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I was the same I used to give them a little every day but it did more worse than good.

Early days you want to give them a little every few days just to help the roots spread out, best practise is to let the soil dry out a little, get the roots looking for mositure in the soil. ;)

Then when they get established 2 - 2.5 weeks start a wet dry, like what's been said, water slow I use my method of take a joint and your MP3 player of choice, Walkman, MD player you know what I mean lol give the plants a drink of few hundred ml, have a toke rock to your favourite tune, then repeat till you get some run off. Then no more water for a day or 2 even 3 if the plant doesn't need it. Can be longer can be shorter the weight is how you tell.

So if you let them dry out before you water check the weight so you get a feel of how heavy it needs to be when you water again, ;) I'm still learning alot but all the people who've helped you in this thread have helped me!! And my growing has came along great!! I'm Still making mistakes but there's plenty of people on here to help me out.

:v: Dweeeb

Good luck with the grow bud hope it goes well. Remember while you're learning the only stupid question is the one you dont ask. :yep:

(Ps do you have a diary going?)

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I was the same I used to give them a little every day but it did more worse than good.

Early days you want to give them a little every few days just to help the roots spread out, best practise is to let the soil dry out a little, get the roots looking for mositure in the soil. ;)

Then when they get established 2 - 2.5 weeks start a wet dry, like what's been said, water slow I use my method of take a joint and your MP3 player of choice, Walkman, MD player you know what I mean lol give the plants a drink of few hundred ml, have a toke rock to your favourite tune, then repeat till you get some run off. Then no more water for a day or 2 even 3 if the plant doesn't need it. Can be longer can be shorter the weight is how you tell.

So if you let them dry out before you water check the weight so you get a feel of how heavy it needs to be when you water again, ;) I'm still learning alot but all the people who've helped you in this thread have helped me!! And my growing has came along great!! I'm Still making mistakes but there's plenty of people on here to help me out.

:v: Dweeeb

Good luck with the grow bud hope it goes well. Remember while you're learning the only stupid question is the one you dont ask. :yep:

(Ps do you have a diary going?)

Thanks @@dweeeb for the time you took to write that mate, thats really helped me get things figured out in my head. As you know its so overwhelming when you first start out, temps/humidity feeding, watering etc its a lot to try and balance starting out. The whole weight thing has really help me gauge what im doing now and they are a little on the heavy side, my instinct tells me they are. I havent started a diary yet as i dont know what im doing when it comes to that also, the i wanted to upload my pics of my set up and the progress so far but i have tried resizing but this windows 10 is a nightmare so unfortunately i cant share that with you guys.

Again thanks for the help bud, i may call on you at some point. :yahoo:

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@@LOTUS1 looks like you’re getting some sound advice but it could just be me and I’ve missed something, how many seeds have actually cracked above the soil and showing their first set of leaves?

And like its been mentioned, if your plants haven’t started showing their first true set of leaves (eg, their actual 2nd set, but first that are serrated), don’t saturate all the soil when in large pots, let them start to grow, little and often is the way with the feed, as the edges and bottom of the pot simply won’t dry out if you saturate it, and that could cause other issues.

Personally, I start them off in small 0.5L pots, find it easier to control the feed and not drown them.

Do you have any pics as that would help a lot?

Edited by Serpent
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@@Serpent thanks mate. I planted 4 all together, 2 of them have there 2nd set(serrated) 1 has poked through but still has its helmet on and i think the other cooked. Do have some concerns with the environment though.

If i zip the tent up all the way the temps are heading past 30c, humidity fluctuates from 30-40's.

I pre wetted (moist) the soil before potting but i think the soil is maybe a tad to wet.

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To resize your pictures go in the the 'paint' program and open the picture, or right click thw picture and click 'edit' or 'open with' and choose paint.

Find 'resize' at the top, by percentage resize by/to 50%

Once thats done click save

At the bottom somewhere the size should be shown, you are looking for under 600kb, keep resizing until you are under that then you can upload.

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Thanks @@dweeeb for the time you took to write that mate, thats really helped me get things figured out in my head. As you know its so overwhelming when you first start out, temps/humidity feeding, watering etc its a lot to try and balance starting out. The whole weight thing has really help me gauge what im doing now and they are a little on the heavy side, my instinct tells me they are. I havent started a diary yet as i dont know what im doing when it comes to that also, the i wanted to upload my pics of my set up and the progress so far but i have tried resizing but this windows 10 is a nightmare so unfortunately i cant share that with you guys.

Again thanks for the help bud, i may call on you at some point. :yahoo:

I'll help where I can mate, otherwise just ask away. :v:

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right, heres what you need to be doing over the next couple of weeks (worry about the rest when you get to it)

with you saying your pots are heavy i'd leave it for a day or two.

mist your seedlings once every couple of days, not too much, like 3-4 squirts lol

i'd avoid trying to water normally for now b'cos the pots your using are quite big and you'll only have a taproot and the developing roots, this is not a problem at all but it will be easier to keep track of where and when the soil is wet for misting.

i'm not sure you have to worry about all this converting stuff? i've never converted anything waterwise??? :ermm:

when your plants are bigger in about another 4-5 weeks, you just need to water them until it starts running out of the bottom, some may have some mathematical equasions for this.... i never have??? i just used to use 1 and 2 litre bottles cuz it was easier to measure nutes out. eg if i had a 1 litre bottle and nutes are 5 ml per litre then add a 5ml dose into that bottle.

but worry about that bit in a few weeks.

if your seedlings look like they're stretching about in another couple of days i'd be tempted to move your light down a couple of inches aswell now you've switched to 250.

other than that, there's not much else you can do......so might aswell get reading about growing 'non-autos' ;)

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