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Do cooker hoods remove smell?

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I've been cooking with cannabis every night for a decade at least and never had hassle from it, the smell is only for about half an hour at most, my neighbor's backyard spliff is more noticeable.

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You need to check if the hood has a carbon filter in or not really.

Some do and some don't

My CDA hood has 2 of them fixed to the fan above the metal grease and fat filters for example but I've seen other models that look exactly the same without the carbon filters inside.

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Cooker hoods will remove very little smell, have you ever went for a walk on christmas morning? All you can smell is christmas dinner cooking.

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  • 2 months later...

I was wondering if anyone knew if the cooker hoods in new houses filter smells? I would like to start cooking with cannabis again when I move but IMO the smell is too much of a security risk without some sort of filter and don't want to just be pumping the smell out into the street.


Using the cannabutter 2.0 I outlined the only time I have a noticeable smell is when I finally opened the decarb'ed plant matter. Which is really only like a brief vapor smell. Although I did stick my nose right in it to smell, so maybe I remember wrong. Its only on the heat for 30 minutes, so much smaller window of time for "smells" to exist, what little there are. If your in an apartment complex with just walls between you and neighbor, maybe not, but stove vents into roof, or to outside in anyway, I'd say you're good.

Thanks for the like. Happy cooking, chef!

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Using the cannabutter 2.0 I outlined the only time I have a noticeable smell is when I finally opened the decarb'ed plant matter. Which is really only like a brief vapor smell. Although I did stick my nose right in it to smell, so maybe I remember wrong. Its only on the heat for 30 minutes, so much smaller window of time for "smells" to exist, what little there are. If your in an apartment complex with just walls between you and neighbor, maybe not, but stove vents into roof, or to outside in anyway, I'd say you're good.

Thanks for the like. Happy cooking, chef!

Yeah going to try your method soon it looks really good. :)

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  • 2 months later...

There useless for removing smells.

What I do is grab handful of garlic gloves + couple teaspoon of cummin seeds add-to fry pan with water on medium. Make sure to keep adding water before the pan starts burning. Work out aright for me and stinks like a curry house :)

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  • 5 months later...

get activated carbon sheets that they use for filters in fish tanks (i think)  i use them to patch up passive air intakes, they filter smells and block out light :)

Maybe put a few sheets in your cooker hood? just a thought

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