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Amnesia Kush.......Yum yum


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@@HazyDaze I get tunnel vision sometimes. To my downfall it would appear.

I will start the little and often. I just hope it is not too late.

Would half a litre between them be too much, every other day? For example. Or should I just bottom feed?, as has been suggested.

Or have I killed them with kindness?

I am such an idiot.

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It's hard to say. I dunno when it comes to measurements and stuff. I don't really measure how much I'm watering veg plants. Ive been doing it so long now It's just a judgement thing for me..

You build the wet/dry cycle as the plant develops, but its not a great idea to give a complete soaking from the off, if you get me...

It depends how rooted those pots are.. Water slowly until it just starts dripping out the bottom and monitor how long they take to dry out to next watering.

When you have a good root system you can give them a good soak then but don't rush them to a 'complete' wet dry cycle until they establish the pot.

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What is the best course of action ? @@indicatoker420

I am such a dick. Should I start the little and often or let them dry out a touch before starting. Oh before that I think I should pray. Oh and give myself a punch in the face.

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It's hard to say. I dunno when it comes to measurements and stuff. I don't really measure how much I'm watering veg plants. Ive been doing it so long now It's just a judgement thing for me..

You build the wet/dry cycle as the plant develops, but its not a great idea to give a complete soaking from the off, if you get me...

It depends how rooted those pots are.. Water slowly until it just starts dripping out the bottom and monitor how long they take to dry out to next watering.

When you have a good root system you can give them a good soak then but don't rush them to a 'complete' wet dry cycle until they establish the pot.

Some great advice. Thank you very much. It is always good to have a good rootzone established before you start full feeding/drenching your plants. Typically if you have a good root system then a watering ever 2-3 days is the norm imo :)

Great advice thank you

All the best


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Your lucky I'm still being nice after a few of us said you were over watering and then you come back with an update saying you put 2 litres through um... Meh!


Just kidding bud, every days a school day... You'll get the feel for those ladies before you know it..

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I bet that plays a little part too then mate, not enough air exchange so that will slow down the evaporation from the medium and the plant drinking the fluids, so get more air to them and follow what hazy said.

Edited by indicatoker420
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It's the over fukkin watering indie. Don't confuse matters bud.... lol

lol yeah defo overwatering to start with, the lack of air will basically enhance the overwatering though lol

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Hi mate

the reason your yellowing is due to a lock out imo. Your letting the plants sit wet with no oxygen. I did reply a few days ago with a method to get it sorted. Try 100 or 150ml max of the coolest water you dare and see how long that takes to dry. Build it up in 50ml stages.

Now there soaked so put some wholes in the side of the pot and try help it get oxygen to the roots. You don't want root rot.

If you put them in tent with bigger lights the heat should help dry it out.

No big deal atm but you need to nail these next few waters, them yellowing leaves can be ripped off later.

If you can't see the roots at the bottom yet try 75ml in top 75 in a tray under the pot the plant will sup it up if roots there or encourage them down.

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Thanks for the help. Apologies for being a fool.

I will give them a splash tomorrow. And myself a slap in the process.

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We all fuck up mate my first grow on this site was shocking for me lol. Never mind brings us all back down to earth. Hope your resent smoke is going down well man

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