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Amnesia Kush.......Yum yum


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@@botanics your right there me old son. The sadness soon passes when I get that scissor hash rolled up. lol The last crop was the critical mass cbd which was a ratio of 1:1,so I have got a feeling this is going to put me in my back. lol

@@desertshaman thank you very much. Soon be harvest. Yipppeeeeee

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Looks like your in for a decent haul Sy and yeah this will be knockout gear compared to your 1:1

Keep up the good work! :D

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@@Sun Maid Rosin muchous gracias compardre. It will be nice to see what we finish with, might even reach the 175g mark if we are lucky.After smoking the 1:1 last time,I am a bit scared of these beautiful girls,look so nice but they will rip your face off,and crap down your neck kind of thing......bring it on!!!!

@@Highburyway cheers my friend,thanks for the kind words. That's mad,we will both be trimming at the same time,just in a different place. Your going to be busy with yours,they are very nice indeed.

Edited by sy100276
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@@Highburyway well I can safely say......no. Good news the seeds arrived thanks @@Dinafem-Mark,bad news is I am crap at making decisions. lol So as was mentioned a few days ago,and it might be fun is to run a poll.

That's right my friends and fellow time travellers, I will let YOU decide.

Right,I need to roll a joint, dunk a biscuit and start a thread.

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@@Highburyway well I can safely say......no. Good news the seeds arrived thanks @@Dinafem-Mark,bad news is I am crap at making decisions. lol So as was mentioned a few days ago,and it might be fun is to run a poll.

That's right my friends and fellow time travellers, I will let YOU decide.

Right,I need to roll a joint, dunk a biscuit and start a thread.

It looks like poll time :) going of the strain this will be a totally different type of high compared to a high cbd strain :)

I think the amnesia kush will have very little cbd around .2-.5% then a high thc rate of over 18% this we will have to test :)

All the best


Edited by Dinafem-Mark
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@@Dinafem-Mark thanks for that mate, should be fun fun fun. As for the poll, I struggled to set it up on my phone, so I have just started a thread, and will just count the votes come chop.

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Good morning friends, welcome to day 55. Almost at the 8 week mark.

Last night the girls got rotated and given the feed of plain water. Both girls were given 3l each with a small run off. The ballasts were also switched up,and switched down. So that's 600 to 400,and 400 to 600 (hope that makes sense).

Not really much else, as the end is in sight. Looking at them they don't have long left,thinking of 7 days maximum?

Any how I have just woken up,and I need a brew and a joint (breakfast of champions) lol






Edited by sy100276
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