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Amnesia Kush.......Yum yum


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@@botanics thanks my friend. I am well chuffed with them. They will stay in the bag for a couple of days, before being Jared.

Although the buds are dry enough to smoke,a good cure will just improve the taste and flavors. But I find myself being very up and kind of giddy after a joint or two. Quite energetic. But after a good session, the Kush creeps up and before I know it,I am laid on the sofa very content and relaxed. This AK packs a punch,but you can clean up before it lands.

I will give a full report after a cure,and the weight will be discovered when they hit the jars.

Live long and prosper

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Well done sy we got there in the end and by the look of things you have some fine end product :) well done and until the final weigh in and cure enjoy your harvest mate :)

All the best and thank you for the dry shots very much appreciated.


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@@botanics i would of let them go another week ideally, but they were well flushed. Yes it is a nice balanced stone, like @Theoldboy said,very morish.

@@Dinafem-Mark thanks mukka, I am really pleased with how they turned out. If it was not for all my friends on here,might not of made it. Looking forward to seeing what the scales say,I got blessed with 5oz from the critical mass cbd, so if I could match that I will be happy.

I can see where the amnesia comes in,I have forgotten what I was doing on a few occasions, I went to get some coffee,and a lighter. Half way remember that I need my wallet,go back for my wallet. Finally get to the shop and I had forgotten what I needed. lol

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Nice one Sy, always nice to get over the finish line and especially when the jars have been empty (luckily its some time since I felt that pain ;) ).

The hash looked and sounded very nice too, I would agree with other that if you plan on keeping it for a period of time then breaking it into small pieces and leaving it spread out on thick cardboard for a couple of days will allow it to dry properly as I guess when you have dried it in a pattie you will have trapped moisture inside which over time would spoil the hash.

Atb bud onwards to the next grow :v:

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Nice one Sy, always nice to get over the finish line and especially when the jars have been empty (luckily its some time since I felt that pain ;) ).

The hash looked and sounded very nice too, I would agree with other that if you plan on keeping it for a period of time then breaking it into small pieces and leaving it spread out on thick cardboard for a couple of days will allow it to dry properly as I guess when you have dried it in a pattie you will have trapped moisture inside which over time would spoil the hash.

Atb bud onwards to the next grow :v:

It's under 3grams dev.... Lot less now I guess. lol

Nice one sy.... :stoned:

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Good morning fine people, and welcome to the closing stages of this diary. Thanks everyone for your kind comments.

The buds have been in the brown bags for the last 2 days, and I am now happy to get them in the jars. As for the final weight, well I am over the moon........220g,so that is just shy of 8oz. That's 3 more than was harvested from the CM!!!!

I will return with a smoke report in a couple of weeks.

Well it is early,and I need a coffee.

Tuttie bye

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@@botanics cheers mate, yes cracking result. The longer I can stay away from the dealer the better.

Well it has been a good weekend really, my jars are now happy, the SS are due for their 0.5l pots, so that means in a week we can get the BK cracked,as I want these going ASAP. This should give me enough time to sort a new bed,but if not I will be on the sofa for a week lol. Another good thing that happened is that I had a bet on the man utd match,predicted the score.......only went an won the bet @8/1,so with my stake that's £9 back. Happy days.

Time to roll a fattie.

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Great result sy and a very respectable end yield. Just shy of 4/oz per plant :) this Imo is a great yield :)

Will definitely be looking forward to a smoke report once fully dry and cured :)

Well done sy now onto the super silver. The extra few oz should come in handy due to the longer flower time :)

All the best and thank you for the end weigh in much appreciated.


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@@botanics i don't usually bet,so it is a nice feeling. What is a yankee? My day is very chilled, hope yours is not to stressful.

@@Dinafem-Mark thanks mate, I am well happy. Vegged for 10 weeks,so the extra time must of helped. Might give the SS the same, as I plan to get the BK going and Give them 6,before switching.....but we will see.

I would highly recommend this strain,without a cure it is very tasty.

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