednesday will be a good clean out and remedial steps ..but the blueberries seem happy enough ,the two starryders are very leggy due to the heat i reckon ,but no worries theyre still within height limits ..the think different is already frosting up ..i wish id wicked her from the start now but we got more beans to try so next plant will be a wicky one ..





carry on keep calm people the worlds gone a little mental this week ..gardening will help retain your minds equilibirium .

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Aye vinny my temps have been a bit higher this week like but they seem to be handling it ok so far

Lookin good mate :yep:

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vince noir rock n roll star

beware next week ,tuesdays sposed to hit the 30 deg mark ,that will equate to mid 50s in my garden and around 29-32 in me tent ..better hang some wet towels in there for a day of two

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hello again ,little sunday update ..i had to chop the purple bbka last night as it had thrown out a couple of male nanas ,now then before anyone goes off on the old dutch passion herme bastards ala blueberry many years ago ,this is solely my fault ..the last week of flowering you really dont want to fuck with the light regime ,stick rigid to 12/12 with some strains ..sadly this week has seen my tent down to 7 hours light one day ,9 an other ,8 on another 6 today ..proper been a fucked up week for it ,so every mistake that could be made has been by me but the plant was more than ready to come down ,and when trimming it initially i had to say ,i was smiling like someone who had one a new life in the bahamas ..lovely lovely sticky purple buds exposing themselves through the lush green leaves ,what a beauty smells nice ,looks nice and a fair yield from it considering the way its been flowering mostly under very low light levels and light times ..well done dutch passion ,it would be nice if all the bbka looked this way for sure .





Some lovely purple frosty goodness there @@vince noir rock n roll star :smokin:

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vince noir rock n roll star

been a bit of a disastrous week with the heat and other things out of my control ..so remedial work will have to be done this week ,wednesday i may take the plants out and do a full inspection maybe even pot a few into normal size pots and let them breath out a bit ..i discovered the feed tray was bone dry this morning ,so 6 half litre pots have drunk 5 litres this week alone in the first few days ..gonna be hard to maintain them at that rate so bigger pots for some

the think different on the other hand has been a little darling ..loves the heat ,dont drink too much and by starting her on 12/12 she has kept a single column growth pattern which for this run has been spot on ..shes frosty from day three of flowering too ..interesting plant to play with .





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vince noir rock n roll star

sorry for the delay been a tad busy ..not much to report other than think different is incredibly frosty ..blueberries have started to flower ,no going back on this now ,6 plants in half litre pots now flowering ,i wont be doing this again ill tell ya ..its too small a pot ,too many issues ..but wicks are helping keep the ball rolling .the starryders have both survived being snapped ..





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