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Amnesia Kush.......Yum yum


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Hi sy, nearly there me old mucka. Looking like fat nugs on there. Strip any leaves more the 50% yellow off or the plant will waste energy trying to repair them matey. Peace man keep up the good work

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Getting close to chop time now mate,some nice looking nugs for your jars in the not so distant future.

Good luck with the final few days buddy.


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@@1lastchance thanks for that my friend, I will go in tomorrow night and remove a few leaves that are more than 50% turned. Oh and I might just snip a small bud for a tester.

@@Tenchie hope your well mate? Thanks for dropping in. Yep the days are starting to go a bit slower now,as harvest approaches. But trying to keep busy. I am thinking 8 days tops, so that would make chop day the early hours of 4/20,so I will chop and then shop for seeds.....should be a good day.

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I reckon 4/20 is a damn good day to be chopping ganja Sy :yahoo: These are readying up now eh, looking sweet mate hope the aromas are whetting your appetite old china :yep:

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@@botanics cheers my friend, yes I thought that was quite appropriate, chopping on 4/20. Could not of timed it better if I had tried lol. The smells are really nice,they smell like quality. Lemony,citrus smells are present with skunkyness in the background. I removed a couple of dead leaves last night,and I was getting a kind of pineapple smell of all things.

Well I have been busy today, went and cleaned my neighbors, called for a brew at another neighbors and she asked me to do some shopping for her. So as I was in town I picked up some laytex gloves and some large foil trays.

It is getting close.

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@@Highburyway the last few days do drag a touch my friend. But hope to be quite busy the next few days, and then from Wednesday I will be waiting for my bubble bags and a pair of 5/gal buckets. So hopefully chop time will be here before we know it.

Time to finish the last few joints of Street weed,then a lump of hash to burn and then it will be time to snip a bud.

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@@Highburyway the last few days do drag a touch my friend. But hope to be quite busy the next few days, and then from Wednesday I will be waiting for my bubble bags and a pair of 5/gal buckets. So hopefully chop time will be here before we know it.

Time to finish the last few joints of Street weed,then a lump of hash to burn and then it will be time to snip a bud.

I would say just over 2 weeks mate and you will have some fine end product along with a few grades of hash which will be great to see.

You have done a great job pulling this diary back together, well done!

Things are looking great. 4/20 here we come

All the best and thank you for the picture update very much appreciated.


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@@Dinafem-Mark your kind words are very nice to hear,thanks. But if it was not for you and some good friends on here,I don't think we would of made it.

Pretty excited to get my order in tomorrow, then it will just be a case of waiting for the postman. Going to grab some ISO to clean to bags after the runs. Think I will do 2 mixes with the trim,be glad to see the back of coffee filter hash.

Speaking of hash,picked up 7g this morning so I don't have to take a bud tonight. They are due a water tomorrow so I might take one then,kind of putting it off if you know what I mean?

Well I have just realised that my brew has gone cold,so I am off to make a fesh one,and knock up a bacon butty for lunch.

Toodle pip.

Edited by sy100276
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What's this 'coffee filter hash method dude? not heard of this mate and got some trim here from the last 2 runs and wanna be making some hash but got no equipment now

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@@botanics it is quite easy.

You will need: 2 x buckets, 1x pair of clean tights, tape, ice, trim. Coffee filters. A few glasses (pint pots,or large jars work)

In the first bucket make layers of ice,trim,ice trim etc,then cover with cold water and let if sit for a bit to get nice and cold. Then with a large slotted spoon just mux and stir with vigour. After 15 or so mins of mixing,left it sit for a bit and then mix again. You can repeat if you want. Then let it settle,once 30 min or so have gone by,use your hands or something to remove the majority of trim and ice. The resin should be in the bottom of the bucket.

Now with the second bucket,stretch the tights over the top and secure with tape, you should have a kind of drum.

Then get piece of hose,I use the shower hose for mine. Then you want to syphon off some of the water I take maybe 3 quarter. Then just pour the liquid through the tights, they should remove small bits of leaf and ice. Once this has been done,remove the tights and put the liquid in to a tub of some kind,a clear one is good. Then place this in the fridge for a few hours. As it is cooling in the fridge, get the filters ready. I use a couple as they can tear if too much liquid goes through. I kind of put the inside the top of a pint pot,you might need a few.

Now after a few hours in the fridge you should see the line of hash at the bottom. The just pour the liquid through the filters. I fold the edges if the filters over the lips of the glass so it doesn't fall in. Then it us just a case if filtering the water. Once all the water has gone through the filters. You should have the hash on the filter, scrape off with a spoon and place on another filter or a plate.

That's how I did my last few runs and it seemed to work.

Hope that helps my friend. Happy hash making.

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Just to edit,

I got that a bit wrong. Once you have removed the trim/ice from the bucket, then pour through the tights. Then let settle, and then syphon some off. Then chill.

Stay busy

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Thanks for explaining that Sy, I've never done a water hash, just my old dry sift I used to do with a screen I put together years ago which I aint got anymore, now I've got a new method copied and pasted to my notebook :) Thanks mate, you're a first class diamond :yep::yinyang:

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