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Aye, I've read some of his stuff, I read First Blood, I'm more a horror fan so I've read more of his horror stuff than his thrillers, his short story Orange is for Anguish, Blue for Insanity is superb.

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5 minutes ago, Boojum said:

I'm more a horror fan so I've read more of his horror stuff than his thrillers,


I'll send ye a copy of Totem! :D I reckon it rides exactly that line!


Another ~ damned if I can place the fucking title, now, off the top of my head? One where a bloke and his family bug out. Can't remember Why, now.


Him, his wife and son. They find themselves in a 'Ghost Town' and meet some living relic there. His story! It's like one of those moments where ye just raising that sandwich to ye open mouth?


Then, as ye hear him, it Stays there! Ye eyes fixed, and bulging. Sandwich giving up all hope and just drooping there. *Shudders!*


In fact, yep: Looking back? I reckon more of Morrell's shit has stuck with me, thirty, forty years, than probably any other author!


I mean, Herbert was God, where Horror's concerned. I've read a shit ton of horror! (" The Room " was good! About thirty years or so back? Can't remember the author)

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Pretty sure I've read The Totem, but I've read so much horror it all tends to blend into one, the stuff that sticks in my mind is generally of a particular type, my favourite horror is folk horror and existential/cosmic horror : Lovecraft, Algernon Blackwood, Arthur Machen and newer stuff from authors like Thomas Ligotti and Laird Barron. Of the recent horror I've read I think my favourite authors (although they don't really write either folk horror or cosmic horror) are Stephen Graham Jones and Paul Tremblay (A Head Full of Ghosts is superb). I think the best horror novel I've read, just for sheer emotional impact, is Song of Kali by Dan Simmons, it's a total headfuck, relentlessly bleak, horror in the truest sense of the word, not all blood and guts, just dread.

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3 hours ago, Boojum said:

 a total headfuck, relentlessly bleak, horror in the truest sense of the word, not all blood and guts, just dread.


:D I recognise that Gauntlet, sir! " relentlessly bleak, horror in the truest sense of the word. "?


Okay: There's an Irish place, bit like this. Some cunt's asked, " What's the Bleakest Film ye've ever seen? "


Hands down winner, for me? " The War Zone " 😱 (1999. Ray Winstone. Dir. Tim Roth) Oh My Fucking God! It Starts off, simply by draining every drop of life and joy from the room ye sitting in.


IF ye manage to the end? Ye'd might as well just fucking kill yeself then. Because ye scarred mind will never forget That fucking film existed! 😳



" Requiem For A Dream " is another one, they said, should come with razor blades! Never seen that, yet. Must look it up! :D

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I watched Requiem for a Dream shortly after it came out with a mate who had been raving about it. Sure it was bleak - it was co-written by Hubert Selby jr who wrote Last Exit to Brooklyn (now there's a fucking bleak book & film) so that's not a surprise lol but I'm afraid I thought it was pretentious and self-indulgent, not to my taste :nea:


The War Zone is grim, but I thought it was excellent, it's a shame Tim Roth hasn't directed more because he's clearly talented at it. As a companion piece Nil By Mouth, starring Ray Winstone and Kathy Burke and directed by Gary Oldman is also bleak but brilliant.


Bleakest film I've ever seen, I'd say Pasolini's Salo, or the 120 Days of Sodom is a prime contender, just relentlessly grim, the aforementioned Last Exit to Brooklyn is up there too. And the Japanese animation Grave of the Fireflies - it's a genuine masterpiece but it's such an emotional kick in the guts that I've watched it once and will never watch it again despite how good it is, I don't have the emotional fortitude.

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The Substance.  A very dumb pretence for a story but very original, both cleverly written and delivered with some fucking excellent scenes and set pieces, the uncomfortable camera angles, slomo close-ups verging on soft porn got a little nauseating but fuck me, that was a crazy movie.  The transition scene after a vape might make you bug out a bit though but stick with it. lol   

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Rewatched Blade Runner (Dangerous Days) 1982, and It's still a great film for the time... a time when we still built good sets and had good actors plus a solid storyline soundtrack by that guy Vangelis .... perfect for the film

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On 25/09/2024 at 09:49, Boojum said:

 Requiem for a Dream ~ I thought it was pretentious and self-indulgent, not to my taste.


Watched it, last night. Tricky, disagreeing with ye own view of it. Hell; If it hadn't come with such a fan fare? Frankly? Dunno if I'd  have bothered to sit through it. As it is? I feel I did 🙁


Oh, and 2000? Along with Snatch? So; Who 'invented' the ~ we'll call it the Eye sequence? Amusingly useful, in Snatch. Had me reaching for fast forward, last night! 😒


Bleakest film I've ever seen, I'd say Pasolini's Salo, or the 120 Days of Sodom is a prime contender


Saw 'Salo' ages ago. My only enduring memory was a sense of, 'Some sort of cunts ~ putting up with that!' :D Dunno why. Guess I wouldn't! Can't remember it particularly though. Wouldn't get on 'flix, would it?! 😂


Last Exit to Brooklyn


I'm sorry to say, I couldn't find. Seems one of these they just won't let get out. Shame.


And the Japanese animation Grave of the Fireflies - it's .....


It's what I, now, have lined up for next! :D Heard about it, practically since the internet. Something else to get done then :yes:


Ray Winstone is a long standing goody, of mine. Loved him since " Fox " :yep:  Roth? How does " Made In Britain " resonate with The Drug Crazed Massive? Once again; My personal, at the time, introduction to The Man.




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Made in Britain is an excellent film, and IMHO Tim Roth's best performance. We watched that and Scum in GCSE English lol

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Rewatched for hr 3rd time last night, The 5th element love the whole film but now realise that Bruce Willis was the wrong choice for lead he's crap at filling out the character with his bland/flat face that never changes makes him pointless. brucie boy hit his peak with "die hard" I think Harrison Ford would have been better or even me 🤣  or how about the guy who plays Aquaman

this is a prime film for a remake.

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54 minutes ago, Boojum said:


is s great british classic .... I got to see it when I was in Borstal, bad move on the screws side.......RIOT fun times

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Grave of the Fireflies.


Me disappoint, immense! 😟 👎 All this time, being so aware of its ~ cult like ~ existence. Finally sat myself down. (Lights out, of course!) to see for myself this gruelling journey .....


Well; It was fucking gruelling, alright! 😒 So sick of waiting for it to 'start', I couldn't wait for it to end!

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