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my trial run of dutch passion autos

vince noir rock n roll star

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Excellent! I have 3 Forest Dream, sat dom, at about 5 weeks from DPassion Tony was thinkin about adding 1 to the groom. You got me thinkin, will try this out

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vince noir rock n roll star

the other reason was because of the soil from the previous grow still contained lots of good nutrients and it seems a shame to waste them

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vince noir rock n roll star

well its wednesday ,tip run is done ,garden tidied ,and a host of other chores sorted ..so its reward time ..auto blackberry kush rosin ..its a thing of beauty and what a taste ..copious amounts of rosin from a small nug ,happy times .



oddly as i was doing this my youtube playlist switched to old john berfelos video on rosin ..and how to fold the parchment ..so fuck it ,john have a free ride in my diary ..been doing this since my 2nd press simply because i had oil go runnin out of the parchment onto the straighteners ..common sense is the mother of invention .but the picture ive put up may help some others new to rosin .



nearly done with this starryder ,gonna have to plant some seeds real soon methinks ..to replace these


for me this plant structure is the perfect one for my style of grow ,short ,fat and full of resinous bud .

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vince noir rock n roll star

@@vince noir rock n roll star just stumbled in here and what stella work you are doing mate, nice one :v:

high praise indeed mr d ,thank you .your not looking so bad yerself sweety .

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Cheers bud :sorry:

Nice rosin action btw, I was catching the drips with another piece of parchment :doh:

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Liking you're Johnny B synchronicity ;-)

Co-incidentally, earlier today I was re-watching John B rosin video and bought a 250kg clamp and better flat iron (one @@Vapehead uses).

Lovely bit of rosin there Vince and star ryder looking awesome


Edited by Hatchy420
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vince noir rock n roll star

im thinking of building a bench vice with hotplates on and a larger handle to be able to put what would commonly be known as a fuckload of pressure into it ..wifes not going to let me get another compressor or a 20 ton press sadly ..but i reckon you could get a couple of ton pressure out of a vice

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vince noir rock n roll star

smoke report on the auto black berry kush ..

scroll down for answer


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vince noir rock n roll star

fucked up the timing of me sunday update ,but will endeavour to inform ,i chopped the starryder down ,fat as fuck and sweet smelling again ,loverly

the little runt of a plant bbka i pulled out the soil today ..and then felt bad so ive put it in a tiny little pot ,ive snapped two starryder plants right over their resilience means it doesnt seem to stunt the buddage but just encourages more ,,anyway ..i made a little tray experiment up ,ive got three half litre pots with wicks in ,i have to go 12/12 for a bit to finish off disco biscuit and the j47 ,so what better way to start an auto or three off on 12/12 ..this`ll keep em squat ,and then when the regs are done they can all go back to 18/6 or 17/7 whatever me sleep pattern is at the time .

i shall update with pics tomorrow so all becomes apparent ..oh and i also potted a think different in a nice long pot ,oh and i chopped off the last of the colorado cookies ,an extra few grams of that wont go amiss ,cheeky little treat .

and all this because of the kind generosity of dutch passion ,cheers fellas ,its all be lovely so far .

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vince noir rock n roll star











been really enjoying these plants ,like theyve renewed my enthusiasm

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