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Amnesia Kush.......Yum yum


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@@beezee thanks my friend, they are getting juicy.

@@Highburyway your too kind mukka. They do seem to have a bit of weight,one cola has a definite lean.

Well I could not help myself,and stuck the old nose in the tent for a sniffbanging sesh. My nose tingled with the sweet scent that was inhaled. As I was at it,took a few snaps with the lights off.

Day 58






Edited by sy100276
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Owww day 58 :) :) :);not long now ;) I give this amnesia og the credit you will (not)get board of blazzing it up sy always hits the spot im looking forward to seeing what you think of it ;) have a good evening pal T.O.B

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@@The Old Boy Thanks for dropping by my old chum. Yep it is getting really close, I am well chuffed.

Morning all,

Well yesterday i had almost finished the hash that I had,well there is a tiny lump left but I won't be smoking it anymore. That's right,a sample has been taken from each plant. I sinnped the lowest branch I could find from both girls,the pistils has turned. This gave me the chance to have a good look at the trichs with the loupe. I can happily report that we have mostly milky,so it is on like Donkey Kong!!!

The buds were trimmed up,and then chopped up in to small pieces. I then spread them out on the radiator,on a piece of paper and shut the window,and turned the heating on for a good few hours. Come 7pm a few pieces were dry enough to smoke,so I turned then heating off and rolled a joint.

What can I say about the tester? Jesus, thus stuff is strong lol After the first one I was dancing in the front room,by the time I had number two,my mind was racing and music sounded kind of 3d from my crappy radio, number three the Kush side had really set in and I was nodding off in the sofa lol Then I was to bed for me. So thumbs up for the tester, can't wait to dry it properly with a good cure,this will be dynamite..... BOOM.

Hope you all have a good day,almost the weekend.

Keep it green,keep it real

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@@botanics morning my friend. That's right soon they will be down (evil laugh).The buds from the samples were pretty dense,so I will give the girls a squeeze tomorrow night when they will have the last water.

It has been a long and enjoyable journey this time round,learnt a few things and had some good lessons. This hobby does not just give us bud to smoke in my mind. Sometimes life can be hectic,but sometimes it is good to stop and look around you,take a breath,just relax. Listen to me getting all mindful before10am......... lol

Just had an email to say the ISO is here between 11-12 so that's good, maybe a few other bits might turn up.

Right my brew is getting cold,and the joint needs lighting.

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You are super close to the finish mate and what can I say other that you've done a great job. By the sound of the sample buds your going to have some a grade buds,some hash and butter for your shortbread :)

I think growing is 50% good for your own bud the other 50% is very therapeutic and does help Imo with depression. I don't know if it is getting back to nature but certainly helps :)

Well done sy not long now mate

Thank you for the picture update very much appreciated.

All the best


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@@Dinafem-Mark Thanks my friend, it was your kind seed 4 diary offer that has given me something to smile about....so a big thanks to you.

Also a BIG thanks to everyone that has contributed with tips and advice, you all helped me and the girls through (yes I am still traumatized by the memory) I kind of wish that I was a bit more normal,so I could get to the expo and shake some hands and smoke some AK.

Just an update on my postal situation. The 2x20l buckets,fiskar micro-tip and ISO has arrived. The bags are yet to be dispatched, oh and I ordered a few extra packs of organic papers last night before I passed out. Normally I have to wait for my tablet to work,not last night....I was toasted. lol Can't wait to see them tomorrow night, to see how things are shaping up.

Looking forward to making butter, I plan to use the bits of leaf that fall off as the buds dry (think it is called shake). Guess that should be adequate. If there is not much I will just make it up with bud. Was thinking 7-10 grams would be enough for 1 pack of butter.the shortbread should be nice with a canna choc covering. Mmmmmmmm

Oh,it looks like I am waffling so it might be time for some lunch and an afternoon smoke.

Tutty bye.

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You been smoking soap bar sy? :unsure:

Not long til the jars are full again bud.. :stoned:

How do you add pics like you do bud? I don't usually click on small pics for a looksy cos it takes me to gallery and I find it a right Pita but your pics don't go to gallery and just enlarge up when clicked.. :yep:

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@@HazyDaze that's right my friend, I have been burning soap bar. I had been trying to put off the tester, but it was giving me a headache and tasted bad. So that's when I thought a tester is over due so I took the lowest branch from each. Not long till I will have some quality hash.

The photos....I take a pic on my phone,then use "re size my pix" (or any re size app) to set the size to 500,save the pics that have been altered. Then I come into here and start a post. Once finished with the text of the entry,I click post. Once posted, I click EDIT, think it is on the bottom right hand side of the post. Then I get an option to add file,I click on that,select a re sized pic, then click UPLOAD you should see the little pic appear. I think the max you can do is five at a time. But you can just post a full stop go back and edit and post pics. You just can't add text to the individual pics. I can't seem to do this in the main diary section though.

Hope that helps mate.

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@@HazyDaze no more for this chap. Nasty, I had forgotten what it was like and the weed the dealer had was shite. Oh well another lesson learnt.

Sooner I get this single bed sorted the better me thinks. As it looks like the super silver is going to be the winner and she is a long one. So I want to get the tent back up, with a single bed against the connecting wall. With the tent furthest away from the connecting wall. Been thinking of ways to reduce the noise from the ducting, as even with acoustic, they are not silent. So will will use a larger size acoustic duct over the 5", kind of double bagging it. Or covering the ducting in a duvet,that us another option? That is a few weeks off yet, but watch this space.

Wow,can't believe it is almost 4pm, where has the day gone.

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Yeah better off without that shite Sy, not long long to go now bud and the old jars will be topped mate :yep:

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